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BPAL Madness!

Dahlia Mask

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Posts posted by Dahlia Mask

  1. Alright where do I begin with this one. Let's start in the bottle.


    In the Bottle: You know when you are in that really seedy part of town and you walk into a gas station or a convenience store and the place smells like someone has been smoking a bunch of really strong cigarettes in the place and you want to leave but you walked in and decide to buy a bottle of coke or pepsi or something to that effect and then you pay and leave only to find the drinks flavor has been permeated by the cigarettes? It smelled like that taste.


    Wet: It starts to smell less like cigarettes and more like you put a bunch of Jolly Ranchers inside the drink now and it isn't that bad now.


    Dry: It ends up being quite pleasant and softly floral with just a hint of the fruitiness to linger with you throughout the day.


    Would I buy this bottle again? Eh......maybe if the mood struck me. I like it but it isn't something I would wear everyday. It's nice to have lying around though.

  2. I have a love hate thing with this scent. I Open it up and I immediately go "Oh Sweet Flub of Buddha!!! Close this NOW!!". The smell of Caramel pretty much obliterates my senses and practically clears out the room when friends open it yet once it goes on my skin it starts to mellow out and the caramel calms the fuck down. The Other scents come out quite nicely and I can appreciate the Goldenrod and the Tobacco while the coconut blends evenly with the caramel. I have trouble smelling the Opium and Delphinium on me as it gets drowned out by the Asian Spices. I think I might trade this one off one day though.


    It's not fair that a friend of mine who hates this smell as much as I wears it and it ends up being the most amazing scent on him ever. I might have to see if one day he might be interested in buying it from me.

  3. Alright this is one of my favorite scents they have made of the Salon line. Upon Opening it I could smell a very soft yet very fragrant aroma of Tea and Wisteria, oddly enough there was this strange cool scent to it as well that reminded me of a fine mist at night and it had a sort of mournful scent feel to it. Upon my skin is where the Cherry blossom and Jasmine came into play and it was absolutely lovely. After a while though it starts to get rather subtle though and while that is good for intimate moments it just wasn't the right punch for those who weren't directly sniffing me. Sometimes I'd get people saying something smelled wonderful around me though but these were people who could sharpen there senses just a bit. Was it worth the Bottle, Hell yeah I enjoy the crap out of this one.


    P.S. I went to a Japanese Teahouse the other day and as soon as I entered the door I was immediately bombarded with compliments on how I smelled absolutely amazing! Must remember to wear that scent the next time I go there.

  4. When I opened this one I could definitely smell the Plum, Lilly, and Heliotrope and it is a wonderfully inviting combination. I apply it to my skin and the scent becomes a warm a sultry musk with a subtle flower scent to it. After a couple of hours the Fragrance has become a cool yet seductive sort of smell that seems to kind of play at your senses. I like this one, it makes me feel fun and dirty yet commanding in that wonderful sort of way.

  5. When I was first opened the bottle I was filled with a scent similar to a very sweet incense and the smell of various flowers. As I put the Fragrance on my skin I noticed the change as soon as it mixed with the natural oils in my skin and the smell became almost like a fruity candy with a hint of lavender. After about two hours or so I was left with a subtly sweet smell along with the scent of dew on grass. All in all it was a very nice and intoxicating smell and it will definitely draw attention when you use it but not a bad sort of attention.


    I wish for a swift return of this scent one day. It simply is magnificent.
