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Posts posted by renaissancerouge

  1. Wowzers, this is nothing like what I expected. Granted my schnoz is a little wonky right now, but this smelled so rich and sweet to me! Like a pomander ball with honeysuckles instead of cloves. It was definitely more...luxe...than austere, and I was expecting smoke, ozone, fire, brimstone. It's very Borgia orgy in the Papal apartments.

  2. I love this, it's so green! It's not herbal green, it's green like the light glinting off the armor in Excalibur. Like, magical penitent green. I like the mystery of not really being able to distinguish notes, but it's not too sharp. It's like buttery citrus fresh and it lasts a really long time.

  3. Wow, this is my first new review in forever. Well, I got my 5ml of Black Opal today, scent unsniffed, and it didn't disappoint me. (Although with my terrible week it would have had to be feces water to disappoint me since anything from the Lab makes me feel better.)


    In bottle: pure Vanilla


    On wrist, wet: sweet, warm vanilla, earth, and ozone


    This is great. I love it. I definitely smell some of the same musky notes in Belle Epoque, but those I can almost taste on my palate, and don't affect the overall sweetness of the vanilla. It's definitely a different scent, don't worry. I know that it will be GONE in a matter of weeks since I'll want to smell like this all the time, and since there's no reducer on the bottle, there's really nothing stopping me from fatalistically pouring the whole delicious bottle in my next bath.


    It's gentle and secret, like a draft from a dark corner.

  4. Yeah, me too, me too! I actually think that Nocturne smells like King Crimson's Walking on Air sounds, but it's the only oil that's smelled like a song to me so far. I'd love to find one that smells like Minor Swing by Django Reinhardt or Ma Vie En Rose by Edith Piaf. My sister slathered the Bon Vivant before an awesome Sonic Youth concert, so I associate Sister rather strongly with that scent, but it doesn't encapsulate the song. Really, unless a scent is named after the song, it's going to be hard to recreate the synaesthesia needed to pull a Nocturne. It summoned up a poignant time in my life, and the soundtrack was Walking on Air.

  5. Dios mio. Wow. This is so much more amazing than even I expected, and I'm eternally optimistic about scents. Belle Epoque is gorgeous and perfect on me. After reading reviews calling it "soapy" and "light" I was a little apprehensive, but it does exactly what I wanted it to.


    In the bottle: Hard to detect.


    Wet: Opium, lemon, oranges, musk, sandalwood


    Settled down: Opium, more citrus, lily-of-the-valley


    Up to three hours later: Soft but still evident lily with opium and a hint of citrus



    I ordered a 10ml unsniffed for the name alone, and I love it. It smells sunny, Mediterranean, sophisticated, and just plain happy. Perfect for summer.

  6. On me, Catherine is nice and simple- a sharply herbal rose that softens to orange blossom and rosemary. I like the old recipe and the story behind it, and it smells very classic; I once made my own eau de cologne with vodka and fresh herbs and flowers that smelled very similar to this. Catherine puts me in mind of summers past.


    Comforting and simple, but not for those who don't like roses or rosemary since they dominate this blend. This is fresh and antiseptic for the first few minutes and is perfect for hot days.

  7. Holy huckleberries, Mata Hari nearly gave me a heart attack. After waiting so long for this one, so greedily anticipating its sophisticated and artful fumes, I finally got my order yesterday. As soon as I opened Mata, my heart stopped and my eyes teared up. There was no swanky cabaret, rose-petal strewn Paris hotel room, coffeehouse cachet...there was only Wicked.


    Wicked is my least favorite oil through no one's fault but my own. I think it's the jasmine/rose combo, and it's my misfortune to have categorized jasmine as "the smell of regret" during my angsty first year of college when I impressed its odor on my subconscious via an injudicious use of Crabtree and Evelyn's Jasmine Eau de Toilette. Wicked dredges up all that and more, also being possessed of a feral quality I can't really stand.


