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BPAL Madness!

space girl lost

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Everything posted by space girl lost

  1. unfortunately. while i haven't tried a lot of bpal, my boy doesn't really have a single reaction to any of the oils other than "oh". i let him smell most and his reaction with the exception of march hare was "it stinks".
  2. space girl lost

    Kuang Shi

    dusty fruit. I can definitely smell the sandlewood in this. Amazingly it doesn't bother me as much as I would have thought since I am not a fan of sandlewood. More than likely this is because of the mandarin orange and mango butting in and sweetening things for me. It is a somewhat neutral scent. Not too musky and not too fruity. I'm not getting any sharpness from it. In fact, I find it rather calming and perhaps even somewhat feminine without being girly-girl. I don't think i would buy a bottle, but I could see myself getting another imp in the future when I run out of ideas on what to order.
  3. space girl lost


    On application, this is flowery. No citrus at all. I can't place the floral scent but it is very green and purple to me. I keep reading mention of violet and that could very well be what it is. I am NOT a floral girl. The scent changes very little over time on me. I will also agree with the mention of hotel soap. Thus to me it makes me think of a cheap scent.
  4. space girl lost

    Juke Joint

    ugh. this is the first one i really, really dislike. could be b/c i hate mint? boozy smells are iffy to my nose too so coupled together and i just want to run to the shower. otherwise it is a very sticky smell to me. not blended horribly b/c i don't immediately think of those red and white peppermints one gets after dinner. so that is something... i could see the scent being helpful in the summertime when it is over 100 degrees and i want to feel cooler without running to the shower every 10 minutes, but otherwise... i wouldn't wear it.
  5. space girl lost

    March Hare

    in the bottle and immediately on skin it is all apricot. big, wet, juicy, fruity and delicious. no hint of clove until maybe a couple minutes when it starts to peak out. the apricot and clove blend perfectly later on, every now and again coming to the front only to settle back down again in a perfect balance. i do agree... this is definately a good match for summer. i do so like this one. it satisfies the fruity scent i wanted. can't wait to see what others i find! edit - aha! i just figured it out. when i first put it on it is ALMOST the same scent as a peach jelly belly jelly bean. only with a tiny small hint of spice that grows.
  6. space girl lost


    much lighter than i imagined. i can't quite pick out anything in terms of peach. incensy? yes... a bit. reminds me a touch of what red devil wanted to start out as at first. as it dries the cinnamon does start to come out. smells too much like potpourri. no wickedness. no darkness. not me. it reminds me of something in particular but i cannot quite place it. while i don't HATE it, i'm a bit disappointed.
  7. space girl lost


    received as a freebie. never even noticed it on the site before. omg! on first smell it reminds me of the gonesh incense i burned as a teenager. i loved that stuff! while it doesn't last all day like samhain does on me, it definately is still there for a good while. it tends to die down and mellow out on me after an hour which is too bad b/c i'm mad about the fresh resiny/woodsy scent i get straight from the bottle. i'm quite happy with this one! i think i'll be ordering some in the future. though it isn't high priority.
  8. space girl lost

    Red Devil

    got this as a freebie. never even noticed it on the site prior to receiving it. i don't know what the notes are in this but i find it incredibly bland and boring after about 30 minutes. it honestly doesn't smell floral or resiny or spicy or anything. just a scent with no definition. it is completely gone in about an hour or two. i'll definately be swapping this.
  9. space girl lost


    finally my turn to review this! i have been lusting after this scent since 2003 and never caved in as i was very hesitant about purchasing scents online having never smelled them before. it seemed really iffy and weird. well, after reading so many reviews about samhain being THE autumn scent and all the hooplah around it... and bpal gaining more of a following, i caved in. i'm not regretting it one bit!! i must admit, when i first opened the bottle i was thinking i might have made a mistake. i could definately relate to those who said it smelled medicinal. it didn't smell JUST like pine-sol to me, but it did seem artificial like a cleaning product. it also was very cooling to my nose.the first time i applied it the scent didn't change all that much. lots of fir though the cleaning product side of it toned down and it smelled more natural. now when i open it i just smell fir. pure fir. it's not quite like going to pick out an xmas tree or anything, but in the same neighborhood for me. i smell nothing but fir. once applied, it's toned down a bit. perhaps that's the patchouli, i don't know. me and patchouli don't have much of a history together so ... i don't really recognize the scent. after maybe 3 hours everything comes to a perfect balance. i can never quite pick out the pumpkin, but i do smell some spiced apple smell mixed with fir. and staying power? yeeeeeeah. yesterday i applied it at 6am and by 10pm i could still clearly smell it when i put my wrist to my nose. i wouldn't say this how i imagine autumn smelling. not by a long shot, but it is still gorgeous and i will definately be picking up another bottle before it is discontinued again. i don't even want to be without this scent again.