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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by rhetoricians

  1. This is the captured scent of a cold, moonless night, lost deep within the darkest wood. Haunting and desolate, this scent evokes images of fairy tale tragedy and half-remembered nightmares. Thick, viscous pine with ambergris, black musk, juniper and cypress.

    I love this BPAL scent!

    At first on my skin, it's very, very strong pine. I usually sneeze a couple of times and smell sort of like an air freshener, but once it dries in a couple of minutes, the musk smells begin to come out and all I can smell is the musky scents and a sweet, alluring, vaguely innocent smell.

    I think that if Red Riding Hood had a smell, it would be Black Forest. Definitely in my top 5 smells so far (even if I've only smelled a few, this does not decrease its value!)