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Posts posted by allamanda

  1. well, I GOT AN INTERVIEW!!!



    No inspiration on scents I'm afraid, but I wanted to wish you Loads of Luck for Tuesday. Everything is crossed and positive vibes on the way :P


    ETA: Well inspiration struck a bit as I posted. I would go with my Celestial oil, Libra. I see Pisces is in your list so assume that is yours? If so and it makes you feel calm, collected, positive etc and you consider it appropriate / suitable, I would try that.

  2. Szepasszony


    When first applied crisp like grapefruit and I would agree with jj_j, I think I smell dandelion in there.


    This is drying to a beautifully fresh but gentle perfume. The crisp edge is still there tempered with light florals. My nose feels there is also faint touch of lavender, but quite rapidly I can no longer smell different notes, just a perfectly blended wonderful perfume.


    My poor bank balance, I can feel yet *another* large bottle is required.

  3. Danse Macabre


    Oooh dark, woody and incensey, this smells wonderful when first applied. I can pick out the frankincense, but the other notes are too well blended for my nose to separate them. Burnished coffins spring to mind!


    As this dries there is a lightness I can’t identify, very aromatic and yes, it makes this perfume dance for me. There is an almost floral note in there somewhere.


    I sought a second opinion and my husband confirmed this smells incredible on my skin. It was so good I actually doubted what I smelt.

  4. Sin


    When first applied this smells quite resinous from the amber, but almost fruity. Within seconds I can smell the patchouli twisting the sweetness beautifully and then the cinnamon appears and I am praying it doesn’t burn my skin.


    Yay!! It’s drying with no rash.


    Once dry I can start to smell the sandalwood and this becomes quite incensey. Not sure this smells sinful, but it certainly smells very good!!

  5. I'm rapidly approaching 48, yes the years do speed up :P


    My choices would be:


    Sin (on me the most sandalwoody),


    Queen Mab, Seraphim, Seraglio, Tamora, Libra (depending on her star sign?)


    The latter 5 are not so sandalwoody on me, but are so beautiful.

  6. Sloth


    Sweeter than I expected when first applied. Almost a faint woody and citrussy tinge before the vetiver wakes up! Definitely something nice in there lifting the heaviness.


    This doesn’t really change much on me from wet to dry, still light citrus over wood made heavy with vetiver and myrrh. I didn’t expect to like it, hadn’t ordered it, but the Lab kindly threw this in as a free imp and I really like it!

  7. Scherezade


    When first applied I can smell the red musk, but with a slight spiciness.


    As this dries the saffron appears and takes me back to childhood; barley sugars yum!! There are duskier spices underneath, but I can’t identify them.


    Once I have been wearing this a while I can detect a resiny note that, as roisnoir said, maybe amber, but on me it is warm, gentle and lovely.


    I really like this a lot, but in contrast to most of the other reviewers this keeps disappearing into my skin. It is very light on me… I guess that means 10mls instead of 5 :P

  8. Magdalene


    Floral but green as though there are crushed leaves of a type I am not familiar with it giving this a green sharpness.


    As this dries I can really identify the rose, it is sweetening the overall effect slightly. The greenness is still there but no longer sharp. I can’t stop sniffing this, it is so good.


    After a while this is still a lovely sweet floral lifted by a tinge of greenness and with a very faint resiny tone in the background giving depth. Totally besotted.


    I love many of Beth’s masterpieces, but only a handful have evoked such an instant ‘must have’ in me. :P


    ETA: It must be the orchid that I love so much as two of my other 'instant loves' were Queen Mab and Kitsune-Tsuki. I couldn't even isolate the orchid in Magdalene.

  9. Hey all :D


    I'm considering having a custom scent made, not for me, but for my mum for her birthday and christmas this year (her birthday's 21st Dec & since it's a lot of money i thought i would combine) She hasn't really got a signature scent although she has gone on about wanting one in the past so i thought this may be a good idea. What do you think??

    I think it is an awesome idea. Since you will presumably need her input for the information Beth will require, it gives you (and your mum) the chance to change your mind if she would prefer something else. :P

  10. Very first sniff sweet, then wine, rose and jasmine in rapid succession. Underneath I can detect what I think is patchouli, very dark, an enticing trap.