    However, I was strong, and put a drop of Mata Hari on my arm, scrupulously not sniffing till it had chilled out for awhile. Imagine my utter glee fifteen minutes later when the jaz/rose had made way for sweet coffee, vanilla-ish tonka, and the soaring medicinal floral notes of Sacred Whore of Babylon!! I am relieved and delighted that I took a chance on another winner. The coffee/wood notes are balanced perfectly with the calmed-down florals, in a warmer and richer version of one of my favorite oils.

  8. Dude,


    If you haven't tried Yggdrasil, it's a must. It's fresh and outdoorsy, but morphs into WOMANLY, fresh, and outdoorsy on me. It starts fairly clean and herbal, but the transformation to slightly sexy and wood-nymphy is fantastic.


    I also recommend:


    Empyreal Mist- like floating into the clouds on Snuggle the Bear's back


    Undertow- watery, ozoney, lightning in the distance, lotuses braving a storm


    Bewitched/Rosalind- berries and grass after soft rain

  9. Hi,


    If you like light and herby, don't miss Hemlock, Belladonna, or Wolfsbane. All are very green, airy, and astringent, which is to be expected as all are named after herbs. These are so light and green I wasn't able to think of them as perfumes, so my personal preferences for light oils are:


    Undertow- lotus, ozone, green things

    Zombi- earth, oakmoss, dried roses

    Rosalind- green grass

    Empyreal Mist- aquatic citrus and herbs


    Hope that helps :P

  10. My mom has Hunger, which I shamelessly slather myself in when I'm at home. I love it because I'm not a citrus kind of nose, but this isn't a straightforward fruit. I love the color first of all, and the thickness, and when I wear it it becomes this rich golden chorus of warm notes that stays very true. Mandarin-y goodness grounded with the amber-like warmth of the black narcissus/vanilla combo. Very very nice, reminds me of summertime at the folks'.

  11. Hi Melpomene


    Nocturne isn't my second favorite oil for no reason! I can't believe it doesn't get more love on the forum. The description includes the word "somber", but I don't get that at all. I get sweet, dreamy, wistful, summer-nights-in-the-woods-wearing-diaphanous-blue-silk, but there's nothing sad about this scent. I think it's the perfect violet for me (although I haven't tried the Single Note because I find the blends more evocative and splendid) because of the addition of dripping sugary tuberose.


    Anyhoo, if that's not your bag, and it sounds like you've tried a few, I second Veil and Queen Gertrude. Veil is a gorgeous violet because of the addition of sandalwood and other less sweet flowers, and Gertrude is a lovely softer violet- swaying with the wind like the character.


    I love how Elizabeth blends different notes because you can learn to identify them and the other notes that show them off and complement them to perfection. The addiction will never end.

  12. Hey there,


    I love late summer more than just about anything- depending on which state I'm in there are either dusky sunsets, blistering heat, thunderstorms whipping around lush dark green foliage, or cool nights with doomed cicadas.


    For that reason, I have a variety of recommendations:


    Athens- warm honey sun shining through a glass of red wine


    Black Dahlia- cool, vivacious blossoms with a hint of coconut (for the hot times, this is my sister's signature scent and it always reminds me of summer in Annapolis)


    Undertow- wet summer storms


    Nyx- musky, floral late night summers


    The Hesperides- sweet golden apples, perfect for anticipating a fall harvest while still gamboling like a fawn in summer fields.


    I hope that was florid and pretentious enough, and happy searching!

  13. Yeah...I tried this one during a really humid eastern summer so maybe my skin was doing something strange with it.


    In the imp: wet florals and something animalistic...maybe civet or ambergris bouquet.


    Wet: same as above but with a lot more power and throw.


    Dry: musky and feral...quite acrid.


