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BPAL Madness!

Ella LaRose

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Posts posted by Ella LaRose

  1. I wanna try this, but I want to leave out what i think my favorite smells are and see if I can get some ideas based soley on my personality:)

    I am 36, TOTAL hippie! Crazy dreads with bright colorful wool extenstions added in, peacock feather and bells all over, tattoo'd with fairies and goddess. I am a witch who travels across the country teaching magic and attending rituals. I am super voluptuouse (code word for fat;) but I like to show off my figure and boobs. Crazy bright clothes, lots of scarves, glitter is my favorite drug. Love to dance to crazy sanskrit music, burn incense. Like to pretend I am sexy even though I am more of a shy prude! My daily job is to make my crazy wool dreads and sell them on-line.

    I have three kids and a husband. I call myself a pirate, work magic in a group of pirate pagans. My nickname is bird cause I am the singer and 3 cd's out. My husbands name is wolf cause he growls, bites and pees to mark terratory, but he backs down at the sight of his chubby little bird:)

    I never wear pants, only long flowy dresses or skirts, pirate garb, corsets, and usually grab attention once I enter a room. I smile a lot and am nto afraid to look like a dork!


    what should I wear!!???!!

  2. ok, so I have a basil plant on my window. And when i make pasta sauce, I grab some leaves, tear them and smoosh them and add them to the sauce. I was smelling my fingers and it would be divine in an oil! Spicy, slightly sweet, green earthy.

    Are there any bpal oils that smell like fresh basil leaves?

  3. I would try sea of glass. It makes me think of green sunny days, happy comfort. My husband loves it, it is very bright and cheery!

    dorian would be another I would recomend, the dry down is the sweetest (feeling) softest vanilla, makes me feel like a little girl being hugged by a wonderful cozy adult woman (never got along with my mother, but if I did, it would be a mother personality!)

  4. Seconding Crowley.


    I always enjoy reading your enthusiastic posts, Ella LaRose, and it seems your favorites (aside from clove notes and Voodoo which I've yet to sample) are also my favorites. Crowley is my very favorite BPAL leather. Followed closely by The Bow & The Crown of Conquest and also Tezcatlipoca.


    Disclaimer: I've not smelled Winchester

    Oh good! Cause sometime I feel like a pest! You know, like that younger sister begging her older sister and friends to play with me and tell me what it will be like to finally have boobs! ( it may be a verbal stretch but its the same feeling! I swear!)

    Tailored shirt is actually gonna help me figure out the leathers! Because I don't think I can rest until I find something by bpal that smells like Winchester!! I would never have gotten it for mysf ever but now that I have it, well, it is my soul oil!!

    Over dramatic! I know! Can't wait to try crown!!


    And Crowley! I need to go look that one up again:)

  5. I have imps of Bathsheba, and my imps are enough, not bottle worthy.

    I think I am gonna get witch dance for the fact that it is limited. I need to hunt down imps of black rider, rogue, hunter, and ranger:)

    I also may beg my budget to get rogue:) I have to see if it is just like Winchester which is easily becoming the best smell ever! And hardest to find one similar.

  6. Well, if you're a honey and red musk fan, and want a Weenie, Third Charm is pretty much a shoo-in. fiery red musk, luminous elemi, East Indian patchouli, champaca flower, cedar incense, ho wood, and hemlock accord sweetened with a peculiar sweet honey. On me it's pretty much exactly as advertised (and gorgeous), and the honey is the same rich, syrupy honey as in O, to my nose.


    Rogue is a beautiful soft leather scent, but having not smelled the others you mentioned I don't know if there's any comparison.

    I have thrid charm, and agree, it is perfect!!! hoping to find one that I haven't looked into yet. But I may just end up going with rogue unsniffed:/

  7. ok, I need to be budget wise, especially with yules coming, but I can buy one oil.

    But which one!! There are so many!! shoudl I get a limited? a GC that I have always wanted? Try Rogue?

    I love inscense, I like the tabocco and leather found in interfector and haunt's winchester, are there more like those two? My all time favorites are snake charmer, schwartzer mond, honey and red muck, STRONG amber!

    So, what do I get? What should be my one fall purchase?!

  8. I need to try this one, Fairy Market. I just got a bottle of third charm and nearly dies, holy beautiful! It is like womb furie and scherezade!! In love!!

    Snake charmer is still my all time favorite, but it is so hard to find I almost never wear it for fear of running out! Masquerade is another I will add to my hunt down list! It is funny, I still haven't outgrown this type of scent, they are still my favorite! My box is filling up with amber sweet scents, honey sweet scents, and resin sweet scents! With one or two carnation scents for fun:)

  9. I have gotten so many imp in this scent base! I like most of mine sweeter then it seems you do, but I have bunch that are inscense resin to me, I will go through the ones I loved enough to keep:)

    oh czernabog (I didn't keep it, but it is churchy wood)

    fenris wolf

    I love inez, amber favorite


    tombeur, sunning!

    heavenly love and earthly love

    wilf, a bit sweet, not for me but maybe for you, but gender neutral

    dance of death

    ecclesiastical excess

  10. oh, holy crap! Those are my favs!

    ok, snake oil, sweet incense, my go to everyday smell. You said you didn't like it, but mine ia aged, which smells way different then new.

    Vixen, spicy sweet, a bit of exotic ginger spice and orange, dry down is intoxicating!

    Snake charmer (good luck) sweet sugared incence plum to die for!!! smooth and smokey!

    Temple viper (good luck) an all time love, surgared resins, creamy, spicy, sweet, heady resins

    scherezade-smells like a box of sticks, nag champs esque

    womb fury is a honey resin incense yummmmmm

    mme moriarty, dark plum patchouli incense heavy heavy resin

    schwartzer mond, a desperate favorite that I savor drop by drop. another plumy resin scent, sweet, dark, sexy purply

    I don't like the foody scents and I know I have mostly sweet ones here, but it is an amber style sweet to me. I have others that are less sweet in my imps I will try to name too.

    I have many more loves, but I am an incense resin addict, those are the ones I thought worthy enough to hunt bottles of, I will go through my imps too and see what other incense resins that I loved:)))

  11. ok, after trying some plum blends that he sais smell like candles, and lemon blends that he sais smell like bathrooms:/ He said he likes black Dahlia. but can't tell me why. So, I am trying to figure out what he likes based on yeah nay responses. It is kinda like a scavengar hunt in my imp swap box!

    I really like some of the lemon scents, verandi, I like othello, which is the next one on my list to try him on.

    It is kinds fun, playing with scents I NEVER wear! and seeing that I actually doo kinda like smelling girly!
