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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by AlaskaSnows

  1. In the Bottle: Spices and alcohol.


    Dry: SWEET gingerbread, not too sharp or gingery, a very mellow delicious scent, more like a loaf of gingerbread like pumpkin bread (which I prefer) than a hard crunchy cookie.


    Gotta be a foody to enjoy this, IMO. And luckily I am!!!

  2. In the Bottle: Initial whiff is bubblegum and not much else. After a bit of time a hint of spice comes through, and as Miles says, a soupcon of apple.


    Drydown: Apple and spices coming through strongly now, bubblegum is all but gone. Maybe the bubblegum is the plum? The hint of wine (not like putting your nose to a bottle of wine, that sharp alcohol and tannin, more the perfume idea of wine) comes out eventually.


    Dry: Kind of smells like the filling of an apple pie waiting to go into the crust, or a pumpkin pie filling without the pumpkin, with cider mulling on the stove, and a glass of good wine nearby. Yes, it's foody, for me. But you might get only the spice, if your chemistry works that way. the predominant note is by far the spice, and I agree it's a terrific Fall scent.


    I REALLY like it.

  3. In the Bottle: Smells simply a bit citrussy, a bit floral. Very nice.


    Dry: Pretty much a simple white blossom, more like the actual bloom on an orange tree (I find, personally, that while orange blossom in perfumes and soaps is described as citrus and floral in real life orange blossom is only floral). It's pretty but sompared to other BPAL florals, it is one dimensional and kinda boring.

  4. In the Bottle: Berry Schnapps! Yum!!


    Drydown: Mmmm gets boozier by the minute!


    Dry: Hmm this dries into a very chaotic scent. I smell a bit of berry, a bit of amber, a bit of spice, but nothing mingles well. I don't find it reminiscent of Florence the city, or the Renaissance, personally, but I don't require BPAL to be like the names or descriptions. Other than that I just find it meh.

  5. In the Bottle: Strong scent of alcohol with some vanilla and spices.


    Dry: Drydown happens pretty quickly and you get left with a very lovely rounded warm vanilla, spice and musky scent that is very well balanced and extremely appealing. I enjoyed this while it lasted, about 3 hours full strength and another hour low strength.


    IMO, it's a shame not to mass market this.

  6. In the Bottle: Very light, I can barely smell anything but a little soap. It's a very lovely strawberry color though. :P


    Drydown: lots and lots of sharp smelling soap.


    Dry: I smell the lilac and the Lily of the Valley. This takes a long time to settle down but when it does, WHAM, it opens up into a very feminine floral, a very lavender (in color) smelling floral if you will. Beautiful!!! I smell no Dragon's Blood whatsoever, only lilac and LOTV. This is so pretty, I would want to be wearing a long skirt or dress and jewelry for this one, it's chock full of feminine mystery.

  7. In the Bottle: Exactly as advertised, strawberry and chanpagne. :P


    Drydown: Strawberry is starting to smell a bit more candy but champagne is staying relatively true.


    Dry: Wow this stayed almost exact! It's tart and bubbly and while there is a candylike smell there is definitely strawberries and champagne. There also seems to be a tad bit of something sharp in the background, which I will have to mull about. As time goes by I am getting a bit more of a powdery hard candy smell. The champagne has receded a bit.



  8. In the Bottle: Pure violet.


    Drydown: Lots of violet, could smell a smidge of the clove in background.


    Dry: violet overlaid heavily by tonka, clove waaaay in the background. Almost no throw, a very subdued scent.


    I do like it, just wish I could smell it more.

  9. In the Bottle: Wet, airy jasmine and flowers, with a gorgeous green but not herbal background. It reminds me a lot of Moon Rose.


    Dry: Oooh!!! As it dries a whiff of smoke and dark plantlife comes out. The flowers are background but still very much there. The drier it gets the smokier, and it starts getting to be a very heavy scent. This is a heady floral background with a really great smell of smoky, sun heated wood, and a watery background. (There's those dryer sheets! Will I never get that comparison out of my head?)


    This definitely smells like being outdoors somewhere hot and languid. An emotion distilled into a scent.

  10. In the Bottle: I get cedar and bitter orange. Smells like an expensive and devastatingly sexy men's cologne.


    Dry: the dryer it gets the more deep dark patchouli joins the cedar and bitter orange. It smells like the inside of a Psychic Eye I used to frequent.


    This is GORGEOUS!!!!!!! I don't think I can wear it as it is far too masculine, but I will make my husband wear it, and wear it OFTEN!!!


    1 to 10: 9 Buy Again: Yes

  11. In the Bottle: Wet light gentle subtle roses. Light and white and beautiful.


    Dry: A bit of the fabric softener dryer sheet, but with the rose balancing it it isn't in your face like in Dirty. This is wet and pure light rose and simply gorgeous. This reminds me a lot of L'Occitane's Eau du Val.



    1 out of 10: 9 Buy Again: Good chance!

  12. In the Bottle: Smoky jasmine and light amber. I SO love this instantly.


    Dry: much the same but mingles, perfectly balanced. This reminds me of an older sophisticated woman wearing lots of amber jewelry. This, for me, is almost pure jasmine with some gorgeous harmonious notes to round and balance it.


