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Everything posted by siddal

  1. siddal

    The Ecstasy of True Love

    Had to quote ivyandpeony here as this is exaclty what I am sensing. This really is pretty! I love the fruitier notes and the honeysuckle. But sadly, the patchouli predominates on me and I am just not a fan. If you like fruits and patchouli, though, this is lovely!
  2. siddal

    Cupid Complaining to Venus

    In the imp it is definitely apple and honey for me. Usually I don't find apple blossom to be this fruity, but to me, it is. The honey is rich and strong like the honey in Litha. Wet, I get mostly the same notes. Perhaps the fig is amping up the fruitiness. On the drydown, I smell what seems like actual beeswax and honey and some fruitiness. I really like this! It shall be mine :-)
  3. siddal

    Garden Path With Chickens

    Wow, this is so fresh! In the imp I smell mostly grass and herbs, and a little verbena. Wet, it's mostly grass and verbena and is very spring-like and refreshing. On the drydown on me, the verbena predominates. This scent is less complex to me than some of the Salons, but I really enjoy it. I am going to have to have this for spring and summer.
  4. siddal

    Itasô Kansei Nenkan Jorô No Fûzoku

    In the imp, honestly, this smells like woods and lavender to me. Wet, it takes on a softened quality but still reminds me of lavender. Must be the floral notes. Drydown, this takes on a purpleish scent and retains the woods and (to me) lavender. Sadly, I'm not getting a honey note at all. I love honey. That said, I'm only basing this on one swipe of the imp wand, as I'm in a sniff circle and don't want to be greedy. I don't think I would get a full bottle of this, but it's very nice and I will definitely try to score and imp!
  5. siddal

    Zarita, the Doll Girl (2006)

    This scent is very complex on me. In the bottle, I can really smell the florals, as well as something that seems spicy or heady. Maybe that's just the carnation really coming through. The sweetness is there, but it doesn't really come out on my until the drydown. I was hoping the cream, would predominate at that point, but it's still quite floral. I like it, though. Really interesting and unique!
  6. siddal

    Love Me

    Love Me is very nice in the imp, but alas, I could not leave it on long enough to test it through to dry down. It must have cinnamon oil because it made me very red and itchy. Alas, cinnamon is usually not my friend :-( The notes I detected where cinnamon, something sort of red/fruity/woods and perhaps patchouli. If you can wear cinnamon, give this one a try, because it is complex and interesting. Wish I could test it out on my sweety :-) For now I'll stick to French Love.
  7. siddal


    I have had great luck with the Panaceas, and Bitch is no exception. Im not crazy about the scent, and yet there is something about it that makes me want to keep sniffing it! I would agree that this is definitely a chamomile and green/herbal scent. I also seem to detect a spicyness that makes me think of ginger and a slight citrus note. I really did feel soothed and more calm after smelling this. I didn't really care to wear it as a perfume, after the first test application, so today I put some on a tissue and have been sniffing as needed.
  8. siddal

    Death of the Grave Digger

    Wet, this smells almost exactly like Snow Moon on me. On the drydown, it is softer and slightly musky (myrrh?) and less floral than Snow Moon. I barely pick up any hint of earth, but it is there. An interesting blend!
  9. siddal


    In the imp, I can really smell the vanilla, orchid and skin musk, and to a degree, the champaca flower. Wet, it's still quite sweet and creamy and honeyed. But once it starts to dry down, I'm getting a scent that is almost gardenia-like. Maybe this is champaca and what I thought was this note, isn't? I'm not sure. Anyhoo, gardenia is not my friend, so I will have to pass this one on. Luckily (for me) it didn't have super-strong staying power. It's a lovely scent, just not for me.
  10. siddal

    Snow Moon

    Wet, this is very piney and medicinal on my, with a coldness that really does remind me of snow. But the medicinal overwhelms. As it starts to dry down, I can detect a sweetness that is very pretty and must be the floral notes. I love the way they peek through, but I am still getting a very bracing medicinal/tree note that doesn't work for me. To the swap pile :-)
  11. siddal

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    The cobalt bottle with the papery label is probably the original, as it sounds like my own bottle of the original. I don't have a bottle of the second version though so I cannot confirm what the second one looks like, sorry! Are you wondering about May 2005 vs. January 2006? I would guess the cobalt one is from May 2005 and the amber one is from January 2006, and it's the fresher citrus causing it to be sharper (not having aged as long). Plus it could just be from variations in the component oils themselves, that even happens from one batch to the next, let alone 7 months apart. I had a bottle of the Jan. 06 briefly, and it looked identical to the original label, although I don't remember the exact texture/finish. Definitely paper though, not the newer glossy labels. The only glossy one was October 2006, which was orange instead of white. Yeah, I have January 06 and it is amber with papery lablel :-)
  12. siddal


