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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by tomsawyerv

  1. Let's take this piece by piece:Our generation doesn't have manners anymore -- This one I will pseudo-agree with.We listen to really obscene music that degrades women and glorifies drugs and crime -- Every generation has thought the younger generations music was obscene. They used to think Elvis was obscene. There is a fraction of music that degrades women and glorifies drugs and crime, sure, but it's not something I would say even the majority of millennials listen to. We start to cuss...

  2. Monica Rivero - "Erica! Did you know that anyone can edit Wikipedia!?"

  3. My arm is so sore! It's weird, the first two sessions (4.5 hrs and 3 hrs respectively) didn't make me ache half this bad, and this last one (Only 1.5 hrs or so) was just the edges and finishing details!

  4. My conditioner squirted out in the shape of the Dark Mark. I'm not sure what to make of that.

  5. Never thought I'd say this...I want me some Magneto.

  6. No reports... but Clinton wins!

  7. Oh my goodness, Rebecca Loebe on The Voice is cute as a button.

  8. Oh thank god. Fixed the audio sync problem in Flash. I was sweating that for the last few days. Stupid graphics final.

  9. Oh, man. Caitlynn is the luckiest girl ever.

  10. Ohhh man, Loki is so dreamy. Want.

  11. Okay this is my new job. Who needs cuddles?

  12. One hour. One hour and then it's new chair and sushi.

  13. Please post this as your status if you know someone who has been ravaged by Reavers and is now a hood ornament on a Reaver ship. 85% of people won't copy this as their status because they have no idea what a Reaver is; 10% will start speaking Chinese or say something profound like "I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you"; and 5% will start singing "The Hero of Canton."

  14. Poe is in Slytherin with me!

  15. Quote of the Day: "To be incredibly noneloquent, it's the dumbest idea I've ever heard."-SMG when asked her thoughts on the proposed rebooting of Buffy in a movie with no Joss Whedon involvement.

  16. Rachel Melinda Weller Kim Brown Let's go!

  17. Rachel Melinda Weller Kim Brown

  18. Sarah Lynn, Kt Schaffer, Cody Schaffer and whoever else is interested. I'm debating picking up tickets for the Blink 182/My Chem concert on Oct 7, at Red Rock casino (just up the street from me). Would anyone else want to come? I'm not sure how much they are yet, they go on sale on Saturday.

  19. Since her pic is in the link, Frida Kahlo, Hannah Hoch, Paula Scher, Artemisia Gentileschi, Marina Abramovic.

  20. So Alexander Skarsgard was super drunk in my head last night and we made out. Even my subconscious knows that the only chance I'd have with Alexander Skarsgard is if he was shitfaced.

  21. So even before the release of the film, we are being told that the 'complete' version is going to be released afterwards? Wtf are you dooooiiiing.
