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BPAL Madness!

Ella LaRose

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Posts posted by Ella LaRose

  1. I usually like my scents dark, more masculine, resiny and incese, but I really like this scent! It is dark, but it is a bright dark (ironic?) it is female, the neroli brings the girl out, but a powerful woman, a seductress, definately a seducing scent!


    edited to add

    WOW! This just grows so intoxicating! after a short bit the nerouli completely fades and I am left with this strong incense, I can't seem to get enough of this!!

    I think I need to find a bottle! yuuummmmm

  2. ooooo, a good bad man scent!! The vetiver fades quickly for me, which is good cause I can't stand it. and then it becomes this dark, slightly sweet, earthy wood scent. more masculine then femanine, and I have pretty masculing female tastes, if that made any sense! loL!

  3. this is so weird, I don't smell any of the things that are supposed to be in this scent!

    I smell flowers, deep flowers!!

    thick flowers??? wtf??

    I think I need to double check that serpent's kiss is avtually in this imp!


    edited to add:

    well, the flower is gone, and that's too bad cause what I am left with is a very rank armpit! bleh!
