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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by angharad

  1. angharad

    Who are the authorized resellers?

    I think I saw a Whole Foods store in Little Rock, AR...I told my husband that I'd heard of the store before but not its BPAL connection. He may ban me from ever going there if he finds out, even if the LR location never gets any BPAL. But oh, how I wish they would!
  2. angharad

    Who do I email with questions? BPAL/BPTP contact info

    Nope. They'll probably tell you to just enjoy it.
  3. angharad

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    Never ever ever believe CCNow's "Shipped" status. It only means that the Lab has harvested your order to start working on it. Read the last few posts just above yours. Give the Lab a little while longer. As you said, the packed through status is only through 8/16. I wouldn't start worrying until packed through is updated to some date after yours, or if the Click-n-Ship thread seems to steadily be a week or more beyond your order date.
  4. angharad

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    knittergeek, a few people were complaining about this in the Buyer Beware thread (actually starting here). Apparently there's a very easily passed over checkbox that defaults to allow CCNow to spam you, and if you don't see it and uncheck it during your order, they spam away. I'm not sure what to do about it after being subscribed, though, especially with what you're saying about the unsubscribe link not working.
  5. angharad

    How to make a paypal order.

    This has actually been discussed some in the International Shipping questions thread, I think. What most people seem to be doing is emailing their order separately from the payment, perhaps with a note in the Paypal comments field saying "order to follow." So far Paypal has been uncooperative in lifting the 300 character restriction.
  6. CCNow's "shipped" just means your order was harvested by the Lab or Trading Post. It has absolutely nothing to do with when your order is actually shipped. It's a very common misunderstanding, though. Quick question -- what did you order, Aingeal? I ask because you say it's from the Lab, but you mention a locket, which would be from the Trading Post, and they are separate companies. Sometimes people combine perfume and Trading Post stuff into one order instead of making separate payments for each business, so that holds up their orders. I don't know if that's the case here, obviously, but -- just checking!
  7. Jecsyka, have you emailed the Lab to ask what's going on? Hmm, it looks like there are a few more people who ordered the same day as you have just received shipping notices this week. Hopefully you'll get yours soon.
  8. angharad


    In the imp, a beautiful yummy milk chocolate. On my skin, hazelnut comes out and does battle with the chocolate. Eventually they sign a peace treaty, and everyone lives happily ever after (especially me). This has decent throw and lasts for several hours.
  9. angharad

    Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream

    I LOVE BLUEBERRIES! At least the smell of them, anyway, so naturally I ADORE this straight out of the bottle. Bright, sweet, juicy blueberries! And then...it goes on my skin. DAMN YOU, TEA! This is why I don't like you. You are the playground bully. You take my precious blueberries and turn them into vile soap! You don't even let any of the other notes come out to play! How rude! I refuse to part with this bottle, though. Its precious oils will merely have to live in my scent locket rather than on my skin. I'm sure they will survive. They will, right?
  10. angharad


    What pomegranate? This is very musky, very herbal, and very generic-perfumey to my nose. As the oil dries it's very sharp and bitter. After completely drying, the bitterness fades, thank God. It turns slightly sweet, but is still very blah to me. I'm not crazy about this one. Luckily it doesn't last long on my skin.
  11. angharad

    CCNow or PayPal

    There's places like Revolution Money Exchange, but RME only links to bank accounts, so no CC payments. Google Checkout may be an option, and it has lower fees than Paypal (I believe).
  12. angharad


    This one starts out dark and dirty. I really don't like it in the imp, but after hitting my skin it slowly starts turning into a sweet evergreen forest scent that I adore. I have to be in the right mood for it, so this is definitely not a bottle-worthy scent for me, but when I am in the right mood...Nocnitsa is beautiful.
  13. angharad

    Lady Una

    Slightly musky, definite vanilla, definite blackberry. The tea leaf doesn't take over, and in fact I can't even smell it. It's gorgeous and completely worth charging on my credit card. My only regret with this blend is that it doesn't last long on my skin.
  14. angharad

    CCNow or PayPal

    Remember that BPTP has a different Paypal address than BPAL, too. It's not just making two separate orders to BPAL's address.
  15. Email the Lab's customer service. The Currently Backordered thread says nothing is on backorder, so there's no reason your order should be taking so long.
  16. angharad

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    My imp of Schrodinger's Cat always had some dark stuff floating about, and I assume it was the chocolate.
  17. angharad

    How to make a paypal order.

    Moryssa, I wonder if it's possible for them to recognize that your credit card is actually the bank account's debit card, so they're going about things as if you have no back up funding.
  18. angharad

    How to make a paypal order.

    I've never had them NOT split a transaction between balance and other source, regardless of it being a bank account or credit card. My last order to the Lab was funded partially from balance, partially instant transfer from the bank. Does it maybe only not split when you do an e-check? I've always had the backup credit card funding available, so I don't think I've ever sent an e-check.
  19. angharad


    Hmm. This is one I can never decide if I like or not. It's a very strong floral blend with a soft fruit/citrus sweetening it up during drydown. Lush, regal, imperial, powerful. It eventually dries into a powdery generic flower. Lasting time is several hours.
  20. angharad

    Opium Poppy

    A bit smoky, sharp, bitter...slightly papery, slightly peppery as well...and somewhere underneath all those impressions is a flower. Not for me.
  21. angharad


    Mmmmm. Absolutely in love here. This is floral, but an unusual floral (for my nose, anyway -- the olive blossom?), with that smoky vanilla making it just not-floral enough to make me happy. I sadly don't get any cinnamon out of this now that the bottle has settled after shipping, but I hope it reappears as it ages. The honey lingers in the background as something to help sweeten, but it's not enough to turn sour on me like it usually does. I'm so very glad I wound up with a bottle of this one.
  22. angharad


    Tropical white floral explosion. I'm no good at identifying flowers; all I can say is "floral." I never get much vanilla or any incense to balance out the flowers and make this something I can enjoy.
  23. angharad


    I remember liking my first imp of this a lot more than my current imp, but since I don't remember anything specific about the old one I'll just ramble a bit about this one. It's odd. Definite lavender, edged by ozone to give it a lighter feel to it. The currant blends beautifully and is just barely detectable. Unfortunately, there is something in here that goes to powder on my skin about 10 minutes after application.
  24. angharad

    Love's Philosophy

    NOM NOM NOM. I feel so dirty for typing that, but it's how I feel about LP. This is one of those scents that makes you open your eyes wide with surprise and smile every time you sniff it. While still wet on my skin, it's a thick, golden, creamy vanilla, very foody. Someone above says there's a spicy cream soda scent, and I definitely agree. As it dries, the cream is more pronounced, but after the oil is completely dry and has been sitting on my skin for a while, it disappears. All that's left now is a very sugary vanilla. The throw is a bit stronger than average and has good lasting power.
  25. angharad


    Between this and Love's Philosophy, I want to eat my wrists off. Opuhi smells rich and foody in the bottle to my nose, like a vanilla-caramel sauce almost, with just the barest hint of petals floating around it. While wet on my skin, it turns super sweet but with more floral coming out. When dry, it's a soft, sweet, feminine scent that reminds me a bit of Regan (which admittedly I haven't sniffed in over a year, so I could be wrong). Average throw, sadly doesn't seem to last very long, but I do believe I'm in love with Opuhi.