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Posts posted by Voleuse

  1. Dark, ozoney. Bottomless ocean and...grapefruit? Pink grapefruit, even, which seems odd with the other notes, but works surprisingly well. The aquatic notes murk up the citrus, emphasize how light and elusive it is, while the grapefruit keeps the darker notes from being too overwhelming. Over time, the grapefruit actually gets stronger on me, but it stays cool.

  2. Yow! Ozone and citrus definitely, but there's something darker underneath it. An odd spicy sweetness, and something intriguingly musky...that is morphing into a bleachy overtone even as I type. Augh! Well, before the blend went weird on me, it was quite refreshing, dark with spikes of brightness to it. Too bad about the morphing. Sigh.

  3. This is a bright green sort of scent, fresh and citrusy and clean. I like it! Though it isn't at all like I expected it, based on the description. Hm. As it dries, I get an odd, bleach note from the blend, which is unfortunate. It's not strong, but, for me, it completely undermines the pretty, lemony overtones of the blend. Alas!

  4. This comes across as very dark and sensual at first sniff, like chocolate and dragon's blood, but not exactly. On second sniff, something lighter and brighter whips around the base, orange and fresh green. This is a lovely balance of the two extremes, settling into a morning-bright floral, sweet, darkly luxurious, and beaded with dew.

  5. Oooh. Earthy, woody, sweet. This is a very grounded scent, very natural. I find it calming. As it dries, a pollen note emerges, making me feel a little sneezy. Despite that, however, the blend stays sweet and natural. It's a little dark--not sunny, in any case--but it's warm. I like this.

  6. Despite the description, this is still a darker floral than I expected. The grapey lotus note is there, but the incense weighs it down with smoke, with resin. After a while, the sandalwood lends a faint dry note to the blend, but doesn't make a huge dent in the juiciness of the lotus. This is cool, luscious, and dark. It makes my mouth water, and my eyes close. Lovely.

  7. Smoke and florals! I've never smelled a poppy up close, alas, but this is a sweet and light floral note. There's an edge of dirt as well, tempered by the smokiness. Overall, this is an odd combination of acrid and sweet on me, compelling and repelling at the same time. Interesting.

  8. Dirt. Dry dirt, but not unpleasant. It does remind me of Graveyard Dirt and Zombi, but it's nowhere near as rich. (I don't get any similarities to Rat King, as some did.) As it dries, the blend gets a little sweeter, and hints at mushrooms. After a while, it does remind me of paper. Particularly, the paper note of Clio. Neat!

  9. This is all sweet rose on first application, rich and heady and intoxicating. The dragon's blood balances the odd weedy note I often get from rose scents--this is all velvety, dark petal to my nose. This is gorgeous, right up with Two, Five & Seven as a favorite rose scent. I definitely want a bottle.

  10. Oh, delicious. This is heady and sweet, the lotus intensifying the sweetness of the rose. It's wet, blooming lush, so fresh. It immediately brings gardens to my mind's eye, green and twining. The only downside, for me, is that it doesn't last very long. It fades to almost nothing within minutes, then leaves only a trace of lotus behind it, if I sniff deeply enough. A gorgeous blend, but too effervescent for my chemistry.

  11. Nyx

    The jasmine and myrrh are a good balance, I think. The jasmine doesn't get too soapy, and the myrrh doesn't go completely to incense. This is nice! The rose lends a sweet, clean aura to the overall blend, but it never takes over. There's a bit of smokiness to this, though it's cooler than I would expect. This is sensual, almost sultry, but distant at the same time. I really like it, though I can't picture myself wearing it a lot. I'll reserve judgment on a bottle, but I'll definitely hold on to the imp for now.

  12. Whoof! This is dark, dark, and heavy, vetiver and something sweet. There's herbs in the background, but they're not prominent. The musk lends a nice balance to the vetiver--it's masculine, but not too. There's something in this that reminds of Snake Oil, as well, though this is more herbal--I wouldn't say it's darker. Very sexy, very compelling, very earthy, very shadowy. Rawr.

