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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by harmonyfb

  1. IMO, Dublin smelled nothing like Mistletoe. I'd say that Hemlock is closer to Mistletoe, and you can concoct a passable substitute for Skadi by layering Mistletoe or Hemlock over Baneberry. I adore Skadi, too. Woe. (Though I have to say that Snow Bunny seems very similar to me, as it's the very same pine note, and there's just a difference in the secondary note (slushy/cold in SB, and berries in Skadi).
  2. harmonyfb


    In the imp, pine and patchouli - so nasty I almost didn't try it on. On me, it smelled of raw leather, and I had to run to scrub it off. On my teenager, it smelled like expensive men's cologne. Go fig.
  3. harmonyfb

    Honey Moon

    This was a very sweet frimp in a trade. In the imp, and wet on my skin: Single-note Jasmine. The hell? I actually went and looked at the imp to make sure I didn't read it wrong, and then looked up the notes, because I smelled no honey whatsofreakingever. Jasmine, jasmine, jasmine, jasmine. An hour later: sweetened jasmine. Did I mention how much I hate jasmine? Woe. ETA: Three hours later, the jasmine has burned off and now it smells like...well, Milk Moon. Weird.
  4. harmonyfb


    I'd heard tales of the fabled Shub, so I was really happy to get to review it. It went on all gingery-spicy, like something good to eat, strong and interesting. "Whoa", I said. It dried to ::sob:: cinnamon brooms. But underneath that, I can still smell the ginger, and it gives it a complex base that keeps the cinnamon-smell from being overwhelming. I don't know if I'd be able to stand wearing it as a personal fragrance - it's just too aggressive - but it is one of the most unusual scents I've ever come across.
  5. harmonyfb

    The Hamptons

    I really don't know what's supposed to be in a Cosmo. In the bottle and on initial application, this had a strong 'alcohol' smell. But in five minutes or less, it changed completely to a tangy cranberry scent, and stayed that way for a few hours. After a few hours, a gin-like smell began to creep up underneath the cranberry, until at the end of the evening, all that was left was juniper berries. Since I hatehatehate that smell, this is obviously not for me.
  6. harmonyfb

    BPAL scents appropriate for very young children?

    My 13 year old has 5 mls of Kumiho and 2, 5 and 7, and imps of Rose Red, Gypsy Queen, Kitsune-Tsuki and Holiday Moon that she wears all the time. My 5 year old always clamors to try on perfumes when I get them in - so far, his favorites were Sugar Skull and Bliss. The baby (15 months) inevitably winds up smelling of whatever I'm wearing that day, but I notice she smells sweetest when I wear White Rabbit.
  7. harmonyfb


    Amberamberamberamberamber. Did I mention amber?
  8. harmonyfb


    This is almost completely plumeria on me, with just the merest hint of effervescence. Not for me.
  9. harmonyfb

    Enraged Bunny Musk

    In the bottle (love the label!), this smelled...mild. Like, way too mild. Hardly any smell at all. Wet, it was all powder - not a sweet baby powder, but a dry talc. Drying to Dry, there was a lemony tinge to it, slowly joined by a soft musk, with the powdery note underlying it all. Conclusion: Hmm. I don't know if I like it or not. I don't really think it's for me, though. Off to swap. ETA: Dryer sheets - that's exactly what this smelled like. And it had a really big throw, too.
  10. harmonyfb

    Monster Bait: Closet

    On me, this smells exactly like blackberry-flavored cough syrup. So very glad I didn't buy a whole bottle. ETA: Two hours later, the blackberry cough syrup has gone away, and my wrist faintly smells of cake. Definitely not worth the medicine stage.
  11. harmonyfb


    On me, this is mostly vanilla, with the merest hint of peppermint - it really smells like the photonegative of Lick It. Nice, but luckily for me, not a blend I can't live without.
  12. harmonyfb


    This smelled of rose, rose, rose, rose, rose. Cloying old lady rose. Bleah. I discerned no leather note at all, whether wet or dry. I was so hoping to like this one. ::sigh::
  13. harmonyfb

    Milk & Honey

    Huh. I received a decant of this in a swap, and I smell no lemons at all, nor any honey. This smells of new-mown hay, dry dust and drier herbs. I'm planning to anoint my palms for 9 times 9 days, in hopes that the Universe will pour out milk and honey for me and mine. (From my lips to the Bountiful Mother's ear.) So watch this space for future remarks on the efficacy of the oil. ETA: Two weeks into my elongated spell, I've made a lot more sales than usual (which I promptly spent on more bpal, so there ya go). So far, so good.
  14. harmonyfb

