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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by allamanda

  1. everyone:


    shriekingviolet has kindly offered to host the forums on her site, where she has suffient extra bandwidth.  thank you so much for all your offers of support =D


    i've really enjoyed having these forums, and i'm sorry i couldn't keep up with the level of activity!  thank you all so much.


    Thank you for all your work slythwitch, it is a lovely forum and such a shame you are no longer able to host it.


    Thank you for stepping in to the breach shriekingviolet, much appreciated.

  2. From Bewitching Brews


    First sniff unbelievably sweet...smells like jelly babies to me whilst still wet. Getting deeper and darker as it dries, still incredibly sweet. Developing an acrid note that I can't identify, at the moment not sure if I like it. Now it has developed I don't dislike it, but don't quite like it either.. it has almost a toffee note and a faint whiff of dry smoke. I think I would like this as a room scent or something (so will try), but it doesn't quite smell right when I wear it.

  3. From Bewitching Brews


    First sniff sharp and woody, quite an earthy smell. The sharpness is almost citrussy, presumably that's the galangal I can smell. This is a nice smell, Some hours later still smells pleasant but once again has a faint curry odour on me.


    This is another one where the smell was not 100% to my liking after an hour or so. It seems as though my skin (or maybe my nose) can't cope with sandalwood + citrus-type smell. Other than that, I liked it.

  4. From Love Potions


    mmm spicy rose when wet. Gentle and pretty but not too sweet. Carnation becoming more obvious as it dries. As it dries smelling more and more like herbal tea, I couldn't smell the tea when it was wet.When dry the smell of tea is very strong on me, not an unpleasant smell.. but not one I want to wear.

  5. From Love Potions


    When wet like overpowering aftershave. Not at all feminine on me and not pleasant at the moment either. This is making my eyes run and I want to sneeze, can't decide what is so unpleasant to me. Improves slightly when dry, but really can't take to this at all. This is the first one I am going to wash off immediately!


    I love BPAL perfumes, but this one and my skin chemistry didn't hit it off. I'm one of the people who makes Chanel 5 smell disgusting.

  6. From Diabolus


    Stunning!! Beautiful ginger smell and couldn't stop sniffing my wrist. I had to force myself not to use it and try something else. Definite keeper, I adore this smell.

  7. From Venerable Cities


    Lovely smell in bottle and when first applied. Green tea hit me first, rapidly followed by lemon. Very light. Fading quickly to a pretty, light, lemony fragrance. Clean smelling and very nice. Mellows out on me to a light daytime-type fragrance. Can still smell the green tea and faintly the lemon, never did detect the honeysuckle. I reckon this would smell great on a man. A keeper

  8. From Bewitching Brews


    Not very strong when wet. Very understated and slightly sweet. Very, very nice but way too complicated for my nose to break down the individual scents at the moment. Still very slightly wet, so may change as it matures. Lovely smell and I still can't isolate any individual smells. This is so nice, but seems to fade on my skin or maybe it is my sense of smell, not sure. Once completely dry I could just detect the sandalwood, I will have to try again.


    wow totally different when more applied. I can even smell orange this time. Beautiful


    It is several weeks since I wrote the above and Queen Mab has really grown on me. Very close behind my favourite (Snake Oil), this is totally addictive and I get withdrawal symptoms if I don't wear it for a couple of days.

  9. From Bewitching Brews


    Smelt good from the beginning, but very familiar. Can't place it (yet) but reminds me of how perfume used to smell. I am not catching any individual notes, so maybe it is just the overall blend I smell. Very pleasing, but not addictive.


    Mellowing out to churchy incense, somewhat reminiscent of Icon perfume (yes, I still have some). My Husband's comment was, "sweetshop" ... disagree but.... obviously his nose is different.

