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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by ChipNoir

  1. A beer flavored with marsh arrow grass, yew berries, purple foxglove, and giant hogweed.


    I don't get any beer, but I do smell a lot of grassy/aquatic notes. It makes me think of fresh mown lawn thats slightly damp after a heavy rain, mixed with some sort of flower.

    I think I like it.

  2. I was born on October 30th, so fall scents are always a favorite. Spices, leaves, smoke, pumpkins, and of course, apples. So when I decided to try something new, I gravitated towards Poisoned Apple.


    In Bottle: Smells a little like a green apple jolly rancher mixed with artificial apple scented candle. A touch of something floural

    On skin wet: HOLY !@#$$ Owowowowow. My nose is burning from the florals. I don't know which of the three, if not all of them are too powerful, but I do not like this this. The apple isn't the front player at all. If Snow White's apple tasted the way this smells, I'm not surprised she went into a dead faint.

    On skin dry: Thank god it only took a few minutes for the dry down to make the notes behave, and let the apple come out again. They work in harmony, and its quite soothing with a little touch of something spicy.


    I'm glad I took the time to let it mellow, but my nose still stings.

  3. This was in fact one of the first sets I ordered, specifically for summer. I'm a big fan of sea voyage fantasies, and constantly dream about sailing the open sea (Possibly in completely inappropriately stylized leather attire).


    Jolly Rodger does not fail to please in that regard.


    In Bottle: Salt. So much salt. Crispy sandy salt and aquatic notes. No rum.

    Wet: Oh, we have the woods now! Makes me think of the way a dock smells after its had a good soak, and is now baking dry in the high noon sun. The leather is a nice undercurrent.

    Dry: The rum's flittering out. After two applications from morning to night from an imp, the rum finally decides it wants to come out just as the sun sets. Its slightly spicy and boozy, and deliciously mixed well with the salt and leather notes. The wood has faded out though, to my eternal sadness. Another dab's needed to bring it back to play.

  4. On my wet, the metallic and lubricant smells come out with a BANG. I feel almost greasy in it. Then on drydown it mellows down, but still feels pretty metallic.


    On my friend however, for some reason it imediatly comes out as HONEY. Sweet sweet wildflower-in-my-tea honey. I immediately insisted she take it. Whatever the differences in our skin chemistry are, she's much better off wearing it than I am.

  5. A fougere is a traditional masculine cologne blend. Not sure what makes it white.


    I like White Rabbit quite a bit. It is smooth and comforting to me. And for what it's worth, I can't wear Dorian at all: sickly sweet vanilla with headache-y cologne on top.


    If you can wear foody scents, I would go with something like Eat Me, rather than a tea scent to match the picture. The scents with tea in them are mostly more refined and that picture has more of a country cottage look to me.


    Thats why Bread-And-Butterfly ended up on my list. But I've heard that its pretty weak and doesn't really hold the heavy butter/bread scent that'd work for a Tea-Party scent. Is that true for you or anyone you know?

  6. I'm about to order my second batch of scents, this time for autumn. But one of the highlights of the fall season is Youmacon, an anime convention held at the Detroit Ren center every year.


    I'm cosplaying as Arthur Kirkland, who is for those who are not familiar with Hetalia, the human embodiment of Great Britain.


    I've narrowed down my list of selections based on the themes of teas and cake, to Bread-And-Butterfly, Eat Me, and Doormouse.


    I was wondering which you'd choose to represent a very posh, dignified British gentleman who is overly fond of tea, and imaginary creatures? Or do you have better suggestions?


    Essentially, I'd like a scent that captures the feeling of the picture bellow



  7. It smells ridiculously sweet in the imp. I have an insane urge to taste the stuff, but I know better!

    Wet on skin though it has zero throw on me. I have to press my nose right to my wrist, and that doesn't really give off much. Same for drydown


    This would be so wonderful, but my skin seems to absorb all the smell, or I'm just not sensitive to it.

  8. My first review! I got an imp of this stuff, and opening the bottle, I got the imediate impression of sweet Irish Coffee, and the sort of musty-book smell that makes me think of old horror paperbacks.


    On my skin wet, it takes on a muskier, leathery scent, but its still very nice. Just lacking that sweet note that attracted me so much in-bottle.


    Dry down: I feel very 'adult' with this on. Sexy, stern librarian smell. I like it.

