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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by niter

  1. Imp

    I think I bought this partially because of how fun it is to say bandersnatch! When I sniff this, I think dark, gooey spiced plum pie and country craft/candle stores. It is very dark and spicy.



    Wet, this maintains that thick, lingering spice reminiscent of a mulled berry/fruit country candle.



    This blend rounded out quite nicely. It is spicy like a candle/country store, but it is a GOOD spicey. Mulled autumn plums and the softest touch of florals. Carnation wears so well on me (along with plum) and I think I will not be letting this one go to soon.

  2. Imp

    This is fruity with a twinge to it. There is a floral note I have smelt before but I cannot place right now. This mix is bright.



    This is extremely bright and clean (but not in a white flower way). The blend is sharp and crisp and reminds me of hardy yellow and orange flowers. The fruit notes I pick up smell like citrus fruit rinds. Orange zest?



    This resulted in a very crisp, clean scent. Not soapy clean, but the clean of freshly washed laundry. There is a sweet zesty edge to the blend. Overall, this seems like a very bright day with blue skies and cumulus clouds.


    A hour after it dried, it broke into an even more gorgeous blend. It has a bright, but subtle, floral tone to it and then a delicate hint of the previous zest. WOW.

  3. Imp

    Very white and pure with the softest touch of religious incense.



    This starts out extremely clean and strong of lily.



    What started out quite prettily has rapidly changed to soap and wears very softly. It is not a bad soapy scent on me, just rather muted from what it started out to be. Some florals do this on me. :P

  4. Imp

    This does smell dark, heavy, and lazy. The myrrh is a much darker myrrh than I am familiar with and the vetiver keeps the mix thick.



    The vetiver is *VERY* dark and heavy. It is so dark that I could almost cough off of its ability to choke the light and air from the room.



    This has a very strong throw and staying power. It is suffocating and so very dark.

  5. Imp

    The banana smell is a bit offsettling, but the coconut and the pinapple are very fun smelling. I cannot pick up the other notes yet.



    Ooh! Surprise! The apple note is pressed to the top of the blend. I can pick up the chili pepper for a unique spiced apple. The pomegranate is quick to rise and this smells as a dark, spiced blend with an exotic flavor. The banana, thankfully, is *very* faint.



    There are so many elements I love in this blend: the apple, the pepper, the pomegranate, the pineapple. Sadly, though, the banana is still there. While the banana works extremely well with this blend, I am just personally not a fan of banana often. Though I know this one does not work for me, I appreciate its fullness, complexitiy, and the excellence in blending and I highly recommend it for a try.

  6. Imp

    From the imp, this is a light, fresh blend. The tart apple is most evident but it is nicely matched with gentle florals and other very whitish scents. I am surprised I cannot catch the mint from the get go.



    Ah. Now there is the mint. It is a gentle mint, though. It is not the strong, powerful mint of Cathode and Envy. In light of the many other mints, this one is almost delicate. Also, it is quite pretty and fresh. The mint remains dominant, but I can start catching the other notes peeking out from behind it.



    Incredible. This starts out very lovely, but very soft. When it dried, there was perfect harmony with all the notes and the result is one of the most delicately beautiful blends I have tried. I think what I smell the most now is the ambrette and iris, but the green apple and mint are closely after them. I can catch just a hint of the mint—exactly the way I love it. This also has fantastic staying power on me. I have had it on for hours and it still is going “stong” (but in the most soft, delicate way it possibly).

  7. Imp

    Soft florals resting upon the subtlest of peach notes and a base of cream.



    I really enjoy the soft peach scent. It is not a cloying or overwhelming peach. Wet, the blend is already well mixed and each note favors the next.



    This proved to be a gorgeous, subtle blend of florals and peach. I adored it, but found it did not persist as long as I would have hoped for.

  8. Imp

    Cedar overwhelms the nose, but it is a good cedar note.



    Wow. The cedar (for a change on me) is tempered by something amazing. No clue what that is though.



    Well that amazing thing never had a chance. The cedar ate it up and then lit itself on fire. This smells like a burnt hamster cage on me and I am left wondering what happened!

  9. Imp

    Mmm. This is sexy, warm and has the subtle hint of orange blossoms on the after scent.



    Wet, the sweet scent of fresh oranges and orange blossom permeates my nose.



    This blend results in a soft orange and floral blend resting on a soft vanilla note. The vanilla makes the mix very warm and sexy and the flowers add a gentile quality it. This is a very pretty blend.

  10. Imp

    This is very intriguing. I smell dark woods and vetiver, effervescent lime, and a thickness I can only think is from the myrrh, vanilla, and almond.