    In the imp, I can really smell the wine, and it reminds me of Lady Macbeth. Wet, I the myrrh and musk combine to give this almost a chocolate note on me. As it dries, it goes through a stage that doesn't really work for me; I suspect is an amping up of the musk and myrrh, which now seems bitter. The rose comes out a bit on me here, too. The dry-down is quite nice. The wine has returned and there is a good balance between all of the notes. :-)
  13. siddal


    I'm loving this! In the imp, it's very much like Snow White, which is one of my fave scents ever. Wet, it's still SW-ish, but with some pine and mint. Dry, it mellows to a softer chill mint-tinged SW that is cool and creamy, but not sweet. A perfect holiday fragrance for me
  14. siddal

    Strawberry Moon 2005

    I doubted that I would like this as most strawberry scents are so sweet and fakey. Leave it to BPAL to do things right! And I guess I'm lucky in that it works well with my chemistry In the bottle I smell sweet strawberry and a green, herbal note. It stays like this on my skin for some time, and almost fades a bit. Later, it morphs into a sweeter, more traditional sugared strawberry with a more powerful aroma. I it!
  15. siddal


    Over the last 10 years, I've gradually drifted away from very foody scents. And normally I don't do orange blossom. I think my brain reads "orange" and I think, "oh yay! citrus!" But of course, it is not; it's floral. Somehow, this lovely dark, bittersweet chocolate and orange blossom combine into something that sends me into a sybaritic scent orgasm. I LOVE IT. A good friend commented the other day that some alcohols and liquers are like BPAL for the tongue. Well, this is like a cordial for the nose :-) One of my new favorites.
  16. siddal

    Val Sans Retour

    In the imp I smell some pine and citrus, but I don't really get the strong lemon like some do. Oddly enough, this smells like chamomile to me! green notes and chamomile. A very interesting and unique scent.
  17. siddal


    I can barely detect the fruit notes at all, even in the imp. And once applied, this is almost totally neroli on me. A bit too astringent for my taste.
  18. siddal


    In the imp and wet on my skin, this is just gorgeous. I can smell the fig fruit and the honeyed almond and just a hint of the fig leaf. Unfortunately the coconut and sandal wood take over in a major way on drydown and that doesn't really work for me. It becames less fruity and sweet and more heady.
  19. siddal


    This is like a less green and more warm and spicy Lady Macbeth, which is all to the good as I love Lady M. I adore it. Even though they are both very much "wine" scents, I think I'm going to have to have both of them. In the imp, they smell quite similar to me, but once on the skin, I can really smell the clove, and what smells like cinnamon to me. I don't get much mimosa, unless it is blending with the clove to give me the sweetness of cinnamon.
  20. siddal


    wow! This is one of those scents that remains amazingly complex on me, even after the drydown. Beth is amazing! I can smell each element alone: the herbs, the earth, the wine, and yet it combines to create something lovely. While gender neutral, I think I would love this better on a significant other than on me (mostly because I'm trying to keep my list of "have to haves" to a minimum). If I had a guy and he wore this, I would indeed, erm, drain the life out of him.
  21. siddal

    Moon Rose

    In the imp, this did indeed seem delicate, like a pale pink-tinted full moon, shining subtle lights into green tree leaves and wafting into bowers of moon flowers. Wet on my skin, the rose intensified, and on drydown it unfortunately smelled like scented toilet paper. I think Persephone is going to be my rose. :-)
  22. siddal

    Blood Rose

    In the imp- wow! I love this blend of luscious wine, rose and subtle spiceyness. Wet- the rose is more prodominent and I'm picking up more of the dragon's blood resin. dry-alas, all of the wine is nearly gone :-( and I'm left with a subtle, resiny rose. It's still quite pretty, just not what I'm looking for, darn my chemistry. This makes me so sad. But, my wallet will be happy ;-)
  23. siddal


    In the imp: yum! Berry with a hint of heather. Wet: lots of heather now. It's soft and pretty but perhaps not for me. Drydown: Too much heather for me, almost no berry whatsoever. Which is probably what a scent called Glasgow *should* be :-) I'm just not a fan of this much heather.
  24. siddal

    Lucy's Kiss

    In the imp: sweet and faintly spicy. Wet: Oddly, I'm getting more of a violet scent than rose. Hmm, maybe it's a general green and floral. Drydown: soft rose with a little spice. But not for me. Roses are fickle on me and I think I'm more of a Persephone gal.
  25. siddal


    Subtle spices and warmth with a slight smokiness and a pervading scent of leather mixed in, even on dry down. For me, this is too masculine. But I would it if I had a man in my life who could wear this. someday, eh?