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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by tomsawyerv

  1. Happy Father's Day to all the awesome dads out there!

  2. Trying to get rid of leftovers? Put it in an omelet! This morning: meatloaf omelet.

  3. Always hard people say Muse is a rip off of Radiohead. Never heard it until I listened to this song, which is now one of my favorites ever.

  4. Eeeee LMFAO ON SYTYCD! (THat's a lot of letters)

  5. <------- In light of New York's legalization of gay marriage, I challenge all my friends to turn their profile pic into something that can be construed in a homosexual embrace. And if you don't like it....turn away...its about to get gay. This is my lesbian lover and I, Kat Von D.

  6. I'm on time with my loan payment, and it's over halfway paid off now? Whaaaat? Certainly not me.

  7. Bahaha I got 90% male.

  8. In response to some 'chain letter' statuses I've been seeing, and with the possibility of offending at least half of my family: "The text of the official Pledge, codified in federal law, takes a position with the purely religious question of the existence of God." I'm not an American because I bow to your insistence that the Pledge have God in it. I'm American because I am allowed to decide for myself.

  9. Stranger Than Fiction - proving that Will Ferrell isn't just a giant tool.

  10. "And after two years of bitching about Bella's safety, Edward does not use a condom."*Dies laughing!*

  11. By what standards... number one on the list of worst written shows this year?

  12. Since her pic is in the link, Frida Kahlo, Hannah Hoch, Paula Scher, Artemisia Gentileschi, Marina Abramovic.

  13. So Alexander Skarsgard was super drunk in my head last night and we made out. Even my subconscious knows that the only chance I'd have with Alexander Skarsgard is if he was shitfaced.

  14. I had a crush on Michael Fassbender when he was in HEX. Screw you Fassy bandwagoners. #myhipstermoment #uselesshastagsonfacebooktogivesomethingcontext

  15. Oh, man. Caitlynn is the luckiest girl ever.

  16. One hour. One hour and then it's new chair and sushi.

  17. Interestingly enough, I've watched two shows this morning that referenced "Synaesthesia". One was a show about a drug dealer, one was a show from a science fiction channel, about human beings with enhanced abilities due to differences in their brain structure. Guess which one got the definition right?

  18. I'm invading Earth with Zim and Gir.

  19. Please post this as your status if you know someone who has been ravaged by Reavers and is now a hood ornament on a Reaver ship. 85% of people won't copy this as their status because they have no idea what a Reaver is; 10% will start speaking Chinese or say something profound like "I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you"; and 5% will start singing "The Hero of Canton."

  20. My conditioner squirted out in the shape of the Dark Mark. I'm not sure what to make of that.

  21. Ever hear the lyrics of a song and have them knock you on your ass because they are so appropriate to a situation/time in your life?

  22. Basically my plan tonight.
