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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Asphydel

  1. Hi hi! New reviewer here! I tend to avoid doing them since I don't feel I'm good at picking out notes, but there are so few for the DragonCon ones that I feel I should try!


    I don't have a ton of experience with HGs. I've tried the honey one and it was kinda okay but not one I'd buy. I've tried the coconut/vanilla one and didn't like it. I loved Eat Me though, which is what prompted me to snag this one because I've used almost my whole bottle! And I'm super glad I did!


    I only sprayed it a couple times last night and reapplied with a couple more squirts this morning. I get mostly peachiness, but it's... Warm? Like, if you were to bake peach cobbler or something, it has this warm, melty, very juciy spiciness. Maybe like peach incense. But anything that reminds me of walking into a metsphyscical/"witchy" shop, I tend to describe as incense-y. So like, if you walked in a witchy shop and they were baking a peach dessert upstairs. This might be the amber? It's usually hit or miss on me, but when it works, it gives me that warm, spicy feeling too. The pepper might be adding to that as well? Though I don't specifically smell anything peppery. If that makes sense, haha!


    But it's also light. I get a whiff of it here and there, but I have a feeling that if someone sat next to me, they probably wouldn't be able to smell it unless the wind blew in the right direction. As I said, I sprayed my hair twice last night after I got the package and I could smell it just faintly this morning, if I stuck the right section of hair under my nose.


    I don't get any lime at all, and I had to look up cistus because I had no clue what it was. After reading about it, this might account for some of the incense-y scent I'm getting (it says some species are coated with a resin-y substance, labdanum?).


    I can see this as being amazing in summer and very uplifting in winter when you're missing the warmer days. I'm definitely keeping my bottle, and if there ever comes a time when I have extra income, I'll probably seek out a second!

  2. My first review! Please bear with me and my uncultured nose, hehe.


    I bought this and the Renoir Peach HG, expecting Ill Mannered Dragon to be my favourite and the HG to be iffy. But right now, I'm thinking the HG won! Funny how that works out!


    Anyways, I n the bottle, to me it's mostly dragons blood! Yum! After I dabbed it on, it turned to something that reminded me of pine trees? Or that pine tree like scent that's popular around Christmas, but just slightly minty... O _o I admit, I didn't know what neroli was (I saw dragons blood and vanilla and was pretty much like, MUST TRY!!), so I looked it up and I'm guessing this is where the pine tree like smell is coming from? It's described as "green". For the first half hour or so, this is pretty much all I get. This surprised me, because dragons blood is usually pretty strong and delicious on me.


    It's been about an hour and a half now, and unfortunately it's taking on this plastic-y smell that I'm starting to associate with most blends that have coconut. I so wanted to find something with coconut that works! :( But I'm finally starting to get a bit of the dragons blood scent though, and thankfully the slightly minty pine tree is gone! No sign of vanilla yet.


    I will edit and update a little later to see how it comes along.


    Okie guys, I posted this in the morning and now it's 4 in the afternoon! About an hour or so after I posted, the coconut/plastic smell seemed to die down and the vanilla came through more. Right now, it's actually a super nice creamy vanilla and dragons blood mix, but I can only smell it when I stick my nose on my wrist. Earlier, it seemed to have an okay throw as I kept getting whiffs of it here and there.


    I think my final verdict is I think I will tuck it away for a few months and see how it turns out. Maybe the original piney scent will mellow, and to me, dragons blood only gets better with age! So maybe they will balance.

  3. ... I am intrigued by what everyone said about The Star, but I couldn't find it. I guess this was a limited one that I missed, since I only just found this place a couple weeks ago? Much sadness if so...


    Yes, The Star was part of the GC Tarot series that was discontinued quite a while ago (2007?). I had a chance to try a decant, and it was nice, but I didn't fall in love the way other people did. (And I'm a coconut lover, of all types!) Still, if you have expendable income, I just saw a bottle posted on eBay (2 days left)... so there's some still around, if you go looking for it.


    Heh, guess I missed it by quite a lot! Thanks for the suggestion, I will definitely keep an eye out now.


    Still putting together my list, there's just soo many to choose from, I could easily spend a whole weeks pay at once. O_o

  4. If anyone is familiar with World of Warcraft, I wonder what your suggestions would be for The Forsaken race, in particular, my character.


    She's a mage, plays both fire and arcane. Being Forsaken, she is of course, undead. But I always imagined her character to be more of an earthy, slightly decaying scent, rather than all out death and rot. I figure, with all their experiments, the Undead must have found -something- to keep them from smelling so... ripe. Her personality is overall pretty happy-go-lucky, but also dark. She has an enormous power that she is most willing to use if called for. In some ways, she wants to fit in and be accepted, but in other ways, she is happy being unique and on her own.


    I'm thinking something firey or uhh, spark-y. Electric-y? With maybe something earthy but hints of death or graves or something kinda sinister like that, but also with a sense of adventure.


