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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by AlaskaSnows

  1. Wet: vetivert, and a very tangy smell.


    Dry: metallic tang, in an aquatic smell. It does have a sort of anticipatory feeling to it, but the scent is indescribable, though not offensive it isn't something I will want to wear as perfume or scent my house with.

  2. Austere, majestic, and coldly beautiful. The scent of funereal blooms laid gently on cold marble. Calla lilies wrapped in rose and gladiola with the barest touch of sweetgrass and juniper.


    Dry: I get a light Moon-type floral (floral base of Moons not The Moon) covered by a bit of juniper and a LOT of sweetgrass. Unfortunately it smells a lot like celery seed. I am going to let this mellow for a few months and see what happens.

  3. Wet: Crispness and pine. Lovely.


    Wet: Pine, and body odor. I am thinking maybe there is lavender in this, because somehow BPAL pine turns body odor on me much of the time. Unfortunate, but truly I am not a big pine fan anyway.

  4. Wet: Caustic cleaning fluid.


    Dry: A gorgeous light airy incensy floral, a night scent, with a more "perfume" type of scent. The patchouli blends well with the flowers making a sweet dusky aroma. Incensy and utterly gorgeous.

  5. Wet: Freshly cut, not quite ripe yellow grapefruit.


    Dry: Grapefruit and some bitter herbs. Like a rotting grapefruit that never got ripe. I definitely smell the aquatic note in there too, a sweetness behind the bitter and sour. It's interesting, but I see no reason to actually wear something with these bitter notes. Might be good on a man.

  6. Wet: Honey, fresh fruit, spices including cinnamon.


    Dry: A subtler Bengal. Less honey, less spice, but also less interesting. this is warm and smells of baking spice. It is nice and gentle. But I like Bengal better, even with the cinnamon being too potent. Silk Road is too mellow for me.

  7. Wet: Bright sparkly tea and orange peel.


    Dry: I don't find this very different from Shanghai, just has a hint of citrus. It's nice, but the gentle tea and citrus pith scent is not a standout from other tea fragrances, or the best of the lot.

  8. Wet: Apple and herbs, mixing in a way that makes me think dried apple not fresh apple.


    Dry: yep, apple, a bit more juicy now, but not quite a freshly cut one. There are some bitter herbs behind but they just kind of make the apple more subtle for me rather than lending a bitter edge. This is nice, but it's too plain apple for me to want to wear any more then maybe once a year or so in spring or summer, the imp will be plenty.

  9. Wet: Tea leaf and a fresh lemon wedge.


    Dry: The barest breath of flowers, over a tea leaf. This is intriguing, but the throw is minimal, it's easy on the nose though, as I like the smell of tea leaves.

  10. Wet: Lemon tea mix and a freshly picked flower.


    Dry: tea and a fresh bouquet of flowers. Super fresh, a lot like Phantasm but more mellow and floral, and I can't detect any lemon in the dry Dormouse. Beautiful and light and springlike.

  11. Wet: Light dry tea and a gentle fruity scent.


    Dry: Pretty much the same. This tea IS a leaf, it isn't a cup of tea, like Phantasm, or a dry tea mix, like the Sprirts of the Dead. There is some gentle herbal and something almost like a sweet dried flower. This is remarkably addictive. I love the way it smells, herbal enough without being aromatic, floral enough without being too flowery, sweet enough - just a hint. YUM!