  9. Browsing the Trading Post, I stumbled across Okiya. I myself don't tend to go for flower scents, but my best friend is a huge geek for all things Japanese, and the listed combination sounded perfect for her. So I decided, as a late birthday/early graduation gift, I ordered a goblin squirt.


    When it arrived, it alarmed me that such a tiny thing cost me 10 dollars. Determined to make sure I hadn't purchased a dud for my friend, I tested a single squirt on a handkerchief I use to wrap up my tarot cards. Imediatly I got hit with the sweetest flower scent I've ever encounter, underscored with something very boozy that made me pleasantly light headed that I definitely recognized as potent sake . There were also crisp notes that I imagine is the green tea.


    24 hours later and sniffing it still gives me something, though its mellowed out to a mature feminine fragrance that I find quite comforting.


    I think she'll really like it.

  10. To any FF fans out there, what do you think Mako would smell like? I think it would be vital as a base for whatever Cloud and Sephiroth wear.

    I imagine something both 'green' and also ozoney, like Lightning.


    I think Mako would look deceptively green and soothing, but then slap you in the face when you unleashed it. Eucalyptus, maybe?


    Volt: Leather with a shock of eucalyptus, green mint, elemi, ravintsara, and lime.


    The Coil has the ozone note, but seems a little too floral:


    The Coil: Ozone, eucalyptus and mint with purple orchid, passionflower, white ginger, and purple lotus.


    Part of me wants to give Cloud a very manly Leather scent (SOLDIER Uniforms. <3), but with an undecurrent of something ridiculously feminen, floural, and sexy. After all, the perfume he wears as Ms.Cloud in WallMarket never does actually leave your Key Item menu.



    Nor does that dress, wig, and sexy underwear for that matter. Suspicious, no?

  11. Anyone want to take a stab at Doctor Who? Even just limiting to the reboot doctor/companions there are a LOT of characters to consider! I got to thinking about this today and had a lot of fun wondering what on earth the Doctor would wear, then realized that each regeneration would wear something different! I don't have nearly enough knowledge on BPAL to take a stab at it, but I'd love someone else's take on it!


    Rose (I thought something











    and we really should include Sarah Jane.


    Number 10: Bananas. It must be so.

  12. I'll bring my own geekdom, via Final Fantasy. Too many characters, so I'll go with the Dissidia draft picks.


    WoL: RPG Good and a bit of Lawful

    Garland: RPG Evil, and a bit of Chaos.


    Firion: Two, Five & Seven: Roses! Firion's theme is friggen roses! He's even nicknamed "Rosebud" by Tidus. And frankly fanon always suspects there's something a little "Heeeehn" about this guy. <3

    Emperor: Dorian: I've heard this scent starts out very prim and gentlemanly, then turns to raw sex after. Thats pretty much Emperor. Polite, and painfully British, but then very quick to call you a worm, and destroy you with Starfall in malign wrath!


    Onion Knight: FFIII has some of the dencest forests in the game, and onions make me think green. So I wanna give little OK Jaborwaki from what I've heard.

    Cloud of Darkness: I dunno any scents that fit this guy. I wanna say something antique, dark, menacing, and very strong.


    More to come as I learn more about BPAL! <3

  13. I am fairly obsessed with earl grey tea and I just adore the aroma -- are there are BPAL fragrances that could be said to smell like it other than Severin? I see that it includes a leather note, but I'd prefer just straight tea and bergamot or citrus, without the leather. I haven't seen anything in my browsing but I could have easily missed it!



    Thank you! :P


    I wonder if there are any like Lapsang Souchong, which is a unique tea thats smoked over pinewood. Its got a really strong, distinctive smokey flavor and aroma. The smell alone is half the motivation for buying genuine looseleaf. A few commercial brands now make it, but their processing somehow screws it up, and ends up having a numbing artificial smoke flavor.


    But to have an oil like it would be amazingly sexy to me.

  14. Can someone make a suggestion for me?

    Small, bi-masculine oriented male, cute tendencies, Small, quirky, geeky, horror enthusiast, tea connoisseur, manga otaku. I'm very high energy, and I love all things spooky, and at the same time I also adore cute, high energy things. Retro cartoons, anime, 80's pop. A lot of people refer to me as "Perky Goth."


    Not sure if thats anything worth going by. But I guess I'm looking for sweet scents, but ones that lean more towards masculine?
