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Posts posted by AlaskaSnows

  1. In the Bottle: Heavy white floral with herb and soap.


    Dry: I smell rose, and maybe a waxy thick gardenia? This IS very soapy This scent barely gets to my nose, it's very heavy and languid and only goes somewhere if I move and then kind of like sediment being roiled up from the bottom of a lake. I guess I'd wear this if I was feeling humid and hot and sensual... or on a summer night.

  2. In the Bottle: Sugary hard candy, the type you think will be yummy and tangy cause it says Cherry Flavor, but it really just tastes like sugar with a hint of artificial fruit flavoring.


    Dry: I get a hint of sage, mixed with a tangy fruit, and sugar. Smells a lot like Prickly Pear jelly. there is almost no throw... I am saddened, I expected something great here, but this doesn't work on me.

  3. In the Bottle: Like stuffing your nose into a fresh bunch of flowers, floral, yes, sweet and soft but green stem too.


    Dry: Very lilac to my nose. It may be tulip or peony, but for me it isn't that distinguishable from the soft vibrant BPAL lilac. There is a yummy green stem background. Very nice! Possibly big bottle.

  4. In the Bottle: Sugar, almonds and buttercream.


    Dry: Mmmm a lot of almond, and it has a yummy spice note... cinnamon? The buttercream thankfully recedes and the sugar is juuuust enough to add sweetness. nice!

  5. In the Bottle: Dark Chocolate, sugar, and buttercream with a touch of alcohol.


    Dry: Mostly buttercream with touches of sugar and honey and the slightest hint of chocolate. I wanted more chocolate, so I was disappointed. This scent faded very fast on me.


    ADDED Feb. 11:


    Hazelnut syrup. The chocolate was initially very strong, but left quickly, there is just the smallest tinge remaining. This smells kind of like nut brittle, but not peanut or almond. There's a sharp nut and a lot of sweet sugar syrupy smell. It's nice.... but I would mix this with Bliss if I wanted to wear it out. Though it's refreshing in a way because this is a sweet scent that is markedly different from all the O's, Hellcats, etc. It's unique.

  6. In the Bottle: Bitter citrus peel and resin.


    Dry: Like a drying orange, there's lots of peel, and some sweet flesh. It's not like an overripe fruit, all sweet, more like an orange drying for some reason, maybe for clices in a potpourri. It's a very interesting and complicated scent. Sometimes sewwt, sometimes all bitter peel. I find it fascinating, but won't be buying a big bottle unless my feelings for this change.

  7. In the Bottle: For some reason the pear in here smells very apple to me. So I smell weak apple, some alcohol, and pretty white flowers behind it all.


    Dry: The flowers are nice, but the pear recedes into a very watery fruit scent. It reminds me a lot of Fae and Eve... I prefer a more robust fruit, or at least one that smells less watery.

  8. In the Bottle: A hint of citrus and flowers behind a wall of something 7up smelling.... possibly young patchouli? It smells like 7Up to me sometimes...


    Dry: This is a strange scent on me... it's like that "crystalline Musk" is literally a sheet of glass, I get this strange clear smelling (how can something smell clear? but it does) scent overlying everything. there is musk, and a bit of flowers, and that 7up scent, all behind this clear airlike scent. It's interesting. I am going to let my bottle mellow for a few months then try it again.

  9. In the Bottle: A musky dark floral. Drydown the violet really starts to come out.


    Dry: I get mostly violet, but it has a very dark undertone, something approaching the edge of bitterness. It's okay, but I like Venice better for my violet.

  10. ... Mugwort and bay, for psychic sensitivity… Juniper, for divination through dreams… Orchid and galbanum, for complexity, wisdom and noscere… with a potent lunar-charged blend of poppy, calamus, orris, wood aloes, moonflower, cucumber, and pale creeping buttercup.

    In the Bottle: Wet melon and berry, and floral of some sort... lilac? Lotus? not jasmine, I don't think? Cool and calm and I think, a night scent. A big pool of water in the full moonlight. This scent seems very familiar, but maybe it's the water note. But it does evoke some well known candle or room scent...

    Dry: Cucumber Melon Candle with a water scent candle, or dryer sheets. Which don't get me wrong, is not a bad thing. This would make the world's best room scent, I think, for spring. I don't think it goes well for me as a body scent though. but it's a fresh lovely scent.

