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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by niter

  1. niter


    Imp Hmm...this smells strongly of jasmine and BPAL jasmine is very yucky on me. However there are so many other good notes that I will give this a go.... I can also smell the ylang ylang quite well. Wet This is a very different jasmine on me...the ylang ylang over takes it (good) and it is not doing its piss thing. I can barely catch the hint of the frankinscence in the background. The ylang ylang is very strong in this one. There is also something I catch as this dries that is almost fizzy, like soda carbination. It is fun and tickles my nose. Sadly, the jasmine is comming back and while it is different and not horrible, this is not a scent for me. It is thick and humid. Dry I am sorry, it is not gonna happen. First the jasmine picked back up its sweatly smell and now it is pricking my wrist with little stabbing pains threatening the ouch to come. I will conceede that if I had to recommend a jasmine to the jasmine loving folk this woudl be it. It is the best jasmine blend to date that I have tried and I almost made it!
  2. niter

    Machu Picchu

    Imp There is a certain degree of floral sweetness when I first sniff the imp. This is the first imp that I can pick out almost all the notes directly...it does smell slightly tropical, slightly breezy, and very golden. This has to be the most beautiful directly out of the imp scent I have tried. Wet Wow. I feel refreshed and outside on a glorious day. There are very exotic, gorgeous florals coming off of my wrist...nothing that seems familiar beyond being a flower. The golden amber rounds the experience out well adding a thick creaminess. I am also picking up a wetness of rain upon fruit or fresh juicy bite out of a fruit. I am just hoping that this does not go soapy on me because I am already in lust. Dry Machu Picchu ends up quite floral on me but not soapy. It is a gorgeous gorgeous blend. I think ideas of a 5 mL are already bouncing around in my head....
  3. niter


    Imp Very strong cooking almond oil--exactly like the McCormick bottles. Wet Once on the skin, the amond is overtaken by the spicy, sharp notes of the frankincense. I can smell the almond as a base and just a touch of cinnamon. It is as if it is baking, melding on my skin. Drat! This went from OH my strong to lovely to Big Red. Please let this phase pass. Dry Fancy pants Big Red....only because I know what I am looking for I can catch the most fragile hint of almond. Pity..this went from creamy spicy version of Snowcake (LUSH) to Big Red.
  4. niter

    Black Pearl

    Imp From the imp I smell the musk, the soft notes of the iris, and the impression of the ocean and watery things. Wet MMMMmmm coconut. The musk and iris wrap around the coconut eveloping it in a breezy embrace. There is still an aquatic note on me that smells like a breaking wave. I am not catching the hazelnut, but the coconut comes back and forth in each snifff. This is predominantly a light musky/floral with hints of the tropics so far. Dry This remained light, breezy, and pleasant. I think I will have to try this again to really decide about keepign it or not.
  5. niter

    Hollywood Babylon

    Imp The first smell is creamy and like berry syrup. This smells like it will wear thick, golden, and lavishly. Wet Very sweet and syrupy...reminds me of cough syrup at first (but that is because I was sick all last week). This is very thick and pretty. A lot sweeter than I expected, but I am excited to proceede. Dry All of a sudden this started to expose a gorgeous blend of light, sensual musk, creamy cherry (I bet from the cherry & vanilla blending), and a touch of spice for good measure This is intensely gorgeous
  6. niter


    Imp I dunno. I am gonna decline what I first thought when I sniffed this imp. I have read so many good reviews over this that I am still excited to try it! Wet Applied, this is heavy and thick...the way mead sits on the tongue. I can taste the mead. The mixture is stirred with the bay. This is the most cullinary blend I have sampled todate. It does have a very ritualistic aura to it. Drying As this dries, the bay seems to have been lit on fire and is slowly smoking as inscence. It is quite intoxicating...a mixture of thick, sweet oil and smoky religous sells. It is like a slice of history on my wrist. Dry The woodsy, bay filled, insence tipped mead lingers on my wrist. It has a very strong throw!
  7. niter