  10. From Love Potions


    Weird, on application the first thing I smelt was Lily of the valley... mmm that isn't there. Very sweet, very pretty, very floral. As it was drying I started to smell the melon, violet and a few minutes later the clover. This feels incredibly young and pretty (I'm neither!!). Very rapidly faded out to not a lot. Very light and not really to my taste. Not unpleasant, just nothing.

  11. From Love Potions


    I love this smell.. wet or dry it is fantastic. Vanilla and spice with a wonderful dryness a bit like smelling a wooden cask that has contained something wonderful... an exotic liqueur or similar. The dryness is almost like tobacco, but very special. When dry still gorgeous. A slight smokiness has now developed. I can understand why this is BPAL's most popular fragrance.

  12. A midnight scent, evoking images of flickering golden firelight reflecting off the sheen of glistening skin and the jerking shadows of bodies suffused with spiritual ecstasy. A deep, powerful, resonant blend of myrrh, patchouli, vetiver, lime, vanilla, pine, almond and clove.

    Now I'm convinced my nose is weird. First thing I smelt was mint!! On concentrating it seems to be the combination of lime, vanilla and pine. Strong resinous smell whilst wet. As it dries I am smelling the patchouli. Now it is smelling sweeter and I can smell the almond and clove. Very nice, I like this. Beautifully blended smells. An hour or more on and I am totally hooked. This smells gorgeous.

  13. In ancient India it was believed that a specific combination of flower petals, when strewn across a couple's bed, would amplify desire and sexual pleasure. This blend is a blend of the same floral essences, refined into a gloriously sinful perfume blend. Frangipani, with rose, tuberose, and jasmine.

    Initially incredibly sweet. Then I was especially aware of the Frangipani and Jasmine. As it matured on my skin I could just smell the rose if I concentrated. Still reminds me of Jelly Tots or something. Very nice, a keeper. My early reaction was, 'maybe not compulsive', now I can't stop sniffing it! There is so much depth to this fragrance.

    Final verdict: absolutely fantastic

  14. All look and likeness caught from earth,
    All accident of kin and birth,
    Had pass'd away. There was no trace
    Of aught on that illuminated face,
    Upraised beneath the rifted stone
    But of one spirit all her own;--
    She, she herself, and only she,
    Shone through her body visibly.

    Myrrh, dark musk, attar of rose and ylang ylang.

    Smelt lovely in the bottle and when first applied... but totally different on both. Once applied I could smell the ylang ylang but everything else just blended to a lovely sweet smell. As it is drying I am smelling violets as well as rose. Really nice but can't understand why I am smelling parma violets so strongly when they aren't in there. This feels like a memory perfume, like a flashback in time. I really love it. An hour later I still can't stop sniffing this, definitely a keeper, I want to smother myself in it.

    The above was my first try of Phantom. Weeks later I still love it and have ordered more. It is a really comforting smell!

  15. Must agree, Spellbound is gorgeous.


    Lovely smell when opened and first applied. As I sniff I smell first faint rose then a faint musk blends to amber. Every time I sniff I am getting this effect, one smell progressing to the others... very interesting. I am not especially a musk fan, but it smells good in here. As it dries I am more aware of the rose. Very pleasant smells from this. The rose smell is taking back somewhere in my childhood, trying desperately to remember where / what. It is a warm, clean rose note, faint but so pleasing. Some hours later this still smells gorgeous. Warm, deep and lovely.


    I've already ordered more of this one.

  16. wow!! Gorgeous in the bottle and when first applied. Unusually for me I can immediately detect most of the different scents. Patchouli first, then lemon, then cedar, rose and jasmine. Sandalwood seems to be there as a backdrop as it is drying. This just smells so intense and complex. So far I love it. Getting slightly peppery now, maybe the sherbet lemon effect. Dries out to a spicy lemon, very nice. Slight reservation as it really does smell like curry to me.


    Since my original review above I have discovered this is a superb oil for burning. I don't like it on my skin, but in the burner it is warm, eastern and really lovely.
