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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by MissAnthropy

  1. MissAnthropy


    First Whiff: This is SUCH a Goddess scent. A celebration of all things earthy: herbal - minty - floral - a little bit of everything, and yet, I can't seem to pull out any specifics. I think there's some eucalyptus in there, and maybe jasmine? Whatever is in this blend, I love it!!! On: Yup. This one's a keeper. It's still pretty herbal - minty and floral, and I think it's fantastic how well it's all coming together. I am also thrilled that it changed very little from the bottle, to my skin. An hour later: Still next to no change. It hasn't even faded very much, and it going very strong. Like I said... Venus, she's a keeper, and is going right on to my WishList!!!! -Leslie
  2. MissAnthropy


    First whiff: Oh Oleander! It jumped right out at me, probably because I'm very familiar with that particular scent. So far, so good. Everything seems to be complimenting everything else, and nothing is uncomfortably overpowering - even though this is one of the 'three furies'. However, don't be fooled. There's defiantly a sinister side to this scent - it's all in the total blend, and how it comes together. On: The oleander is simmering down more now, and the black patchouli is becoming more of a front runner. My chemistry always seems to latch on to patchouli, and bright it out. But it's going that with the neroli, too. An hour or so later: Still pretty noticeable, no need to top it off with a reapplication. With some time on my skin, it's really become a very warm, pleasing scent. Much later: This scent, oddly, has gone very light, and almost watery on me. I don't mind, considering it's been on my skin for more than a few hours, and has lasting power. But, I never thought it would go watery. I'm not disappointed, just, well... surprised at what my chemistry pulls on me sometimes! I have all 3 of Beth's "Kindly Ones" creations, so I'll be reviewing those later. -Leslie
  3. MissAnthropy

    June Gloom 2004

    EXACTLY, B! I too, have Lemon Verbana growing in my yard... and after it rains, the whole yard smells JUST like 'June Gloom' does. I am floored with this scent, and will be sad when the day comes that I use my last drop. There's nothing I like more than a scent that is a perfect mimic of something or someplace that is full of good memories for me. 'June Gloom' is that kind of scent for me, and will be a very welcomed scent when the cold winter months come. -Leslie
  4. MissAnthropy

    Limited Edition stock update.

    I am REALLY glad I ordered June Gloom and Havisham when I did. Holy cow. Score for for the impulse buyer. -Leslie
  5. MissAnthropy

    Blue Moon Update: Now Live

    My order is in... I am SO EXCITED! The descripts are just swoony!!! -Leslie
  6. MissAnthropy

    The search for "Clean" scents - general discussion

    Oh VERY!!! I forgot about Desdemona. She went missing somewhere in the imp box. Right now I am VERY into Danube as a clean scent. I tried it at Eb's last night. To DIE FOR. -Leslie
  7. MissAnthropy


    First whiff: The cocoa vanilla smacked me right in the face! WOW! Talk about making me drool. Foody-yummy-sweet goodness. The hints of sandalwood and myrrh aren't nearly as loud as the cocoa vanilla, which quite honestly, makes me very happy. The more I sniffed it, the more I am reminded of this old "Candy Kitchen" that used to be out here. In fact, it smells almost EXACTLY like the place. And that's good... because the place was beautiful, and had the most amazing concoctions ever. When it closed, we were all very sad. On: Ahh. ha! NOW the sandalwood has taken the front seat. The cocoa vanilla has faded into the background VERY much so, and the myrrh is there, but a very light hint of it. Now it smells more like the local "Ten Thousand Villages" store. And, I'm still very pleased, though I wish the vanilla would have stuck around a little longer. An hour later: Sadly... the scent has really worn down. I don't know if maybe it's because I was really active today, or because I didn't put enough on to start with. But regardless, it faded away to almost nothing. I had to re-apply 2 more times. This 5ml is going to go FAST. And I think it's going to become a scent locket oil more than a skin oil for me. I love this scent, I really, really do... but, my goodness! Where did it go! I miss it. Come back! -Leslie
  8. MissAnthropy

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    I'm not sure if there's a thread for this already, I haven't seen anything. So, here goes... There's quite a few BPal scents I can't pronounce, or think I may be pronouncing wrong. And, I was wondering if someone could help me out. I'd like to make sure I get them right, so there they are: XIUHTECUHTLI TUSHNAMATAY MASABAKES Szepasszony Scheherazade BAOBHAN SITH -Leslie
  9. MissAnthropy

    Hollywood Babylon

    Not exactly a "review", but, I wanted to say this one came as a freebie from Beth, and at first, the strength of it's scent intimidated me. The sniff I took from the vial struck me as smelling much like a car air freshener. So, I put her away with the rest of my imps, and pretty much forgot about it. Well, I'm sorry I did that, because last week I snagged her up, and decided to wear her. And wow... am I ever glad I did. It was love at first sniff on my skin... the strawberry, and vanilla stuck me more than any of the other elements. Even after it dried, the strawberry and vanilla lived on... and strong. And thus, I ordered a 5ml of "Hollywood Babylon", and am eagerly awaiting her arrival! -Leslie
  10. MissAnthropy

    Rose Recommendations - which blend is for me?

