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Posts posted by Voleuse

  1. Oooh, floral! It's round, creamy floral notes, though--rose and spicy carnation, and some others I can't identify. It's very rich, and complex. I expected the rose to take over, but it keeps its layers, never shifting to one specific note or another. It's like standing in a garden, in the middle of a lush summer afternoon. It's not an innocent blend, but it's a pure one. I don't know how to explain it, but it's a beautiful match to the description.

  2. This is amber and vanilla and citrus to my nose, sweet and warm and golden. It's very similar to Litha in feel, but Litha smells more floral to me, while Et Lux Fuit is sexy and a little foody. Must be the vanilla musk. :P The blend gets a little rounder over time, but it never completely loses the mild tartness of the lemon. This is beautiful, and it makes my mouth water. Definitely a keeper.

  3. Oooh. This blend begins as a cool floral, but citrus notes trickle in after a moment. It's a very pale scent, very distant. It's feminine as well, and bordering on sweet, though it never crosses over. The florals end up being dominant, to an overall beautiful effect.

  4. Hello, oakmoss. This isn't overwhelmingly masculine, but a musky, herbal cologne that nevertheless strikes me as very masculine. Overlaying it is sharp fruit note, brightening the musk sweetly. It makes me think of a stylized forest picture, dark shadows intercut with dazzling white. Sensual, and a little elusive.

  5. Lavender, pure and clean. (It's interesting how many of the Panacea blends have lavender. Hm.) It's not too strong, just a gentle blend, and definitely meant to soothe. After a while, there's a hint of earthiness that I really like.

  6. On first sniff, I get a strong, almost alcoholic wave of sugar. On second sniff, I smell a lavenderish note. There's also a cool, astringent note in this, something that makes me think of metal, but isn't metallic. Interesting! It is a very gentle scent, calming, and it could definitely be used to aid in sleep. I'm not sure I like it, but it turned out to be quite effective for me.

  7. Hm. This is a eucalyptus-type herbal, tinged with clean sweetness. There's a warm floral note, very subdued, that I can't identify. It makes me think of tea, and overlooking a garden just as spring turns to summer. A little sneeze-inducing, but also very balancing. It's a joyful scent, to my nose, a warmth seeping into my skin. I really like it--and the scent memory is a good distraction from PMS. *g*

  8. We used to have a lime tree in our garden, a huge one, constantly overgrowing its boundaries. If it hadn't been pruned for a while, the branches would get overweighted by the fruits, drooping down to create a sort of cage of its branches. When I picked the fruit, I would step inside the branches, where it was ten or fifteen degrees cooler than underneath the beating sun. The scent of the limes would be strong, not just lime juice, but the slightly waxy rinds, as well. If the limes had been left for a while, they would have the faintest sheen of dust on them. It was calming, but also renewing.


    This blend reminds me of stepping inside the lime tree's branches.

  9. This is super-sweet on first application, like bubble gum and burnt sugar. Definitely a happy scent. As it dries, it takes on a bit of a marshmallow note, creamy and, yes, a little burnt. I don't think I'd want to wear this every day, but it's definitely a mood-brightener. It makes me think of the carnival, and having fingers sticky from cotton candy.

  10. A commanding, dominant oil that increases sexual magnetism, creates an intense and irresistible air of attraction, and amplifies potency.

    Ooh, this is cinnamon and jasmine to my nose, creamy sweetness laced with smoky spice. Yum! It's not actually as demanding as those two notes might indicate--it's compelling, but not overwhelming. Alluring, and definitely sexy. I like it. It is a bottle candidate, I think.

  11. This is a clean, semi-sweet blend, ginger and a hint of citrus to my nose. It makes me think of a particularly nice body wash I used to use--which isn't a bad thing. The sweetness is temporary, and it lapses mostly to ginger and a faint hint of white florals. The florals get stronger over time, leaning more towards the soapiness of the blend. This feels like a cleansing scent to me, but it also makes me sneeze.

  12. Cinnamon. Sweet and spicy and dark. Mmmm. It's not as strong as it could be, tempered by something else--I agree with those who speculate almonds, though general almondy notes go wrong on me. This is definitely a sensual scent, though I haven't yet tested its efficacy. *g*

  13. This is sweet cinnamon and herbs on first application, reminiscent of cinnamon gum, but not candy-like (if that makes sense). It's biting and warm at the same time, but actually ends up being quite calming, centering. It doesn't have a lot of throw, but it lingers for a decent amount of time. After a while, it reminds me a lot of cinnamon tea, which is comforting. I'm not certain about the efficacy of this blend, but it seems like a blend that could be relaxing and energizing.

  14. On first sniff, this is cool and light and sweet. On second sniff, it is earthy and way perfumey. On third sniff, it is pale and fruity. Wow! This is a complicated scent, layers upon layers, strange and evening and calm. If I concentrate, the sandalwood, moonflower, and peach come out strongest on me, but overall this is balanced nicely. I love the coolness of it, but it's earthy as well.

  15. On first sniff, this is very perfumey to my nose, edging towards fancy soap. It's a very round blend, a non-sweet and pale floral. As it dries, the soapiness gets stronger on me, along with the musk. It is, unfortunately, an unpleasant combination for my chemistry. Off to swaps!

  16. This is spicy rose on first sniff, with a subtle citrus overlay. I'm a little surprised--I expected the rose to be much stronger than it is. As it dries, the sandalwood and amber actually overwhelm the rose, and the lily lends a cool background note to the overall blend. After a while, I get a spicy, smoky incense from the blend, even as the citrus intensifies and the florals disappear.

  17. Ooooh. Mint and snow and a little bit of ozone, all in a beautiful and delicious slush. I was nervous the frankincense would take over, but there's only a hint of smoke in the background. Overall this is sweet and cold, along the lines of Wolf Moon and Ice Queen--to my nose, at least. I definitely want a bottle of this. Yum.

  18. Incense, definitely, as well as sharply-sweet florals. This is a rich, but very subtle scent--I get almost no throw from this. After a while, the dusky florals are more prominent, but overall this is a well-balanced blend. Golden, warm, sensual, complicated. Almost a cathedral scent, but not quite.

  19. On first sniff, this blend reminds me of a garden in the rain. On second sniff, of a very fancy bath gel. Hm. I think it's the combination of jasmine and verbena. It's pretty, florals and fresh rain, but very soap-like to my nose.


    After a bit, the soapiness becomes a sleepy note, gray and misty. There's also a downy note I can't identify, the faintest bit of warmth through the rain. The florals fade far into the background. In the end, this is a pleasant rain to my nose, clean and sweet. Lovely.

  20. On first sniff, this is dry and a little...astringent? I think. Woody, definitely, and after a minute, resin notes jump out at me. This scent reminds me of a cello, polished to a deep shine. There's an aquatic, ozoney note in the background, but for me, the resins stay dominant in the long run.

  21. On first sniff, this is cologne to my nose, reminding me of incense and astringent. The incense note(s) get stronger over time. After a while, however, the cardamom and saffron and musk come into play. This ends up being sweet and a little spicy, but in a woodsy way, instead of foody. Complicated and gorgeous. I like it!