    As this dries the myrrh brings a scorched effect to the foreground (myrrh and jasmine tend to amplify with my skin-chemistry), but the sweetness of the jasmine balances it with good effect. I can just detect the sandalwood at this point.


    After a while this is completely dominated by the sandalwood. I can just about detect the florals in the background. The weirdest thing though (and I’m serious), this reminded me of the smell you get in old houses where the best rooms are kept closed unless there are visitors, this is the smell you get when you enter those rooms. The ancient pot pourri, the sheet shrouded furniture, definitely a parlour.

  11. First sniff is cleaning polish / fluid, next sniff the same but scorched.


    As this is drying I am starting to smell hay and straw. I’m thinking of corn dollies, hay lofts and stubble-burning. Although different, this scent is really lovely.


    This becomes a wonderful perfume; dry, pretty, gentle and totally stunning.


    I was unable to identify any individual notes in this, I just fell in love. I didn’t expect to, this wasn’t on my ‘wish list’ this is Beth knowing better than me what I’ll like.

  12. Mint, then green leaves and as it dries a faint smell of lavender ? To me this is an old-fashioned knot garden filled with herbs.


    Once dry this has more of a water effect, a little like Water of Notre Dame, but if there are violets there (which I think there might be) they are very much tucked away in the back and barely discernable.


    Beautiful, hooked in one.


    And if you want a colour; lilac / violet :P

  13. Very soapy when first applied, like the mixture you buy for blowing bubbles. Mixed in is a liquorice note, very odd.


    As this dries the liquorice / aniseed note becomes more pronounced, but the soapy smell is still there. Not an unpleasant combination and decidedly interesting.


    It takes about 30 minutes from application before I finally get the smokiness and then it is an almost watery effect touched with faint aniseed.


    I don’t find this unpleasant, just a bit odd. Smoke, liquorice and a soapy smell that makes me think of old-fashioned plastic dolls and ancient makeup all of 1950s vintage.

  14. Beth,


    We just love your perfumes too much, the anticipation becomes unbearable :D


    I hope and believe that we all understand how hard you are working for us and how much care and attention you put into not only your product, but also your customer service. I personally think many of the concerns stem from a lack of trust in the postal services and customs.


    You're just too good. :P



  15. Black Dahlia


    When first applied I can smell jasmine and rose, very sweet. In the background there is a peppery effect, like ginger. This is almost like a marriage of Queen Mab and Kitsune-Tsuki.


    As this dries it darkens and the amber twists the scent so the similarity to the above fades considerably.


    Once this has been on for a couple of hours it is a beautiful, soft blend of sweet florals but on my skin I can also still smell ginger; raw, freshly grated ginger that makes my nose and mouth tingle. Perhaps Kumiho joined the marriage….


    I have tested this perfume 4 times. The first time it seemed decaying and sour, but all subsequent applications have given the stunning sweet floral with fresh, peppery ginger. I love the smell, but am slightly concerned that even my mouth and tongue tingle with this one!


    ETA Because for some reason I included plum, which I didn't smell....

  16. There's something about that burnished sugar smell that triggers something in my brain.

    I find amber smells like that to me.


    I think you should be a bit wary in case you are reacting to something in the oils. It startled me when I noticed the tingling in my mouth, even worse it hasn't gone yet. Are you prone to allergies? I am, but not dangerously so and I have never experienced this reaction before.

  17. Amber tends to go smoky and slightly earthy on my skin so I wasn’t surprised when this was the first thing I noticed. Very warm and sweet and I can just smell the vanilla in the background.


    As it dries the smokiness is still there, but faded to almost a toffee note.


    I was enjoying this but then got called away for a few hours. On my return I reapplied to start again.


    This time I could smell the honey, I didn’t detect it at all the first time. The smokiness is still there but blended beautifully with the honey and vanilla.


    Delectable is an understatement.

  18. Wanda


    When first applied sweet with a hint of something alcoholic. Like cookie, I am reminded of Kitsune-Tsuki while this is wet, I keep smelling plums. This fades a bit as it is drying and faint leather and musky smells tone down the sweetness.


    Once this is completely dry the florals break through, I can’t identify them individually just a really pleasant combination.


    This is just wonderful. Yet another to add to my ‘big bottle’ list. The best of it is that I had no intention of trying this; I hate the smell of leather!!
