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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by eggplant

  1. In the bottle, this is just gorgeous and I see the Snow White resemblance that many people have mentioned. However, on my skin it's soapier and sharper than Snow White, and I'm not entirely sure it's wearable. I get hints of Snow White but it's overwhelmed with something slightly unpleasant. I'll hold on to this for awhile and see if it mellows out, but it wasn't the Snow White replacement I thought it would be.

  2. I wore Eclipse a lot last fall, and now that it's winter I decided to give it another try.


    In the bottle, it's awful. Cherry cough syrup awful.

    Wet, it's just as bad.


    It quickly dries down, however, to gorgeous and subtle cinnamon/almond scent. It smells faintly of cookies, but not in a foody way. It's warm, cozy and comforting-a perfect winter scent.

  3. I wasn't expecting to like this but picked it up on a whim. In the imp, it smells like candycanes, and I really don't like strong peppermint. But it quickly settles down into a smooth, creamy vanilla mint and it's absolutely beautiful. Overall it's very soft and I'm resisting an urge to slather, but I will definitely be picking up a bottle before the yule scents disappear.

  4. All I can say is that TKO is one of the most beautiful scents I have ever encountered. It's all sugar, vanilla and lavendar and while I'm not sure it helps me sleep, at least my sheets and pillows smell amazing.

  5. This reminds me a lot of Harvest Moon 2005, but without the soft floral that comes out in the drydown. It's pretty much a straight up spiced cider scent with just a touch of cranberry. As many others have said, this is going to smell great in an oil burner, but it smells a little bit too much like a candle or room scent to make it wearable.

  6. This is delicious. I didn't bother sniffing the imp and tried it out immediately. At first sniff (on my skin), it smelled kind of...off. Then it immediately blossomed into something familiar and amazing, and it took me a few seconds to place it. Cranberry Orange Muffins. And then a hint of gingerbread and pumpkin creeps out. I thought that Jack was everything I wanted Gingerbread Poppet to be, but I was wrong. This is the best of both of them rolled into one. Definitely a gorgeous fall scent.

  7. First applied this smells exactly like caramel apples right after the first bite. Why did I think I'd want to smell like this?


    I applied the tiniest drop but it has somehow amplified and the caramel just keeps getting stronger and stronger.

    Not for me.

  8. Wow. Kindly Moon reminds me so much of Acqua Di Gio, which I wore and loved in higschool. It's a cool gentle floral, somewhat "aquatic" and definitely unlike any other BPAL I've tried. It might be a little too strong for my taste, but otherwise something I would enjoy wearing.


    ETA: It dries down to a much more subtle scent.

  9. I just applied this one randomly and I'm really surprised how much I like it. First applied it DOES smell like blowpops, especially the bubblegum center. It quickly mellows down into a delicious fruity sugary scent. I smell the guava but there's something else that anchors it and prevents it from being over the top sweet. Maybe the pepper? Anyway, I love this one, and I'm glad the carnival is around for an entire year because this is going to be a perfect summer scent.

  10. Oh this is sooo pretty. At first I don't get any resemblance to midway-it's just a beautiful sugared floral scent. It also smells tropical somehow-it reminds me of some of the wanderlust scents. As it dries I begin to see the midway resemblance but this is much less 'in your face sugar' and much more grownup. I do detect a faint hint of "soap" but it's not overpowering. I absolutely love this.

  11. Red musk, vanilla bean, pomegranate, patchouli leaf and wild plum.


    On my skin this is just a more masculine version of snake charmer. I smell leather, too, and a bit of smoke. It's nice, but I don't need a botte.


    Edited to add: A few hours later this has mellowed out a LOT. It's now very subtle and much more of a skin scent than snake charmer. Yum. Maybe I do need a bottle.

  12. I third the rec for sleepy moon. I have an anxiety disorder and used to have frequent insomnia and Sleepy Moon is the only thing I've found that really helps me. It's so calming. I don't adore the scent so I don't wear it during the day, but I dab it on my pillow every single night. And if I wake up in the middle of the night I refresh my pillow and usually fall back asleep immediately. I think I've conditioned myself to fall asleep to sleepy moon because if I stay at someone's house or forget to bring it when I travel I often can't fall asleep as quickly. It's an LE but I've seen a lot of it for sale on the swaps board, and if you post an ISO thread I'm sure people will help you out-they did for me.

  13. First applied this is thick sharp lemon cleaning product-I didn't smell anything else. After a few minutes the lemon fades significantly and I get mostly neroli and frankincense with a hint of lemony citrus and a bit of dust. As others said, it's a fairly calming scent and I can see myself wearing it alone, but it's not something I'd want to smell all day. I do like it though.

  14. This reminds me a lot of Bath and Body Works Cotton Blossom. I definitely get dryer sheets and mint here, and it's certainly a unisex scent. It's a pleasant scent, but not something I'd wear often, and I already have a favorite refreshing scent in Cheshire Cat. Off to the swaps.

  15. In the bottle: Oil paints and turpentine


    Wet on skin: Sometimes I wonder if I'm reviewing the same scent as everyone else, because my first impression? Oh my god, GET IT OFF ME! It smells like sharp old hotel soap. Very musty. I smell the spice but it's drowned out by the cheap perfumey soap.


    After 5 minutes: Still smells like cheap, spicy perfumy soap. I know I should give this more time, but it really smells awful on me. I'll try to wait it out and see...
