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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by enozgirl

  1. I would recommend Chesire Cat, if you're not going to do much sweating. I wore it one night that I went to work out, and man, did it turn on me to be super icky!
  2. Oh, Magpiedee, you are hysterical!!! I think I'm going to tape that to the top of my monitor tomorrow!
  3. enozgirl

    Am still here...

    Nella: I swear I'll try not to have any more emergencies before you leave! And I won't fill your inbox with too much frivolous e-mails, neither *hugs tightly* Enjoy your time with your dad! We'll look forward to seeing you when you get back I mean... I know you're not leaving for a few days (one less email to answer, btw -- I'd asked that), but... Well, you know what I mean
  4. enozgirl


    In the bottle & Wet: Wowzah! Black licorice! That's all I can smell. Nothing else. Drying down: The licorice is still there, but there's something green and herby. It's not bad, not something I'd pluck out on my own, but the Old Man likes licorice. It did smell exactly like my bottle of the fake Absinthe I have at home, less some of the citrus. I didn't get any citrus out of this. And it's already fading, less than 2 hours after applying.
  5. enozgirl


    In the bottle: Yowzah! This smells like cherry candy to me. Ners, or even jolly ranchers. I've smelled this before but can't place it. Wet: I figured out what the smell is. I smell like one of those cherry-roma scented car air freshners. Dry Down: Ooh, the cherry's calmed down and is more like a wine smell. I smell like a fancy cordial. I'm going to have to give this one another try to see if I really like it. BTW -- it seems to go well with amber scents (for those that might want to layer it to cut some of the sweetness). My mousepad reeks of Haunted, which rubs off on my arm as I compute during the day My left wrist still smells cherryish, but my right wrist smells like almonds and amber and cherries
  6. enozgirl


    Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. QUITE the update! Beth, let me know where I may send you a bottle of lovely Summer Blush. A bottle of that with some sliced apples is the PERFECT way to get through any Harry Potter book And another update June 7th? I'd forgotten about that. And I can eventually register to get new scents automatically? I'll go ahead and start making the membership cards for that support group!
  7. enozgirl

    Preview of the June 1st Update

    Apples..... and chocolate.... and leather... *twitch*faint* I think there's one or two rich relatives whom I can knock off for my inheritance... What a preview!! Thank you so much!! *busilly makes up a new spreadsheet to put the new smells on* I've already got two sets of imps picked out, and that's just the Preview! The Old Man says I need to step away from my computer *teehee* I'm positively giddy
  8. enozgirl

    An update on the update.

    Really sorry about whatever's keeping you tied to CCNow, Beth. But, um... YEAH!!! Post the scents! So we can get our orders ready to flow to you as soon as the new scents are officially available!
  9. Should've thought to look at the sins I'll check those out!
  10. Is there a BPAL scent that smells like chocolate and strawberries? I wasn't sure, and I couldn't find anything in the searches that would work. Friend of mine absolutely LOVES these smells, and her birthday's coming up, so I was thinking of perhaps picking her up some BPAL.
  11. enozgirl

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    I made my friend try the Jolly Roger on. That was yummy with his body chemistry. I also had him try Haunted. It's a good thing we're very good friends...
  12. enozgirl

    Dana O'Shee

    In the Bottle: Almond candy. Sweet and light. Like almond candy with a cherry filling. Wet: VERY almondy. Sweet almonds. Cherry almonds, covered in honey. I want to eat my wrists! Dry: I can absolutely see why it's been compared to Honey I Washed the Kids (got that as a sample with my Lush order!). The honey really comes out. It's a very foody smell. With just enough spice to keep me interested. And, the best of all, no powdery smell to hurt my nose! I'm so glad that this was recommended to me to replace Alice. 2 hours later: It's gone! All I can smell is my soap! I'll be hurrying to put some more on. It's got me in a very good mood!
  13. enozgirl

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    Okay, I tried Eve last evening. I felt like I was in an apple orchard at full blossom -- which is very nice. But it wasn't the same as "bite into an apple" smell
  14. enozgirl

    Quickie update.

    Thanks for keeping up updated, Beth! You're vooodeeful!
  15. enozgirl

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    Gosh, I miss apple picking. We'd go out, load up the car, and bring home BUSHLES of apples, along with what we'd eat right off the tree. Nothings better than an apple right off the tree... 'cept maybe mom's apple betty
  16. enozgirl

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    Hey, even if it doesn't directly have apples in it, I'd still be liking anything that's got an apple scent to it.
  17. enozgirl

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    I've got an imp of Eve that I'll be trying out tomorrow. I was afraid it might be too apple blossomy, rather than apple-y. I'll let you know!! I love the smell of real apples, like 99 apples liquore *nummy*
  18. enozgirl


    In the bottle: Alice has a very almondy-cherry smell. Like one of those fancy pastries you'd get at a fancy Italian bakery. But something's not quite right there.... Wet: On me, while wet, there's still the almondy cherry smell, but now I get a powdery note that hits the back of my sinuses like a boxer's punch. I don't like that too much, but the other scents mingle into something that's very little girl playing dressup. I'd give the sweeter part of this to my niece as a perfume. Dry down: Curiouser and curiouser...there's a spicyness coming through that's yummy. It's something mingling with the honey, which I can now smell. It's one of the few scents I've tried so far that's wafting around me, rather than just lying on my wrists. I feel like I'm wrapped up in the caterpiller's smoke from his hooka *grin* But the powdery smell is just a little overwhelming for me and is canceling out all the sweet and spicy scents I am trying to pick up. And it's still hiting my nose wrong. It makes me feel like I have to sneeze. But the other smells have made me positively giggly today (well, more so than normal!) Overall, if I could get this without the powdery notes, I'd buy a 5ml of it in a heartbeat. But the powder's just too much for me. I have to smell it directly from my wrist to smell anything other than powder.
  19. enozgirl

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    Me too! Me too! I've love to smell like a red appletini
  20. enozgirl

    Are custom scents available?

    Teehee -- hussy. I forgot that one! And it's one of my friend's last names, too!
  21. enozgirl

    Are custom scents available?

    I'm really tempted to e-mail about custom scents but I'd feel so obligated to wear that and only that. My custom scent might think I'm a tart, a floosy, a "loose chick" if I strayed away from our committed relationship. I think, for now, I'll just keep plugging away at my wish list of smells until I figure out which notes work for me and which hate me. Besides, $150 is um... 48 imps!
  22. enozgirl

    Update, news, and all that stuff.

    Beth: Thanks for the update! It's always good to know what's going on with your favorite people in the world Take your time -- you don't want to rush things just because you think we're impatient (even though we are...). We'll be here waiting patiently. It'll just give us more time to figure out what we'll be ordering next!
  23. enozgirl

    Shipping Update

    Nella's been really good about answering my (pestering) e-mails really quickly. Just make sure when you e-mail her, you give her as much info as humanly possible so she can take care of you asap! Nella
  24. enozgirl

    Dilution and Carrier Oils

    I tend to use grapeseed oil as a carrier if I'm making oils. Some of the others I've tried seem to interact too much with the oils I want to smell, and they smell all different. I snag my grapeseed at the local health food store. I've never had a problem with it, and it lasts a pretty long time.
  25. enozgirl

    Shipping Update

    Jilli- If you check out the Randomness section, there's a thread "I Got My Order". Looks like orders have been arriving through um... those placed April 8th, if I'm remembering correctly. -EG ooops sorry tygher, didn't see your response! sorry for the dupe info!