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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by tomsawyerv

  1. Ever hear the lyrics of a song and have them knock you on your ass because they are so appropriate to a situation/time in your life?

  2. Finally got Unemployment on the phone. They put me on hold again after I explained because the lady had no idea why they sent me an updated form.

  3. For all of my computer savvy (obsessed) friends, this extension is super rad. I've opened enough tabs to raise enough money to give 9 months of clean water to one person. Please consider using this extension. It's very low profile. I rarely even notice I'm using it.


  5. For those of you who don't know, I work at a call center that handles medical recalls. We got a hip replacement call in, and the guy goes, "Uhhh, yeah actually... my whole body is covered in adamantium." My dumb ass hung up. What I should have done is gone, "Okay, Mr. Howlett, is this the best number to reach you?"

  6. Gary Allen Druns that don't take up 90% of the room!

  7. Going to attempt a steam an artichoke later. I feel like a grown up.

  8. Going to see Thor and then eating at Red Rock buffet! Score!

  9. Happy Father's Day to all the awesome dads out there!

  10. Here I am, a grown woman watching My Little Ponies. Damn you Robyn Forehand.

  11. How do you feel about this Kt Allen Carol Wethington

  12. I got 11 out of 14.

  13. I had a crush on Michael Fassbender when he was in HEX. Screw you Fassy bandwagoners. #myhipstermoment #uselesshastagsonfacebooktogivesomethingcontext

  14. I just finished watching Blue Valentine, and I think I've realized something. I don't really like movies that "give a stark, honest look" at things. I don't watch movies to be reminded how sad and shitty life is.

  15. I'm going for the magic-user team: Scarlet Witch, Shazam, Shang Tsung and Edward Elric.

  16. I'm invading Earth with Zim and Gir.

  17. I'm on time with my loan payment, and it's over halfway paid off now? Whaaaat? Certainly not me.

  18. In response to some 'chain letter' statuses I've been seeing, and with the possibility of offending at least half of my family: "The text of the official Pledge, codified in federal law, takes a position with the purely religious question of the existence of God." I'm not an American because I bow to your insistence that the Pledge have God in it. I'm American because I am allowed to decide for myself.

  19. Interestingly enough, I've watched two shows this morning that referenced "Synaesthesia". One was a show about a drug dealer, one was a show from a science fiction channel, about human beings with enhanced abilities due to differences in their brain structure. Guess which one got the definition right?

  20. Kt Allen Cody Schaffer Sarah Lynn Patton
