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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by catwoman30

  1. Oh I wish I had experienced this scent like the previous reviewer. On me this is is almost a rose SN start to finish. It's very powdery with a strong throw. Kinda like pink Dove soap x20. I'm a huge fan of rose so this isn't necessarily bad...that being said I also have a bunch of rose scents so I'm on the fence about keeping this one. Will test a few more times for sure.

  2. On me this smells like a man wearing old-fashioned Brut cologne, sitting in the garden next to a lavender bush while drinking a cup of black tea (that is a lot more cream and sugar than tea ). I find it to be green, herbal and creamy in a soft, comforting way.


    While that description may sound unappealing to some it reminds me of my Daddy,gone 27 years now. He wore Brut cologne when I was very young so it brings back a lot of memories. The idea of the scent is to convey a father and daughter enjoying quiet time together and for me it captures that feeling brilliantly.


    ETA I actually ended up washing this off as it evoked TOO many memories...I had a very complicated relationship with my father and I guess it's just too much. Off to the swap pile sadly.😖

  3. Strange...all I get from this is a pale jasmine with a hint of ylang ylang. Nothing green or herbal whatsoever. It smells very clean and bright on me. I'd love to have a bottle but honestly I'm afraid it might not smell like my imp.😕

  4. I bought this for myself as a birthday present since I am a Virgo. Wow...just wow. Straight from the bottle is strong lemon verbena with a touch of patchouli. When first applied the patch comes forth strong but verrrry briefly. The lemon verbena comes back and it is gorgeous..a bit creamy almost(musky).After a bit I get the effervescence that the other posters mentioned. It made me think of Pop Rocks candy. Now this doesn't smell candy-ish at all- more of an echo of it. The patchouli is very low on me and I agree there is some hidden note that creates a very round, well balanced scent. It is quite joyful in a very gentle way.Absolutely sublime.

  5. Red soil and scattered pine needles, acorn husks and pine cones, burgundy pitch and oak leaves, drooping black cedar branches, woodmoss, and a cluster of pale, poisonous berries.

    Wow...I've never been first to review a scent. I hate to give a partially negative review but this isn't what I was hoping for. In the bottle it smells like being in the woods but on the skin it was all dirt. I could barely smell any other notes.After about 15 minutes the soil dies down some and I get some pine and what I think might be the acorn husks and leaves.There is a smidge of the berries. Getting past the soil part is difficult (for me) but it does get better as it goes. I'm going to retest later and will update my review if needed. Others may have a completely different reaction to this. I'm eager to read other reviews.
    ETA I should have explained that I can only take dirt notes in small quantities but honestly this is growing on me....☺
    Note to self:do not try on heavier oils when you are just getting over the stomach flu and it's 90° outside.
    I feel this will work better as a Fall/Winter scent. It's a bit overwhelming in the heat. Funny thing:I went outside after it rained today and the air smelled a lot like this oil!

  6. I recently bought this unsniffed because like so many others I was intrigued by the name...plus I could use a little joy in my life. Right off the bat I get rose with a brightness to it that I assume is something from the mint family. There is an herbal undertone I can't quite place but it's very light and only in the wet stage. Pretty soon everything but the rose fades and it lets its presence be known...loudly. On me the rose has a slightly creamy smell and soon reminds me of Nivea cream;like almost exactly. I quite like that smell so I am beyond happy with this kitty. As far as the 'benefits' I do find myself more cheerful when I wear it. I'm really glad I took a chance on this one.

  7. First up - sorry to hear things have been so rough, I hope they get better for you real soon :hug:


    There isn't really *one* scent that I reach for when I'm feeling blue.. although I do find TKO makes me kinda happy, for me it's very relaxing. I made a little room spray up with TKO, and a few spritzes of that through the room seems to mellow me out a lot.


    Sometimes I want to wallow in the feeling of depression, I hope you'll know what I mean by that, cos I know it sounds crazy - but sometimes I just want to "enjoy" it for what it is and let it stay with me a while - usually when I'm like that I will reach for more 'dark' smells like Crowley or Hellhound or Snake Oil or Lucy, Kissed.. something about those deep, sensual smells is very comforting.


    Other times, I'll want something bright and cheery to lift me up - that's when I'll reach for something like Mouse's Sad and Long Tale, or Snow White or Antique Lace, or a vanilla/foody type blend. I have to be in the right place for that though.. if I try those kinds of smells when I'm not really ready to be cheered up then they annoy me with their happiness (again, hopefully you'll get what I mean there).


    BUT! I do have one thing that never fails to cheer me up.. my box o'smellies. I have all my GC imps in one box, and all my LE decants in another. Sometimes I just like to get one (or both) of the boxes and go through them - trying things I haven't worn in ages, imps I haven't tested yet, reacquainting myself with old faves - I can spend ages doing that, and I find it takes my mind off of just about everything. So that would be my suggestion - maybe it will work for you too.


    Finally.. one more :hug: for you :smile:

    Thank you-I just don't know what is going to help at this point-I tend to like more lavender type stuff but you know if you have clinical depression not much of anything helps-just wondering what other people do.I might look for some imps of stuff-I have a few to swap but no money to buy a bottle of anything....and :hug: right back...

