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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by rhetoricians

  1. Ohhhhhhhh no. I'm not getting a cold the week of finals. No, no no ...

  2. Hey, grads, serious question: how long did the ceremony last last year? Is it worth it for me to sneak in a paperback book under my robes?

  3. Got paid! To celebrate, I am buying a Tervis tumbler! Huzzah!

  4. {insert celebratory "I'm graduating today" status here because it is too early for this crap!}

  5. Some kid changed his name on his placard so that when he walked across the stage, they called him Megatron. So today, I am a proud GCSU alum, along with Megatron. Rockin'.

  6. The winds of change are blowing wild and free; you ain't seen nothing like me yet.

  7. got a B in Spanish 4. I almost had heart palpitations when I saw that on my tranguide, not gonna lie.

  8. Does anyone have a bed they're trying to sell? Looking for a boxspring.

  9. Nothing like pausing for a contented sigh only to realize/remember that the insanely loud noise outside your window is hundreds of cicadas doin' it.

  10. Is super sad that the Counting Crows aren't touring this summer!

  11. 4 As, 1 B. Nice finish to a solid undergraduate career. :)

  12. I could hide out under there.I just made you say underwear.

  13. just ate Peanut Butter Crunch out of a measuring cup. No regrets.

  14. watching Breaking Bad with Ian Stewart and a pint of Ben & Jerry's after a nice day spent in Griffin with his family and swimming at the pool! I worked today, too. So productive for the Summer!

  15. Ain't no rest for the wicked.

  16. Please put this on your status if you know someone or are related to someone who... suffers from stupidity. People need to understand that stupidity is real and should be taken seriously. You could be sitting next to a sufferer right now. There is still no known cure for stupidity, and sympathy does not help, but we can raise awareness. 97% won't copy and paste this, because they ate the paste.

  17. Never thought I'd be so happy to not hear ANYTHING when we open the windows. Is Cicada-Gate 2011 over?

  18. Hopes that this rain drowns the cicadas. Not gonna lie.

  19. Has had this stomach bug thing since yesterday that doesn't make her do much except feel weak and nauseous. Let's hope it goes away soon because this is getting ridiculous.

  20. Would just like to thank Ian Stewart for being amazingly supportive - he's the best you could ask for when you're recovering from illness, and I just hope I can be this good to him next time he's on the mend! He is truly amazing.

  21. Good morning. In case you were wondering, you're beautiful. Yes, I'm talking to you.

  22. The green object nearest to you just became a zombie and attacked you. What is it? How likely are you to survive? How will you defend yourself?

  23. Had such an amazing day in Atlanta at the aquarium/Ikea/Cheesecake Factory with her fantastic boyfriend, Ian Stewart. They don't make a word for how happy he makes me.

  24. I hateeeeee that I lose my ability to sleep in in the summers when I work early. It's 9 am on my day off, dang it, go back to sleep. :(

  25. Holy crap, I Dream of Jeannie was a sexist show.