    Black Lotus

    Imp This is all lotus hand dipped in thick, oozy syrup. It is almost repugnantly cloying in the imp yet has a dark, sweet mystery about it egging me to try it. I am eager for the notes and I love lotus on me. Wet Right out of the gates this is strong lotus seeped in a resiny cherry "generic berry" cough syrup. The lotus soon, thanks to my skin chemistry, comes to the front and my wrist screams "LOTUS!!!" While I love lotus tremendously, so does my skin, so I hope this mellow a touch to afford sharing the stage with the myrrh and sandalwood. Dry Lotus. Nuff said. I LOVE lotus, but I was hoping for more of a blend and less of a single note. Damn skin chemistry!
  8. It is interesting how body chemistry works out...I know someone posted that Antique Lace reminded her of Fairy Jasmine, but on me it is a dead ringer for Butterball. I mean *exactly* like butterball. MMMMM
  9. niter

    Dragon's Bone

    Imp My first impressions are sweet, creamy, fresh, and something on the tip of my tongue that I just cannot remember the name of. Wet This is very perfumey on me upon first application. It is almost like white musk...with a floral touch. This must be the orris. It is almost astringent. For a moment, I could smell the gorgeous blending of the dragon's blood and sandalwood. This smells like something I have tried before. Dry This is an exquisite blend. It is soft, feminine, whispery floral. I might need to hold on to this imp a little longer.
  10. niter


    Imp I smell Lavender, catch only a whisper of orchid, and lastly the frankinscence rounds out the blend. Wet My chemistry really pushes lavender forward, and this is no exception. However, the frankinscence is strong as well. There is a strong rose note vying for the top as well. Hmm, after a bit this has turned into all rose. Soapy rose! Boo! Dry
  11. niter


    Imp Aeval is a pretty green in the imp and has a delicated floral scent lined with sage. Wet Upon first application, the blend is very fresh smelling with a touch of creamy tonka. Something almost reminds me of baby oil for a moment. This musk in the scent comes in shortly after and the blend is very clean, very refreshing. Dry In the end, Aeval remained very delicate and fresh on me. This is a lovely clean scent and would be very pretty for anyone not to comfortable with strong scents.
  12. niter


    Imp The sweet, thick myrrh note is the first scent I can pick out. The undernote has a feral, woodsy touch. Wet MMMM....spicy myrrh! As the oil spreads on my wrist, the myrrh settles and a balsam note emerges. This is very woodsy on me. Dry As this dries, the myrrh returns and the blend ends up a soft, creamy, woodsy scent. It reminds me of Athens except without the sweetness and is almost a manly version of it. I must try it on my husband.
  13. niter


    Imp A fresh, slighly cloying, floral scent. This does smell extremely fresh and clean. Wet A *very* clean, refreshing clean clothes smell. It just makes me feel soft and refreshed....as if I opened all the windows in my house and a delightful spring breeze is perfuming everything! Dry This remains an extremely clean scent. It is very clean linens.
  14. niter


    Imp Lavender is the first note to press forward and it is followed by a soft floral spice blend. Wet Lavender! Lavender! Lavender! I can pick up the musk very slightly on the afternotes. Dry The lavender persists followed by the musk. As much as the notes sound feminine to me, the blend is masculine. Quite lovely, in a very manly way!
  15. niter


    Imp Sweet and fragrant. This is very soft and breathy. Wet This goes on suprisingly sweet....like crushed berries in syrup. This is the best honey blend I have tried. The sweetness sleeps on a bed of brusied roses and soft myrrh. In wicked, the myrrh rose marriage was bullied by jasmine; here is it complimented. Dry The sweet wine scent has faded slightly but I can still smell it riding with the honey over top the rose/myrhh based. What a complex, layered blend. I love it!
  16. niter


    Imp Very fresh berries! What a fun scent. I can smell the current very well. Wet Wow. This is very strong and I am enjoying it simply because it reminds me of my favorite gum as a kid. Dry This has mellowed down to smell like my strawberry shortcake toys from when I was little as well as my strawberry shortcake bath mix. While I am not really sure I can wear this, I am not sure I can let this go. This is like my childhood in a bottle....so many different aspects of this blend that are dead on to my favorite childhood stuff.
  17. niter


    Imp This smells like crushed flowers and whispery musk. Very romantic! Wet Dear lord what is that smell? Now, I know why the flowers smell crushed, some pushy floral note (probably jasmine) is stamping all over the top of them. It is nasty. Jasmine is being a witch on its fellow mates in this blend. Of course, rose is not one to be bullied, and as time passes, the jasmine is now getting pulled back down to level playing field. I can now smell hints of that lovely rose/myrhh romance, but the jasmine is like a pouty ex-lover spoiling the scent--you can tell she's still hanging around. Dry This is one threesome that did not work out. The jasmine tainted the gorgeous blending. Every time the scent softens and I lean down to breath in the wonderful hints of the rose/myrrrh, the jasmine punches me in the face.
  18. niter