    I plan on getting some more imps, so more than one scent is perfectly fine. Here's a few pics if you think a visual might be helpful.


    [Link 1] [Link 2] [Link 3] [Link 4]

  5. Oooh, my turn!


    Hmm, I don't really know where to start. ^^: I guess like so many others, I am new here. I found a link to this place on WoWInsider and spent several hours looking around. After much debate and lurking in the recommendations forums, I picked my first six imps. I got them a week or so ago and love all of them. So I am preparing a list of six more to try.


    Well, I'm 28, but I don't feel it. I always say age is only a number, it's how you feel on the inside that counts. ^_^ I love going places. It really doesn't even matter where, I just like to be -out-! I love singing and dancing, even though I can't and I only do so at home when I'm alone. I'm a really shy person when it comes to meeting new people or being in large groups. A lot of times, I feel like I am awkward in social situations simply because I don't really have much in common with most people. I just don't know what to say to break the ice I guess. *hides*


    I have a degree in time based media, which is animation, video, web design, etc... But I actually do freelance illustration when I discovered that I just don't have the patience it takes to animate, though I do love modeling and rigging for 3d stuff. So a lot of my time is spent sketching, drawing and coloring images.


    Besides drawing, I love to read! My mom always said I lived in a fantasy world and that's very true. I try to get away from the "real world" as much as possible because it's always, well... bad. O_o I hate being in serious or hard situations and can't really deal with them well, so any way to escape, I take it. Which leads me to my other big hobby, which is gaming. I loooove video games and am very much addicted to World of Warcraft (it was through that news site that I found BPAL!). I love fantasy, I love dragons, I love magic and above all, I love to immerse myself in that world and pretend I am my character, battling monsters, doing quests, and all that good stuff. Nothing beats casting a giant fire ball and watching critters explode in a brilliant, fiery death! ^_~


    ...Yep, I am a total nerd, oh wells!


    Hmm... Let's see... I tend to be a pretty decent person, or at least I try. Sometimes I am impatient and can have a nasty temper, but all in all, I -try- to get along with everyone. I'm hyper at times, I love to laugh. I am easily entertained and will laugh at even the cheesiest jokes and have been known to slip in my own clever jokes here and there when I am feeling especially witty. Err, that doesn't happen all to often though!


    I hate sports, was always picked last in gym class, grr! But I like sewing, crafts, sculpting, painting... Stuff to keep my hands busy while I watch movies, cuz I love allll movies! My favorite color changes from day to day, week to week... whatever, to fit my mood. It's usually purple though. On days I'm feeling not so good, I like black, red, silver. On days I'm feeling really happy and hyper, it's yellows and greens. I love the sun and hot summer days, tropical things, coconuts and palm trees. In fact, I feel like I'm sometimes half plant and just feed on the sun's warmth, and whither and get sad when it's cloudy or cold for too long. Physically, I am kinda short, just a little over 5 feet. Prolly a little overweight cuz I fail so much at sticking to diets. *shakes fist at those darn video games and ice cream* I have brown hair and brown eyes, but I like to experiment with hair colors, so it can sometimes be lighter or darker with hints of red or plum.


    I guess the last important thing is a recent discovery... I sort of have a habit of falling in love a lot and then get my heart broken because of it. I fall too hard, too fast and then when it doesn't go well, I get very sad and depressed. I can go through weeks of just crying and being sad, then suddenly bounce back for awhile, only to have something random remind me of it all over again. It's very strange. And no, don't worry, I know to go get help if I need it! I dunno, is there a scent that has a lost love, but kinda sad but kinda hopeful smell to it? If so, that would be mine! I guess I just love love, but not the end of it. Hmm.


    Oh, of the six imps I got, I like Dragon's Milk the best, Elegba the second best I think, or maybe tied with Obatala. Such a hard choice... O_o


    Okay okay, recommend away! I NEEEEED to buy moar!

  6. Hmm, I been reading through this trying to figure out what it is that I want... I'm looking for something sweet and beachy, something that screams tropical! I just got my first batch of imps not too long ago and got Obatala, Elegba, and Pahoehoe. They are all very nice, but not -quite- what I'm looking for.


    I like Elegba for a sort of darker scent... I just got told I smell pirate-y, so I guess that's good! It doesn't quite have the coconuttiness that I want though.


    Pahoehoe is nice and tropical-y, but again, the coconut just isn't as strong as I'd really like. Though it does make me want to lick my arm, haha!


    Obatala was really nice though.


    But I am still convinced that there must be something that I missed! My next batch of imps I plan on trying Eden, Shango and maybe Black Pearl? I am intrigued by what everyone said about The Star, but I couldn't find it. I guess this was a limited one that I missed, since I only just found this place a couple weeks ago? Much sadness if so...