  13. On first sniff, this makes me think of incense, but I don't think it has any actual incense-y notes in it. Oleander is the strongest note, sweet and waxy. Combined with the patchouli, however, makes it smokier, almost. A little dangerous, and the subtle appearance of ylang ylang doesn't dissipate the feeling. This is both sharp and seductive.

  14. On first application this is pungent...amber? Resin? I'm having trouble pinning it down, but I get something spicy, like incense, but rounder. This isn't sweet at all on me. There's a hint of florals behind it, but it's more spice and wood on me. This is dry and warm. Definitely sun-like.

  15. This is all dark resin on first sniff, warm and sweet and polished. After a while, I get the smallest hint of floral incense behind this, but for the most part it's pungent, earthy resins. Nice, but not for me.

  16. Cool musk, wreathed by sweet florals. This is an airy blend, almost insubstantial, but it becomes a little more tangible over time. The musk is there, and though I can barely pinpoint the patchouli and poppies, there does seem to be depth beyond the musk. This is a gorgeous night blend, chill, sensual, and fleeting.

  17. The personification of insanity, Mother of Manes, Goddess of Night Spirits, Mistress of Undeath, She Who Gives Life to the Dead. With Mantus, she rules the Etruscan underworld, and her scent is roiling chaos and churning madness, but because she is the mother of the Lares, benevolent household spirits, her perfume also bears an underlying gentleness, and, like madness, a strange sweetness. Screeching white musk collides with a howl of red musk, with sharp white grapefruit and pale strawberry leaf.

    While this is predominantly strawberry on me, it's also a bit Juicy Fruit on me, super-sweet and mouth-watering. After a long while, the blend deepens and the musk appears, but the strawberry-candy aspect of the blend dominates the blend. I get hints of a deeper blend, sweet, brisk, and musky, but it never sticks around. A chemistry thing, alas.

  18. Oooh! On first sniff, this is faded cedar and light vetiver--unmistakable notes, but not as strong as they usually are. Floating above them is a green, slightly sweet note. The raspberry leaf? Maybe?


    I'm not sure what to make of this scent. It's herbal and a little woodsy, but quite light. It's not a cheery or warm scent, either. It's like...opening a small wooden chest, one that's been in the attic for a couple of decades, and finding linen folded around brittle herbs. Solemn, a little sad, surprising, and sweetly clean.

  19. Goddess of Strife and Discord, constant companion and sometime consort to Ares. She is a fickle, chaotic Goddess of Bedlam whose greatest passion is the sowing of dissention and turmoil. A suitably disjointed scent, bursting with gleeful mayhem: wet fruits and sharp mimosa with Martial spices and a deceptive flash of floral.

    Sweet, round fruits and a hint of spice. Mostly fruit, though. Yum! After a while, however, the spice gets sharper--it's a smoky, almost burnt. Like sandalwood embers, almost. The smoky note rises over the fruit, obscuring but never obliterating it.

  20. On first sniff, this is rose and mint, cool and sweet. Pretty! As it dries, the scent grows greener, more herbal. I catch hints of the sandalwood behind it, faintly. This is lovely! Very much a morning scent, dew still trembling on the garden's leaves.

  21. On first application, this smells a lot like an expensive aftershave or cologne. Nice, but generic. Definitely masculine. As it dries, however, the wood and sweet notes distinguish themselves. The musk underscores the notes, but over time grows to dominate the blend. It's nice, but ends up being too musky on me, if you know what I mean. Ah, well.

  22. On first sniff, this is a little generic to my nose, rose and resin. As it dries, the resins strengthen, and combined with the sandalwood, they create a dry and dessicated smell. The rose sticks around, but in the way of dried petals. This is a tomb scent, solemn and sealed, with an echo of mourning still preserved.


    For the record, this blend has excellent staying power. I tested it during my lunch break, and eight hours later, the throw was only a little diminished.
