Dublin, Venice, Ouija, Flower Moon, Penitence, Scherezade, Hell's Belle, Snake Oil, Pele, London, Loviatar, the City by the Sea, Salome, White Rabbit, Lightning, Endymion, Budding Moon, London, Cathedral, Peony Moon, Beatrice, The Masque, Lenore, Imp, Blood Moon, Sleepy Moon
Florals, roses, memories of nature and places I've been, spicey and incensey smells too.
Profile Information
You can live a lifetime and, at the end of it, know more about other people than you know about yourself. You learn to watch other people, but you never watch yourself because you strive against loneliness. If you read a book, or shuffle a deck of cards, or care for a dog, you are avoiding yourself. The abhorrence of loneliness is as natural as wanting to live at all. If it were otherwise, men would never have bothered to make an alphabet, nor to have fashioned words out of what were only animal sounds, nor to have crossed continents—each man to see what the other looked like.<br />-Beryl Markham<br />West with the Night
Astrological Info
Taurus/Gemini cusp: some days I am one, some days the other. On special days, I am both.