    While none of these are strickly rose blends... they're in my 'rosey' category of scents. 'Spellbound' has always come off VERY rosey to me, and on me. Same with 'Black Rose'. And 'Lucy's Kiss' for SURE. -Leslie
  11. MissAnthropy

    Pulse Points

    First whiff: The civet is the most noticable note. I'm not really aware of what narcissus smells like specifically, but I can detect it from the way it's changed the over all mix of black poppy and the civet. This is INEEED a 'heady' scent (as someone else said). For me, it's one of those "sex in a bottle' scents. On: Ahh... now I notice the black poppy more than the civet. For some reason, my chemistry always seems to bring out the florals, and knock back the herbal. But it's still quite pleasing. Still a little heady for me... not exactly a scent I'd wear to the office, or even during the day. But I can see myself wearing this out to the little local Saki bar I frequent. An hour later: For some reason, this scent has gone VERY musky on me. It's not floral at all anymore. So odd that it took this turn. Gotta love the mystery of body chemistry. Oh well. I'm actually still enjoying this scent... though I wish the black poppy would have stuck around a little longer. -Leslie
  12. MissAnthropy


    First whiff: Whammo... black orchid. First note that jumped out at me right off the bat. The calla lily was a definate under-tone, and the granium? I didn't really notice that. On: Again... whammo with the black orchid! YUM! What a sensual scent. The description of the gentle floral bouquet masking the sinister and black hearted core - perfectly worded, except for me... in reverse. An hour later: 2 words: STAYING POWER. The lighter hints have faded down, and the black orchid is standing pretty much on it's own now, and it's fantastic. It's downright decadent, and attention grabbing. I would buy a 5ml of "Goneril" - mayhaps, because of that black orchid strength. All in all... a great scent. -Leslie
  13. MissAnthropy

    A Little Lunacy

    Jumping someone else's order... Should I agree to that, or run screaming? LOL! -Leslie
  14. MissAnthropy


    Site description: First whiff: I can smell the amber and patchouli more than any of the other hints. It almost smells... minty to me. I like it. It's a very warm, comforting scent. On: My chemistry TOTALLY broght out the cinnamon! I love it!!! Even more warm and comforting. It reminds me of walking into a quiet little temple some place - the cinnamon is more of a candle and incense scent than straight cinnamon. If that makes any sense. A few hours later: Still going strong! Didn't need to re-apply! Received a compliment from a friend who said I smelled like 'Pier One' and that I was making her want to go shopping. -Leslie
  15. MissAnthropy

    The Mad Tea Party has some party-crashers...

    I don't see HAVISHAM listed as up for purchase. ?? And ordering "Shattered" is coming up as "Arcana". Well I put my order in anyways and sent a note about replacing that with "Shattered". *In HEAVEN* Waiting for that update was SO WORTH IT!!!! Thanks Beth!!!! YOU ROCK! -Leslie
  16. MissAnthropy

    A Little Lunacy

    This line may very well be the line that puts Beth so far over the top that she can REALLY get herself something... stylin' - I am still REELING. *Super highlighing 'Witch's Calendar' as we speak* Also... A friend of mine is getting married during Frost Moon - so I just found the PEFECT gift to present her with. *SWOON* -Leslie
  17. MissAnthropy

    A Little Lunacy

    W O W !!!!! I am REALLY looking forward to THESE scents... my Lunar fascination is thanking yours -Leslie
  18. I feel horrid now. When I first starting placing orders... I'm sure I was the BIGGEST headache to BPal EVER. I had to cancel a few orders, then I added on to a few, changed a few... and generally could NOT get my mind made up. I'm getting better now though, I swear! Now I just put in a huge whackin' order, and leave it be till a few weeks later when I put another huge whackin' order in. So sorry if I've caused any headaches, driven any of you to the bottle, or brought out any extea grey hairs. While I DO agree with the order change policy - each time I did any changing, I lost out on the shipping costs, which I didn't mind considering I was making things more difficult. Like say, I subtracted from an order, or merged several orders. But like I said... I'm getting better -Leslie
  19. Actually... I am too. A little update would be wonderful and much appreciated -Leslie
  20. Tears... Mmmm. Wonderful warm weather scent! -Leslie
  21. MissAnthropy

    Mail server down

    Well I won't be bugging anyone until June 7th, when I place my other order. I don't THINK there's any reason for me to be bugging you folks. The staus on my older orders is "shipped" and the most recent from (from the update) is "awaiting shipment". So, I'll just leave you all alone, and wait for the email problems to be corrected. What a HEADACHE for you all. Jebus. -Leslie
  22. MissAnthropy

    Am still here...

    You take that well deserved R&R Snow White! And take one for Beth, too. -Leslie
  23. MissAnthropy


    Ain't it great? My broke ass has something to look forward to, too. And I LOVE it. I like stalking the mail man. Him and I are starting to get VERY friendly. LOL. *Happy for you* -Leslie
  24. MissAnthropy

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    I do the SAME thing! Q'tips ROCK. And... I've transfered some of my oils to little perfume vials with wand tops, too. Some are in those little glass globe bottles, too. -Leslie
  25. MissAnthropy


    First whiff: Mmmm. The scent from the bottle reminds me of those little "Violet" candies, by Chowards. I can smell the lilac and rose, but the violet is more prominent. It's not crisp, and heavy, either. It's dry, powdery. Very pleasing, because I was concerned the rose was going to over-power this particular blend. But so far, it's not. On my skin: Downright dreamy (just like in the site description). My chemistry REALLY brought out the violet. Violet, wrapped in a soft, gentle, soothing blanket of other floral notes that enhance the violet, not subtract from it. A few hours later: Talk about lasting power! The scent has toned down, but not to an un-noticeable level. I received SEVERAL compliments later in the day. One person told me I smelled like "Springtime" - another person told me I the scent fit me perfectly. I don't know about any of that, I just know for me, Nocturne is a very mood enhancing scent. It really made me feel GOOD to have on. -Leslie