    Embalming Fluid

    Bottle Bright, lemony notes against the green tea. What an uplifting blend! Wet MMM this has to be the only lemon scent I like on me. It smells like freshly made lemmonade. The green tea and the musk make this bright and sparkly. Dry This remains a bright, not cleaner like, lemony tea. It is so pretty!
  19. niter


    Bottle Green, fresh, and wet with a sharp, astringent afterthought. Wet This smells bright and familiar. I definately get that medicinial scent that is oh so familiar...but it is too far past summer for me to pick out which herb exactly. Then, it hits me, especially as the note dominates, eucalyptus! The note is playing with spicy conifer note and I am not sure what to make fo this blend. It is facinating, but not something I think I want to wear. I think I might have to take this off...It is lovely, but I smell like those "evergreen" aerosals my husband begs me to buy every holiday season. I smell like my house right now and it is distracting! Truly a lovely scent, just not for my personal wear!
  20. niter

    Hell's Belle

    Bottle Musky floral with a strongness that makes me wary at first, but the longer scent draws out a smoothness like a fine bourbon I recently tried. Even the liquid in the imp is the same color! Wet The bourbonesque smoothness presses forward riding on the musk....what I smell might very well be the musk. There is a strong floral note at the base. Just when I thought maybe this is not for me, the florals back off a bit and let a lovely spicy note take the stage. This is definately not the white magnolia petals I played with as a child, but a grown up version of that scent. Dry This is phenomenal on the dry down. The musk gives the blend both body but also makes it a whispery, breathy type of scent. The florals are very tame and there is a creamy spice swirl in the mix.
  21. niter


    Bottle Wow, spicy rose...the kind of rose that I love from Crabtree & Evelynn. This does not have the generic "rose" note to me. Hopefully, this remains true! Wet Yup, the mix persists from imp to skin....This is fantastic. The spice tones down the overwhelming ROSE I keep getting from other rose blends. I love it. The rose is growing, but hopefully, it will peak and eddy back down under the spicy cinnamon. Dry Nothing but rose. A good, heady rose, though. After a bit more time, it has mellowed into a lovely spicy rose. Quite pretty. This is the first rose I think I will keep.
  22. niter


    Imp A green floral scent hits me first, with a very soft creamy afternote. Wet At first this is very fresh smelling, with a soft note...presumably the ginger, though it smellish lilish to me. The ginger is too quickly gone and replaced with a whispery floral. I am not sure I am in tune with this floral. I like its light strength, but I am not sure this is *the* floral for me. It does smell quite tropical, though. It is tingling a bit on my wrist, hopefully this one is not a scorcher for me. Dry This is a very pretty, tropical scent. Not tropical in the sense of coconut and lost paradise types of scent, but as in fresh, large bloomed florals.
  23. niter


    Imp The scent is clean and sparkling. The mint smells very refreshing instead of dominating. On Wow. As mint and lavender are both strong, I am surpised they complement each other. The result is a very sparkling, green, and herbal. The lime is starting to rise up and I think this one is going to give cathode a serious run for its money! Dry This is such a refreshing blend. It seems a bit light on the dry down, but I am not ready to let it go yet.
  24. niter


    Imp Right out of the imp I smell a delicate floral layer over top of a spicy cedar base. Wet A light cedar scent is all I pick up. I think my senses are overwhelmed, though. The more I sniff, the more I am certain that I pick up the black orchid. It is a floral note, but definately not lily...or at least any BPAL lily I have sampled. Next, a very green, lush note is pushing forth. Dry This mellows a bit into a lasting floral cedar scent. Neither the cedar or the floral notes are too demanding and overall this is a lovely blend.
  25. niter


    Imp A deep, green sweetness is the first scent I get. Wet Astringent lavender is the first to break free upon my wrist, but as lavender does, it is already mellowing. The sandalwood is adding a lovely woodsy diamension to the mixture and the gardenia steps forward, mingling, suprisingly withought being overbearing. Dry What a lovely dry down. It is soft florals and woods. I love it!