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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by rhetoricians

  1. Nothing like pausing for a contented sigh only to realize/remember that the insanely loud noise outside your window is hundreds of cicadas doin' it.

  2. Does anyone have a bed they're trying to sell? Looking for a boxspring.

  3. got a B in Spanish 4. I almost had heart palpitations when I saw that on my tranguide, not gonna lie.

  4. The winds of change are blowing wild and free; you ain't seen nothing like me yet.

  5. Some kid changed his name on his placard so that when he walked across the stage, they called him Megatron. So today, I am a proud GCSU alum, along with Megatron. Rockin'.

  6. {insert celebratory "I'm graduating today" status here because it is too early for this crap!}

  7. Got paid! To celebrate, I am buying a Tervis tumbler! Huzzah!

  8. Hey, grads, serious question: how long did the ceremony last last year? Is it worth it for me to sneak in a paperback book under my robes?

  9. Ohhhhhhhh no. I'm not getting a cold the week of finals. No, no no ...
