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Posts posted by tereshkova2001

  1. Mmm, sweet and foody and rich. I agree with the pastry descriptions. There's just enough beeswax and amber to round it out and anchor the scent.

    My girlfriend will probably approve of this one, if she doesn't want to steal it.

  2. Mmmm, awesome. The scent is mostly citrus, with a darker aspect from the patchouli. Very nice and not overwhelming in use. The oil has an excellent consistency and doesn't leave the skin too greasy or slippery. The cap dispenses small drops, just the right amount.


    And it does what it says on the tin, with regard to inspiring passion. :P

  3. Frederic is strongly woodsy, and the salty notes are also prominent. The rose is a subtle softening influence. Overall, it's definitely masculine, but delightfully so. I had been contemplating ordering Dee, but this is similar enough that I will stick to this one.

  4. The first thing I get is the mint, and the purple florals right behind it. Violet doesn't dominate at all, at least to me. Musk, as usual, wraps everything together and grounds it beautifully on my skin. This might be a distant cousin of Whitechapel, with the lilac and musk, but it's much sweeter and more feminine.

  5. Wet, this is lovely. The berries and wood are most prominent, and the whole is a dark, sweet scent. It does seem appropriate to the character. Upon drydown, it becomes mostly wood and leather. I don't usually amp wood, but Antikythera Mechanism did the same thing recently. Odd.


    ...Although it seems that lots of people are getting wood and leather on this one, so perhaps my skin hasn't changed.

  6. This is pretty and seductive, in the same way as Kylie Minogue's Doctor Who character, Astrid, from "Voyage of the Damned." The white resins are sweet and mild, but definitely resinous. I am surprised how much I like it. (And as an organic chemist, this doesn't smell anything like the solvent. :P )

  7. I wasn't sure about this one either wet or freshly applied, as the mint, ozone, and eucalyptus didn't quite seem to get along. But it's dried down to mostly ozone, with the white and purple flowers adding a nice soft background.

  8. Wet, citrus predominates in this one, but in a good way. It's a warm orangey citrus, not a lime or lemon. After several hours it's all rich resinous wood; both cedar and oud really shine here. That was a very dramatic change, but I like both aspects of this blend. Amber tends to amp all over my skin, but it doesn't here.

  9. The scent of things burned, not acrid or harsh but definitely burned. It doesn't smell like fire, just smoke and charred wood. It is, however, incredibly beautiful and powerful.


    "The world through flaming feathers is washed in gold, scrubbed to gleaming by fire, and the sound of it roars ocean-fierce."--Catherynne M. Valente, The Orphans' Tales: In the Cities of Coin and Spice.

    Priala is what that smells like.

  10. zomg love. This is warm and beautiful, strongly amber and with a clear metallic scent. The sage is sometimes noticeable, mostly about halfway through the drydown. The main note wanders between gold/bronze and amber. I can't seem to find a consensus on the notes of Abramelin incense, so it may or may not be distinguishable. This was, indeed, a good scent to wear to see Indiana Jones.

  11. The tea smells similar to Dorian, unsurprisingly. I don't get a strong leather scent, but it's definitely there. There was a little bit of floral, presumably the bergamot, at first but it has since vanished. This is a clean-sexy masculine scent.

  12. Lilacs, which is what dragon's blood smells like on me, and a touch of apple. A nice warm floral, not too much but enough. I'm not sure spring is the right season to try this one in.

  13. Swiftly changeable, as preteens are. It begins as stiflingly-sweet bubblegum, changes to icky burnt something in a few minutes, and just as quickly settles down to an almost-but-not-quite sophisticated perfume. I like this one. It's very teenage, but I can still wear it without problem. I would have worn it to see my rockstar crushes perform, had I received the imp then. Also, the scent and concept make a friend of mine go o.0 in a most entertaining way. :P