    I cannot keep sniffing this. It is mysterious (not because of the name, but because I cannot figure out *what* this is). HA! Jewelbug mentioned it smelt like cherry coke wet, and indeed it does! I knew I smelt that scent before!



    After some time, the cherry cola scent mellowed and a masculine, woodsy blend moved in. This is a very good man scent, and I think I will try this on the husband to decide if I want to let it go or not.

  11. Imp

    The violet and the chrysanthemum are the most potent scents I can pick out from the imp.



    I am a big fan of the violet blends, but this one is a very heady violet. Still, it is pretty. I hope it softens a bit to permit the other floral notes to develop.



    How strange! For all the throw this had wet, I would have thought it would have lasted. This was gone within 30 minutes and only left a very soft velvet touch behind.

  12. Imp

    Wow. This is scent is burnt timber and ashes, pine needles, and astringent sap all in breath. This is strong and *very* woodsy.



    Upon my wrist, this blend is the scent of fallen autumn leaves underfoot after a strong rain. It is thick with the scent of soaked, naked trees and a hazy mist over the remaining green conifers.



    I am not sure I plan to wear this blend ever, but how can I part with it? It captures perfectly a very dear sentiment of autumn for me. On campus (where it seems I have been spending my twenties) there is a pond with a tree lined path…in the autumn, there is always those days when you walk on it and the steam is rising off the pond and pavement and the path is thick with fog and wet autumn smells.

  13. Imp

    The lightness of this blends is rapidly occluded by the vetivert…there is an acrid note that has the eerie quality of oozne, but smells nothing like it.



    The darker quality of the vetivert is unsettling. It is very murky and strange on the nose. It is a very dominating note and unsettling.



    This became quickly the rubbery scent of a tire swing. This is a bit too harsh for me. It does make me feel edgy like before a storm, but it lacks the exquisite calm before the storm when you feel alive, embracing the wind.

  14. Imp

    Apricots, flowers, and plum! Very feminine.



    The apricot note dominates this blend and initially only permits the plum and floral notes to flit in and out. After a bit, the plum note increases its intensity and both pitted fruits dominate the blend. The musk notes are ever present in the background softly.



    This dries down to a very pretty blend of apricot and plum. As always, Beth’s plum note is gorgeous. While I enjoyed this blend tremendously, I have several plum blends that I prefer with more complexity on my skin. Still, I highly recommend trying this one if you are a fan of plum.

  15. Imp

    From the imp, this blend starts out very herbal, green, and refreshing. The ginger gives the mix a very bright characteristic and I suspect the fig, though hidden for now, well provide a lovely base.



    Upon my skin, the fig is the first note I pick up. It is rich and quickly accented by the strong herbal notes and ginger. The herbal notes have the combined strength of citrus notes but are so well blended it is impossible to distinguish them past a bouquet.



    The notes meld very well in the final blends…the ginger dominates and is tempered by both the fig and the bright herbal notes. I find the overall characteristic of this mix to be fun, green, and intriguing.

  16. Imp

    Wow. Violet and velvetier, no joke. This is mighty strong. It is extremely green too.



    This smells very green and then very much like strong inscence. This is like using a bar of Lush's Gratuitous Violets soap (except stronger and more vivid!).



    This is very strong and very gorgeous. It is not the type of scent I would wear outside my home as it is too bold for me. I love it like a guilty pleasure and want to make a hand cream of it to enjoy it but much lighter.

  17. Imp

    Mmmm stephanotis...I can pick this out from wearing Regan so much! Directly behind it I smell rose (please behave rose!!)



    I smell rose. Poo, go away rose! I can catch hints of the everything else but rose is being a bullly. Sob, this is every floral I love plus myrrh. All I get is cologne rose. Boo. Hiss.



    Rose. Whodathunk?


    Poo. I had such HIGH hopes for this one. I do bet it is gorgeous on those who do not amp rose like my skin does!

  18. Imp

    The first time I sniffed Madrid, I was ill for 5 minutes afterwards and could not figure out why. With much trepidation, I sniffed it again today and found it sweet and spicy and familiar (mimosa?). I can catch the edge of the note made my tummy feel rancid (similar to White Rabbit) but everything else smells pleasant and pretty! There is also a fun bubble gum scent to it.



    How interesting! Upon first application I catch NO racid tummy scent and only a sweetness that disappeared so quickly! :P After the sweetness, there is a mellow spiceness left behind. I am suprised it is so soft on my wrist.




    After a bit of time, Madrid turns itself about. It starts coming on stronger...and stronger. First grapey bubble yum. Then spicy grapey bubble yum. Then I realized why I got the stomach turn feeling. When I chew certain gums, my stomach starts feeling nasty after a bit of time. This smells like it. :D I was so excited about it!


