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BPAL Madness!

Ella LaRose

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Posts posted by Ella LaRose

  1. Just went back through my swaps.

    Tried midnight on midway, it has a perfume scent I dint like, cologne.

    Athens is really close! If the wine note was instead an amber resin note!!:) but the flowers are perfect! And it is nice and sweet sugar:)

  2. A Nocturnal Reverie, I haven't tried this:) I need to find some!

    moon gazed on my midnight labors is one I have been looking for.

    I liked spellbound, blood amber, eh, I don't like dragon's blood:(

    white peacock?! I need to look that one up:)))) I love peacocks!<3

    and I have aureus in my swap pile, I will need to try it too:)

  3. Ella, for months over the winter and spring I went nuts trying to find the perfect sweet incense blend.

    Now, this was more of a "purple" sweet incense than a sugary sweet incense, but sweet incense nonetheless: WITCH QUEEN.

    OMG I lovelovelove this blend, and I highly recommend you get to try a decant of it!!!!!


    ETA: Also, for sugary boozey incensey musk, any SMUT will do. :)


    witch queen is on my iso list:) The reviwes look perfect!

    I love tombeur, but I want more sugar:)athens had too much wine, I think I amp wine:(

    I have defuta as an imp, I need to test it again:)

    body remember I almost loved, but there was a note in it that kept bugging me. Is champaca the same as champaca flower? not sure, something made my toies curl.

    I have never tried andy of the chocolate incense. I think I need to add those to my try list.

    I tried black temple burlesque and the coffee was too much, so my imp is waiting to be swapped for something else.

    I have tried many, it is pretty much the only kind of scent I like. Incense. But trying to find the perfect one is so hard, and so much fun!!!

  4. Lol! I accudently type lust instead of list all the time! The drawbacks of an itty bitty key board:)

    I haven't tried kumari, I will keep my eye out for it! And @ jasmin, I haven't heard of ANY of those! So off to look them up<3

    I do love Bastet, it needs to become a bottle someday. And I have several petit morts. They are really good. But still not the perfect blend or sweet sugar spicy clove juicy plum honey amber myrh sweet resins, and a touch of darkness. Maybe I need to try my mme. Moriorty imp again. It is so sacred I used it once and just knew I loved it and haven't used it since:/

  5. I have scherezade, love it:) I have tried urd, but it wasnt too good on me:/ tried midnight mass but it's too woody. I haven't even heard of those others so I an off too look them up:)

    Some of my other favorites: voodoo, dancing koi, great cry of Egypt, shub, Jacobs ladder, Inez (love), vixen (love).

    My body liked orange blossom and plum, also narcisuss.

    Mme. Moriarty is one of imps true loves!

    I like coconut but haven't found the right blend, red lantern- eh. Golden prapirus, too pine tree. Sri Lanka has a weird almost metallic note on me. Al azif the cumin? Cardamom? The 'c' note in it doesn't work.

    If temple viper was a wee bit darker and stronger throw it would be close to perfect! Add the plum or spicy floral... Swoon!

    I really love the dark carnation notes, it's why I like clove in oils.

    Thanks for helping! Bpal has SO many incense type blends I am trying to be more picky in what I get, cause I'll swap and just get more for my swap box:/

  6. Ok, I have been collecting all incense bottles and imps I can get my hands on, but I an finding them to woody, or to earthy.

    Of the ones I gave tried I am realizing I like sweet sugared incense. Snake oil, temple viper.

    I have tried a lot but I an still looking for the perfect one. Myrrh, honey, amber amber amber, sweet earth, dark, mysterious, carnation, clove, etc...

    I an hoping the bpal experts can help me compile a lust of imps to hunt down in this category:)

  7. A midnight scent, evoking images of flickering golden firelight reflecting off the sheen of glistening skin and the jerking shadows of bodies suffused with spiritual ecstasy. A deep, powerful, resonant blend of myrrh, patchouli, vetiver, lime, vanilla, pine, almond and clove.

    this scent is so strange, the reviews seem to be all over the place! And so is mine.
    I don't smell lime, or cherry coke, I guess I kinda maybe smell some almond when it first goes on, but that may be more of an implied scent.
    To me it smells dark, sweet, incense, resin. It smells like I am in the woods with a bunch of witches and we are crafting a doozy of a spell!
    It smells like the long dry down of vixen having sex with scherezade while aged snake oil watches. It smells like my most favorite thing ever and I NEED more more MORE!!!!

  8. Weird, this is one of my new favorite scents but I don't smell orange or vanilla. To me itsmells like a dark carnation, spicy, reminding me of an old lush thing I had:))))

    This is what I had hoped hod or maiden would smell like! Strong, long lasting, deep spicy carnation:))

  9. Oatmeal, milk, and honey. If I were to mix the three up in a bowl and slather it on my face, this is exactly what it would smell like. Sweet, grainy, and the kind of thing you'd lick off your fingers when you were finished spreading it across your face.

    this is exactly what this smells like!

  10. wow, what a cool oil! buttery surgar cookie with bits of jalepenos. And it is strong too!! I like it, I think it would be a super good cookie to eat, not sure I want to smell like it, but totally facinated by it!

  11. yup, a dark gingerbread cookie, with molasses. I need to try it again and see what I think, but right now I like the ginger part, just not the cookie.

    edited to add.

    It is very sweet and cookie like for me, which I am not too into, but a couple hours later it turns into a nice vanilla ginger spice that isn't that bad. not sure if it is a keeper though:/

  12. this was interesting on me. At first, when wet it smel;led dark, just dark, wasn't sure what the scents were. But then a strong dark rose smell came out to play, and then 15 minutes later it was gone. I couldn't smell it at all. But my freind could smell it, and she said it was very strong, but I can't for the life of me smell it! very strange! I think my nose is immune to some smells, and black pheonix is one of them.