    1 to 10: 10 Buy Again: ASAP

  13. In the Bottle: Citrus and fresh green leaves.


    Drying: Smells like a very fancy men's cologne full of citrus.


    Dry: Gone. A close sniff of hand reveals something as if I brushed past a whole lemon and one of its leaves. Byebye Mantis! Where did you go? Possibly very fitting as I have seen many a beautiful green mantis among the leaves, to seconds later wondering "OK, where did that lil sucker go?".


    Nice for a sprightly spring day if you slather and keep applying regularly, perhaps.

  14. In the Bottle: Honey and a touch of amber, vanilla, a very very sweet sticky honey. The vanilla makes it much more candy-like than pure regular honey. It's very sticky sweet candy.


    Dry: calms down to a more powdery hard candy, lots of vanilla, the honey recedes a bit and the amber comes out making this wearable. VERY foody. Calms way down after drying. Becomes nice and much more elusive.


    1 to 10: 6 because I find this excessively candy-like Buy Again: No

  15. In the Bottle: GORGEOUS!!!! Wet and full of flowers, sweet and airy and a bit musky, mysterious and just damned lovely.


    Dry: The wet clusters of flowers have receded into a shadow of warm body heat. Someone is nearby, but not close, and they are animal and full of heat. Kind of like being in a stable, but just because of the smell of warm bodies clustered about, not the smell of horse poop. :P As it dries further I get whiffs of flowers like the animal I smell is moving through a meadow in the moonlight. More musk appears. Downright perfection.


    This is so very original and gorgeous. Sexy body heat, so very mysterious. WELL DONE!!!! A one of a kind perfume no one else on earth has ever made anything like, that I have smelled.

  16. In the bottle: I really smell the pear in this one, and the flowers behind it are heady and sweet.


    Dry: I smell the lily in there, in the background, but I mostly get a blended sweet floral that is very calm and non-intrusive. It's very, very pretty! I don't think a non-floral person would like this, though I could be wrong because it is very subtle.

  17. In the Bottle: Maybe it's my nose, but this smells like many of the other oils I reviewed today, wet, lemon sugar, and flowers. A soapy smell I have come to understand is a flower pre-dry fragrance comes out, so I am eager to see what this smells like later.


    Dry: An elusive, light, warm flowery set with a hint of something buttery and creany behind it, but not like BUTTER, just something with a lot of butter in it warming it and making it rich. Like the sun on a cool day.

  18. In the Bottle: Honey, Flowers, that same fresh clean ozone candle smell that's in Storm Moon, maybe a little bit of pumpkin. Very warm and glowing scent. Would be great for Summer, Fall and Winter.


    Dry: Musk comes out and gives it a bite. I still smell the flowers and pumpkin but the ozone is gone. Little honey. I don't know how unique this is compared to some other scents, maybe in a bit the honey and pumpkin will get stronger and make this more of a standout scent.

  19. In the Bottle: Wet, herbal, very light musk like a warm body closeby, a tangy note of some herb... a lot like the herbs on Cold Moon, for me.


    Dry: A lot of water, very herbal, the musky note has moved away. This is a very cool (as in temperature) scent. I like it but it also says Spring to me, not summer or spring. Could work for Winter too.


    1 to 10: 7 Buy Again: It's well made but not my type of scent, so No.

  20. In the Bottle: A tiny hint of Lemon, under a big Altoid.


    Dry: A calmer, more high class herbal Altoid. Smells very natural and pure like Cold Moon. Smells like some apothecary with decades of experience used the finest herbs and mint to make a breath mint.


    1 to 10: 5 Buy Again: No, too minty and too medicinal.

  21. In the Bottle: Sugared lemon and mint. Herbs. VERY fresh, clean and bright. Really natural and pure smelling.


    Dry: Doesn't change much. All the smells named above mingle beautifully in perfect harmony, and are just happy and pure. This is gonna be one hell of a Spring scent.


    1 to 10: 8 Buy again: No, only because it is an LE, and I can't get it, and I don't love it quite enough to pay the extra $$ on eBay. I'd buy a lesser $ used bottle though.

  22. In the Bottle: ozozne and fabric softener. It smells good, clean. It is not boring like some of the fabric softener dryer sheets smells like Dirty. I also get some salty ocean air, and it's really nice. Kinda air freshener-y, and maybe a hint of urinal cake. :P I have definitely smelled this as an air freshener, and a candle.


    Dry: A Yankee candle scent. Very fresh and nice and breezy, but a home scent on a Spring or Summer day, and not a perfume, for me.


    1 to 10: 5 Buy Again: No.

  23. This is SO beautiful. It firmly cements my insane love of the Lunacy oils (pun intended).


    In the Bottle: Honey and Gardenia.


    Drydown: SCREAMING Gardenia and honey when wafting, near the wrist all Gardenia.


    When dry: changes between solid honey and light gardenia and honey and an uneasy mix of the two, and a very happy mix of the two. My skin might be a little less than the perfect home for it.


    1 to 10: 10 Buy Again: Every bottle I can.