  8. I have been having a rough few months:got evicted, my heart problems have worsened so I cannot work and my bf keeps pushing back his visit time(it's long distance).My meds aren't working and I was just wondering if there were any scents that people find to lift their spirits and also calm them down.I know this is TMI but I have spent most of the day in bed too depressed to move.....I'm sure others can understand. :blush:

  9. Wow-what a difference a few years makes!I tried this not long after it first came out and all I got was a harsh soap smell and swapped it away ASAP.Well I thought I'd give it another shot as my scent tastes have changed a bit since then and I have to say it is beautiful-pure white musk and violets is what I get now....absolutely lovely and will be perfect for the hot, humid summer on it's way :wub2:

  10. Ah-this is a big LOVE for me...It starts off as a very prominent orris/sandalwood combo with a tiny hint of a hazy floral and almost a slight fruitiness I believe is the nicotania.As it dries the sandalwood becomes more prominent and 4 hours later I still get whiffs off it.This scent is utterly dreamy-I wish I had more than one bottle!!!!

  11. Oh how I love this stuff...When first applied I got the same Sugar Skull note as many others which didn't bode well as me and the 'Skull don't get along.After only a few minutes the fruit and flowers began to peek through and as it dried a sweet powdery note began to emerge.It smelled very familiar and I racked my brains trying to figure out what it was and then it hit me: the drydown smells exactly like Hanae Mori Butterfly...on me at least :wub2:

  12. Ah-what else can be said about Velvet-it's easily one of my favorite BPAL oils ever.It does have the richness of the cocoa on first sniff and the warm woodsiness of the sandalwood on application.I don't smell the myrrh per se, but I know it's there to add a softness to the blend.Fades to mostly sandalwood with a slight trace of the cocoa-just wonderful.One of their most soothing and comforting scents.........the one scent I would happily forsake all others for! :P

  13. I have always loved Thanatos.I hadn't tried any in a while but recently acquired a 5ml in a swap.I'm not sure how old it is(it seems new) but when I opened it, it smelled a lot like Zombi as the earth note was so strong.....I don't remember Thanatos having a dirt note at all....anybody?



    ETA-On reading reviews it seems others have gotten a Zombi-vibe from it-I guess what I tried before was light on the moss while this is SUPER-MOSS :P

  14. Oh I was so pleasantly surprised by this little gem!On me, the cucumber registers as just a very clean, green-almost grassy scent.The main floral (if not the only) I get is lily....lovely.This scent smells like a patch of Lily of the Valley-stems,grass,flowers,pollen.....all rolled into one beautiful oil.I must have more than one bottle of this-a new fav for sure! :P


    ETA-Yes I know it is actually Madonna Lily but it smells like Lily of the Valley to me...:D

  15. This oil is such an enigma to me...I admit I was drawn to it based on the beautiful fairytale accompanying it.When I first got it, I opened the bottle and could hardly smell anything....it worried me a bit.No pickles for me :D -not much of anything except a very light, almost muted creamy sandalwood.Once I applied it I was still unsure-the scent seemed to blossom a bit upon application.I kept sniffing it and I think maybe I was expecting more of a musky scent and was actually a little disappointed ....so I decided to swap it.Well as is my habit, before swapping I usually give my oils one more chance before sending them on their merry way....and I am SO glad I did.Maybe I was having an 'off' day when I first tried this, but today is a completely different story.It is still a soft scent, but I am in love!!!!I kept getting whiffs of something amazing-similar to the dry down of Velvet(on me at least) and I realized it was Ivanushka!!!I am ecstatic with this oil and will actually be seeking out more...... :P

  16. I don't think I could say what hasn't already been said about this scent.I adore it-this is what I hoped 'October' would smell like.It is the absolute essence of Autumn in a bottle....like walking through the woods with leaves crunching under your feet(sound familiar?)-a beautiful warm, spicy, woody, and green smell all in one.How does Beth do it? :P

  17. Words cannot describe how much I love this scent.I was a little nervous with all the bold notes listed but it works amazingly for me.Yes-it is on the (very) masculine side but I love it all the same.It starts off with a strong clear patchouli, but as it sits the amber and clove make their appearances to temper the patch somewhat.If you love Lush's Tramp shower gel I think this would be right up your alley as the patchouli is similar in both.It has now dried to a warm, sweet/spicy scent and I wish I had more than one bottle as this is quickly becoming a fav!!! :P

  18. Well I wasn't sure if this one would work on me or not as I dislike vetiver on general principle.....but boy was I in for a surprise: I LOVE this scent!!!!I definitely get vetiver but it blends so well with the cedarwood.Just a warm lovely, earthy scent.Don't get any tangerine,amber or saffron unfortunately(although I think they must be there calming the vetiver) but I still love this.The weather is (finally!!) statring to cool a bit and I think this will be perfect for those golden Autumn days. :P

  19. This oil is nothing at all what I expected....but I love it!I was thinking I would get a chocolate covered cherry smell, but the first thing I think of when I apply it is cinnamon buns-warm, buttery cinnamon goodness.I get no chocolate,caramel, or cherry whatsoever.As it dries it turns more to the afformentioned red hots scent but I don't mind at all-it is a comforting scent that makes me think of the holidays and I will enjoy every last drop from my bottle. :P