    I really wanted to love this one, since I thought it would be the olfactory equivalent of Helen's beauty, but I definitely get more lady-of-the-night than goddess incarnate. I can see it being very floral and womanly on others, but on me it summons some pretty scatological images unfortunately. I once had a boyfriend who hated the slew of fresh aquatic perfumes young women wear because he thought sexy women should smell kind of "dirty". Whatever that means. I think if I wore this for him he'd follow me, but I hate to say that he'd be following a booty-and-rafleesia-scented me.

  14. Well, he actually raided my bpal box and has started to use Kitsune-Tsuki of all damn things. But that's MY foxy-in-a-diabolical-wintertime-way scent!! I ordered some 5mls recently and hope either Dirty or one of the gifty imps will work for him. Because him using up my Jil Sander Sun (yuck!) is fine, but once he starts in on my favorites all bets are off.

  15. Oh, Zombi.


    I'm so sorry it didn't work out, but I still want to be friends with you. Before my hellish job (which is about to end, hooray!) as a Skubrats coffee drone and the long, hard, industrial commute which it entailed, I thought of you as such a sweet, gentle, slightly undead confection. If I had been a ghost I would have worn you with antique pearls and yellowed lace to float disembodied down the hall of the 109-year old house I live in. I loved that your color is as creamy and off-white as the decaying wedding gown of a jilted Southern bride, with the bite of mosses and woods tempering sweet dreams with romantic wrath.


    But alas, all those impings on the train and bus have replaced my perverse longing for you with a trace of malice, as I now associate you not with affianced ghosts and lacy folk myths but with the dirty Chicago winter whizzing by my caffeine weary and jaundiced eyes. I'm ever so sorry about that time that I imped you and then accidentally sat my backpack in a puddle of transient pee in the station, because I haven't yet been able to shake the urban angst I feel whenever I see your forlorn little shape at the bottom of my oil box.


    I know you'll find lots of other lovers to share your wistful bite with, but as for me, I think I'll next see you when I move to sunnier climes and less hellacious occupations.


    Love, renaissancerouge

  16. My fiance's favorite thing to wear (until he used the bottle up) until recently was Blue Jeans by Versace. Can anyone recommend a few BPAL's he might like or adore? BJ was very sweet and Cool Water-like. I have no idea what notes are in it and rather than do the hard work myself I'd like to hear what a few of the ladies here have been slathering their men in. I'm frickin' tired of department store alcohol water. BTW, he used up my bottle of Empyreal Mist in the interim, which was divine on him, but I want to get him his own smell for Bastille Day (his birthday). He's a Cancer, which means warm, cuddly, and wildly emotional and loving. In case that would figure into anything.


    Thank you, wonderful forumites!! :P :D :D

  17. Wow. I may have found a new favorite which is an effin' tragedy as it's an LE. This is a gorgeous contradictory fragrance that's both buttery and clean, chilly and erotic, and creamy sweet. I want to dye my hair black, rouge my lips, and wander bereft through all the nature the South Side has to offer in the dead of winter. The boyfriend really loves this one, too. I've only had it since Christmas, though, and the miniscus is already at the label! :P


    ETA: My boyfriend just spilled most of my Snow White on himself today. I'm torn between hating him because it was my SNOW WHITE and hating him because he smells good in it, too. Hapless males, what to do? :D

  18. This is the first oil the new boyfriend has commented on. Granted it was the usual "Mmmm...you smell like incense" that all my oils elicit, but it WAS followed by quite a loving demonstration of olfactory appreciation. This is a keeper, sweet and rich, smoky and vanillafied.

  19. I fully intend to ignore the fact that I may be slightly allergic to Le Petit Mort, because I LOVE it. I usually sneeze once or twice right after putting it on, but it wears all day on me, so I don't have to reapply.


    Also, this scent doesn't change very much on me...it's superheated skin, almonds, and cinnamon from the moment it goes on. I love it because it's mysterious, unusual, and sensual, but highly original at the same time. If this oil were a color it would be a dusky rose.


    Maybe I like the compliments I get when I wear this, too. What of it?