    Trick or Treat

    I considered getting a bottle of this during the Halloween set. I'm so glad I didn't. In the imp, this had a bit of the 'stale cigarette' smell that some of the sweet blends have had. Baaad omen. On my skin, thankfully, it didn't smell like cigarettes, but it wasn't good. There was the burnt sugar note of Sugar Skull, but overlaid on it was some horrible - familiar, yet horrible - top note. Corn? I dunno. But my teenager took one sniff and yelled, "Unclean, unclean!" Six hours later, I happened to whiff the place where I dabbed it, and...wow. Sweet, sugary goodness. It really does smell like candy corn! If only it had smelled like this to begin with. ::sigh:: Obviously not for me.
  15. harmonyfb


  16. harmonyfb

    The Hanging Gardens

    In the imp, and wet on my skin, this smells of...pear tart. Just a little spicy, a little fruity, with maybe a hint of baked goods. After it dries, the rose comes out, still with that spicy undernote. To my surprise, I like it. It's light and very feminine. I don't know that I'll wear it often, but I think it'll be perfect for formal occasions.
  17. harmonyfb


    I had high hopes for this one. Alas! In the imp, it was the same cocoa note as Freak Show, which I love. But when I applied it, the cocoa disappeared, and in its place was a very bitter, medicinal fruit smell. Eventually, the cocoa re-emerged, sort of, but the bitterness gave it such a sour note that I couldn't stand it. Off to swap.
  18. harmonyfb

    Sleepy Moon

    Started off as single-note jasmine (yes, I know, it's not listed, but that's what it smelled like), and then quickly turned to soap. Bleah.
  19. harmonyfb

    The Hesperides

    In the imp, it was a light, apple-y scent. The moment it touched my skin? Cleaning fluid. It was vile. Off to swap.
  20. harmonyfb

    Tiger Lily

    In the imp, it was heady, overwhelming lilies. Once I applied it, I was suddenly struck with a memory - being at the pool with the kids, hot sun beating down, water & sweat mingling on my body. I moved my arm away from my nose, the memory faded. Got a whiff in another minute, and it came back. I held out my arm to my daughter, and said, "What does smell like?" ::sniff:: "Sunscreen." Yup, that's exactly what it smells like. Huh.
  21. harmonyfb


    Ok, that's weird. I got a sticky, overwhelming amber note from this, and no flowers at all. My body chemistry is bizarre.
  22. harmonyfb


    In the imp, this was a warm, slightly masculine scent. The moment it touched my skin, it shouted, "I am a MAN! Smell me, for I am MANLY!!!" Oh, dear. I don't really want to smell Manly - that's my husband's job. I couldn't scrub it off fast enough - and unfortunately, it really stuck with me, even after three washings. Weirdly, when I took my kids to the park later, a raven (Odin's bird) flew into a low branch near me, and cawed until it got my attention. I acknowledged it with a tip of my head, and it flew out of the park. Huh. Wonder what that means? ETA: On my husband, this smelled like a sweet soap. o_O
  23. harmonyfb


    I was really looking forward to trying this one, as it seemed the most complex of all the new scents. I wasn't disappointed. In the imp, this was watered-down grape soda. You know, where you had a glass of it, and your ice has melted, but you can still smell the grapey-ness when you lift the glass? Like that. I applied it sparingly, as I feared a reaction to the chili pepper. Wet, my skin drank it down until there was no scent at all. Weird. That happens sometimes. Dry, it smells...a little of apples, and some darker spice (the chili peppers). It's not too sweet, though it's fresh and pleasant. Very layered, and yeah, very complex. This is one of those that I'll be shoving underneath people's noses and saying, "No, really, try it on!" So far, a keeper.
  24. harmonyfb


    I didn't smell any honey at all in this blend. It's light and a bit astringent, very herbally and green, with the aquatic undertone that you'd expect in a perfume named after Osun. It smells more to me like a voodoo blend, and less like a perfume.
  25. harmonyfb


    In the imp, this smelled like honeydew, sweet and juicy. However, on my skin, this smells like...bubblegum. A cross between cherry and watermelon bubblegum. Ew. Good throw, fairly good hang time, but just...ew. Not for me.