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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by angharad

  1. angharad

    Midwinter's Eve

    A melancholy, deep scent, poignant and brimming with nostalgia. The perfume of sugared plums over a breeze of winter flowers. 2005 Bottle: Kool-aid! Wearing: Still very sweet Kool-aid! It chills once on my skin and begins to tone down. Once it's dry, it's a very faint, sweet, plum that lasts for several hours. Beautiful, but not what I'm looking for. I'm keeping the bottle, though!
  2. angharad

    Gingerbread Poppet

    (2005) How does BPAL capture the scent of gingerbread cookie dough? And then make the scent bake into a fullblown cookie? I was absolutely in love with this for about 15 minutes. Then the cookie reverted to dough and mixed in some plastic. I couldn't smell any of the spices anymore. The scent of dough and plastic stayed with me for the rest of the day. ETA: Wow, aging helped my Poppet so very much. After letting the bottle sit in the dark for 3 weeks, it's now a gorgeous, rich, almost caramely gingerbead, complete with spices and no raw dough or plastic scent at all. It's a very warm scent and makes me feel gooey inside. Love it! My only sadness now is that it only lasts for a couple hours before I have to reapply.
  3. angharad


    I could have sworn I'd posted a negative review about this one, but now that I want to revise it, I can't find it anywhere. Oh, well. Tamora smelled absolutely horrid when I first received it. It had a bit of sweetness from the peach, but something else overwhelmed it with a rather rotten scent. I was so disappointed. Apparently, however, Tamora ages well. By now, it is a lovely peach-and-sandalwood scent, very golden, very rich. I love wearing this one. The longer I wear it, the more the sandalwood (and maybe the amber) comes out, but the peachy sweetness is always there. It's beautiful. It's not at all a light scent on me and has excellent throw with just a drop or two applied to my skin. It lasts forever on my skin -- yesterday I put some on before work, and I could still smell it when I came home 10 hours later.
  4. angharad


    To all those who said this smelled like/reminded them of Red Hots, I agree. Inferno is a very strong, saucy, slightly bitter cinnamon scent. I like it all right, just not as a perfume...especially since it's the first BPAL I've tried that irritates my skin.
  5. angharad

    Water of Notre Dame

    I could have sworn I'd posted my review, but apparently not...guess I just typed it in my spreadsheet. Anyway, this smells absolutely beautiful on me. It's a soft, aquatic floral, so it surprised me when I realized I liked it (normally don't like florals). I did feel calmer after application. Unfortunately, about an hour after putting it on, the scent suddenly overwhelmed me. It didn't change, it just became so overpowering that I had to wash it off before I became sick. That broke my heart because until then, I was completely in love with Water of Notre Dame...but it just becomes too strong on me, no matter how tiny a drop I use.
  6. angharad


    This...reminds me of All Night Long, but the more I wear it, the less alike they seem. I get a tiny hint of something sweet hiding under a very light, dry cinnamon. It's a very woodsy scent, and it makes me think of autumn and apple orchards. Hamadryad has a good throw, even though it seems so light. The longer I wear it, however, the less sweet it is, and the dryer the cinnamon becomes. Eventually I feel like I'm walking through a forest full of leafless trees. As much as I wanted to love this one, it's just not for me.
  7. angharad


    Oooh. Amber and grapefuit. Neither one likes me separate, and they still don't like me together. When I first applied this, it was a sharp, bitter grapefuit. After drydown, the amber turned it to a sharp, bitter baby powder. I didn't get any other notes out of this one. It's definitely not for me.
  8. angharad

    Black Pearl

    Black Pearl is making me feel nostalgic. My uncle used to live in Key West, Florida, and when I was little, I would stand in the middle of his garden and smell the ocean. This scent reminds me so much of that. The coconut and hazelnut are primary notes on my skin, with a tiny bit of iris (my favorite flower, coincidentally the same flower that dominated my uncle's garden) and musk supporting them. This is utterly feminine, wistful, and softly sweet. I'm in love. ETA: Two hours later, I can't smell this anymore. Black Pearl, where did you go?!
  9. angharad

    Milk Moon 2005

    I could barely smell this at first, but what I could smell was sweetened milk. Then I put it on. Almonds. No coconut, no milk, no cream or honey, just almonds. Very strong-smelling almonds, too. It's still a tiny bit sweet, but the almond scent is way too overpowering, and I didn't put very much on (having learned that the ones I barely smell in the imp tend to get amped up on my skin). I've washed twice and can still smell it, and it's driving me crazy. I wanted so much to love this one!
  10. angharad


    Way too much ginger. For the longest time, that was all I could smell. Finally I got a hint of apricot, but it disappeared, and again all I could smell was ginger. I like ginger in my baking, but I don't really want to smell like it. It's odd -- I'd ordered Siren for a friend's graduation present, and when it came in I remember sniffing and LOVING and wanting to keep this, so I was so excited to receive it as a frimp...but it just doesn't work on me.
  11. angharad