    I will say the spice bits are great.

  19. Imp

    Dragon's blood and musky leather.



    The dragon's blood is very strong in this blend on me and I can smell little else. After a few moments, I can catch just the hint of smoke. The leather must be blended in because while I get dragon's blood, I feel that it is uber manly. And also slightly soapy at times. Weird.



    After some time, the leather DOES show up. This is a powerful leather like the leather shops in the MD ren fest. It is also somewhat smoky.


    I feel like I need a beard to wear this scent. How fun even thought it is not girly enough for me!

  20. Imp

    Glistening fruits with light floral back drop. I can catch the slightest touch of the peach and it twinkles as if filled with champagne bubbles.



    I can barely smell it! WTF! It is SO pretty in the imp. Stop tormenting me fae! I can catch the slightest whisper of beauty.


    I guess I will just have to review this one again. If it changes, I will edit this review.

  21. Imp

    This smells sweet, delicate, and like fuzzy fruits (peaches and apricots)



    This is very gentile and pretty. I can only catch the faintest hint of apricot, yet the blend smells very fruity (in a light fruity way).


    Suddenly, this got rather plastic yuk on me. This is not the apricot of Jack, this is the smell of silly putty. Why!



    Silly putty galore. Pout. I wanted this to work!

  22. Imp

    The strongest note is a delicate peach scent that is sweet and sticky. The ambers give the blend a soft resin side to it.



    That is some mighty strong peach! After a bit of time, the resiny ambers start coming on strongly. I am not picking up any musk



    Wow, this dries fast! And leaves fast too. It was as if I spent all my time waiting for it to bloom and POOF! I missed it. All that is left is the slightest hint of peach and amber and some rubbery scent. :P

  23. Imp

    At first, I smell dark, bittersweet chocolate baking squares. This is followed by a freshly ground coffee smell.



    Whoa. This is NOT Bliss type of chocolate! It is dark, smoky and ritualistic. The wine note is very evident and really helps capture secret heart of the eerie jungle feeling. Next to the wine, the rum adds a swarthy, boozy note that is delicious yet reminiscent of places dark and foreboding.



    This has a very powerful throw.


    For the past hours or so, this has a strong woozy berry rum scent to it. It is strong and dark and very animalistic. While this is an awesome blend, I think it is not something I would wear frequently enough.

  24. While waiting for a purchased imp from a forumite, I recieved a frimp of Lady MacBeth from the lab. Now I have two but they are NOT the same in color or scent. Since Lady MacBeth has undergone a new formulation, I am pretty sure I have an old one to match my new one from the lab. Hence, I am reviewing them together...one on each wrist.




    New formulation: The oil is transparent with the faintest of a yellow tint. It has a BOLD, sweet (almost bubble gum) scent to it with the tiniest hint of darker notes as an afterthought. It is quite sparkling and effervescent.


    Old formulation:

    This one is very golden yellow. One would almost think it is not possibly the same scent but it is similar upon first sniff. I can pick up the bubble gum sweet scent but not the dark underlayer. It seems like the kiddy version of the "new."




    New formulation:

    Upon my skin, the scent is gorgeous. The bubble yum scent is gone and I catch the beautiful sense of dark berries as when I wear Bewtiched. This also has the same sparkling qualities of Titania. After a few moments, the thyme presses forward gently driven the blend more towards the dark woods side. This feels natural and sexy.


    Old formulation:

    Weird! On first swab I was struck by more candy gum and then immediately right down to the thyme scent. This scent is not glistening on me and it is duller. Perhaps the new version has a stronger throw thus elminated any perceived throw from the old. It is not something I would dislike, but now that I have smelt what it *could* be, the old does not cut it. It is pretty, but not tart and sparlking like the new.




    New formulation:

    Mmm. This reminds me so much of all the things I love in Bewitched (I must compare them). It is dark, sexy, tart, sweet, herbal, berry! It is intoxicating.


    Old formulation:

    This just does not cut it. It is pleasant but not exciting. It is stronger on the thyme and that is about the only cool part about it. The rest of the notes fall flat on my skin.



    The New version is much more powerful and sweet. It is dripping with berries. Perhaps it is too much berry becaue I cannot pick out the other notes, but I can just tell they are there. The old version settled down into an intriguing blend of dark and spice but there was a significant lack of sweet berry for that great sparkle. Also, it seemed flatter on the wear...that is, I could smell the great notes, but they did not seem to POP and smelt as if behind an invisible barrier from their true potential.