  11. The Full Red Moon of August was named thus by some Native American tribes because as the moon rises, it dons a reddish veil, visible through the hot, sweltering summer evening haze. Our blend for this Moon mixes traditional lunar oils with the warmth of amber and heliotrope, the russet haze of dragon's blood resin and crushed orange peel, and a swirl of summertime herbs: chamomile, rue, elder flower and marigold.

    In the Bottle: This smells like.... EVERYTHING. :P A little fruit, a little spice, a little floral, a little dragonsblood, a little musk, a little water... EVERYTHING! It's juicy and warm, and yes, smells golden red to me.

    Dry: Juicy plum and spice. Sweet and dusky and has a floral back. Sophisticated and perfume like. Very ripe and succulent smelling, and very mysterious. Gorgeous.

  12. 8 imps of pure, highest-grade patchouli SN will be available on Harvest Moon at BPAL w/c, $15 ea, on a first-come-first served basis. If you are placing an order ahead of time for pick up, you may request an imp. They were distilled in-house by our own Fritz, who is an alchemical genius. They are of the highest quality, and will be at their best if let alone in a cool, dry, dark area for 6-12 months before use.


    I have a personal stash of 1oz of this patchouli from last year’s batch, and it is orgasm-inducing. More will be made available over time as it is distilled.



    In the Vial: Patchouli overwhelmed with a nasty dank root cellar smell. Also something in the kind of like flat 7-Up.


    Dry: I used the lightest brush of the wand to apply. This will be a gorgeous rich full bodied patchouli, as stated, in 6 - 12 months. I can smell it in there, ready to burst forth and become a butterfly of patchouli. Right now it smells like patchouli in a bowl of macaroni into which someone threw some old dirty potatoes.


    I'll edit in several months, but no lie, this is going to be King of Patchoulis.


    ETA on 12/9/05: The imp is almost clear yellow now, before was very cloudy and looked clumpy. The scent is much the same but the patchouli is stronger and the whole scent is less musty, it is becoming clearer. Still strong macaroni, potato and 7Up notes though. But it is aging and doing its thing.

  13. In the Bottle: Honey and orange blossom, maybe the slightest tad of a sweet, entirely non-tangy apricot.


    Dry: Pretty much exactly the same. the fruit in this is very sweet, and as I said not tangy at all. It's gentle and soft and powdery and non-assuming on me. Pretty and tempting. A feminine foody scent. This could be very good.

  14. In the Bottle: Wet heady exotic flowers, very sweet.


    Dry: The same, with a lush tropical greenery smell. A smell of sunlight warming flowers and really bringing out the scent.


    I'm glad I bought this big bottle!

  15. In the Bottle: Salty buttered popcorn and caramel.


    Dry: A soft buttery sweet smell. I like a lot of foody scents, but this is too foody even for me. if I get real close to my wrist a very sharp turpentine smell comes out.

  16. In the Bottle: Apricot on top of a GIANT CLOVE!!


    Dry: Juicy apricot over a dry spicy clove. A much more rounded clove than some other oils. This is VERY Fall. I Need to see how this wafts up to the nose, could be too bitter, but if it stayed as well mixed as when I sniff my wrist, this is a Big Bottle Buy!

  17. In the Bottle: MMMmmmmm fresh peach bellinis!!!


    Dry: Powder, dried peach, the merest hint of alcohol. Wow, what had started as a lush wet fragrance full of life has become a very dry understated fragrance. it's basically the same, but it's like someone shut the door on it, shut it up in a drawer or something. It was close, now it's far away. It's still nice, but after the juicy life of the wet stage, this struggle to smell it is a big disappointment.

  18. In the Bottle: Mmmm tangy berries and wildflowers!


    Dry: Spicy tangy berries, and... and some root vegetables. This reminds me of the Rosemary in Catherine too. This is a VERY airy outdoors scent, this smells a lot like picking berries in the Alaska woods. It has a very cold note. I don't know if I want to smell like this but it's one hell of an execution of the description.

  19. In the Bottle: Very well blended, I can't pick out much, I just smell a sophisticated perfumey floral.


    Dry: Well I smell the patchouli now, and a very mellow patchouli it is. It mingles very well with the slightly incensy floral. This is very adult and sophisticated. A night out in a dress complete with stockings and heels.