    From the imp, I get mainly ozone and metallics with the tiniest hint of something sweeter. It's like that when I first apply it, too, but after drydown more of the sweetness comes out. It's not a floral sweetness, so I guess it's the "splash of playful, wet fruits." This stage was when I liked Neo-Tokyo the most. Unfortunately it had very little lasting power on me and completely faded within a few hours.
  12. angharad


    Usually I like scents with orange. This one, however, was too bitter on me when I could smell the orange at all. After drydown, it turned to pure raspberry, which was nice enough, but not one of my favorite scents. It did last for quite a while, though.
  13. angharad


    Bright, sweet and youthful, but swelling with a poisonous sexuality. Glittering heliotrope, honeysuckle, orange blossom and lemon verbena. Lolita didn't agree with me. In the imp, it was a very harsh, almost sour scent. Just after application it was still too harsh for me to pin down any notes. After drydown, though, it finally softened into a strong floral scent. A couple hours after application, I got a wiff of something a bit more tart (the orange blossom?), which was when I liked it the most. Soon after that, the scent was gone.
  14. angharad

    Thirteen (13)

    All I really get from this one is white chocolate. Every now and then there's a hint of something else, but whenever I try to figure out what, it disappears. Not complaining, though. I'm in love with it.
  15. angharad


    In the imp, I get a whiff of a very bitter green tea. On my skin, all I can smell is the tea with maybe a hint of lemon. It's very strong on me, and it would be wonderful if I were drinking it...but I was hoping for the honeysuckle to sweeten this up, and it never came.
  16. angharad

    The Star

    In the imp, I get an electric white mint with a hint of something darker, but I'm not sure what. On my skin, that something darker makes the mint softer, but I still can't tell what it is -- maybe the vanilla or coconut that's been mentioned? Whatever it is, the scent is absolutely lovely. After a few hours, I can't smell it anymore, though. ETA: Correction! Several hours later I suddenly could smell it again -- maybe my nose had numbed while I kept sniffing my wrist, I don't know...but I could definitely smell a very sharp, electric mint again. Whatever had made it softer had disappeared, though.
  17. angharad


    In the imp, mainly florals. Not very heavy, so I thought I'd take a risk (since heavy florals make me ill) and apply some. Wet on my wrist, still mostly floral. Now, hours later, I can still smell Regan on my wrist, and it's beautiful. At some point over the past several hours the vanilla has come out and blended so well with the florals that it makes me sigh very happily. I'm not sure if I'll get a bottle of this, but the imp is definitely a keeper. ETA: The more I wear this, the more I absolutely love it.
  18. angharad

    Dana O'Shee

    I still have no clue what happened with this one. In the imp: Sugary sweet, a bit more so than I usually like, but I tried it on anyway. Immediately: Hawaiian pizza. I could smell the ham & pineapple and everything! And no, I hadn't been eating pizza or anything remotely close it what I was smelling. It still confuses me and makes me sad because I was really looking forward to Dana O'Shee. I ended up giving it to a friend who didn't have a pizza reaction with it.
  19. angharad


    I like Muse in the imp, not on me. Once on my skin, the lime and the florals separate and try to fight with each other to become dominant, and it just doesn't work out well. The scent becomes overpowering to where I can't smell anything BUT lime and florals, and they just don't blend well on my skin. I think from now on I'll be content sniffing at the imp every once in a while.
  20. angharad


    This reminds me of white grape peach juice, which is a good thing. I like white grape peach juice, and I LOVE Titania. I'm not very good at picking out individual notes, but I think the white grape and peach hit me the most. I don't get much of a floral scent out of it. Titania doesn't last as long as I could wish, but it does last longer on me than most other BPAL scents I've tried so far. Definitely one of my favorites. ETA: Two and a half years later, I'm still lovin' Titania.
  21. angharad


    I really like this one, but it makes me sad, too. I mainly get apricot and orange blossoms out of it, which is beautiful, but it fades so quickly. Within an hour I can't smell anything.
  22. angharad


    I'm absolutely in love with this scent. It's all honey sweetness and cinnamon spice with neither overpowering the other, just perfectly balancing into something that can put me in a good mood at work and actually keep me that way! I will definitely need a big bottle of this.
  23. angharad

    All Night Long

    As if the name didn’t spell it out for you. This blend relieves all sexual inhibitions by simultaneously relaxing and arousing. Very strong cinnamon smell. Just opening the bottle at work was enough to fill the entire office with the scent of cinnamon. I put a tiny bit of it on and was still making whatever room I was in smell good -- seriously, a guy I work with told me to come back because I smelled so good. Hehe. Eventually it became cinnamon with a bit of something else, possibly clove, and a hint of something more woodsy. The scent didn't last all night long on me, and I can't say for sure that it works with my boyfriend because the first time I wore it for him was also the first time he'd seen me in two weeks.