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Everything posted by AlaskaSnows

  1. AlaskaSnows

    Santa Muerte

    In the Bottle: Rotting roses and tobacco. Not scared yet, it could turn out okay. Dry: Okay the tobacco did go away, but while the rose died down there is one kind of rose used in the oils that doesn't agree, I smell it as totally pickle. I picture it as a big giant fat tightly petalled rose just this side of rot. And that's almost all I get from this, except a light sweet floral aside I imagine is the cactus flower. I don't know what to think.
  2. AlaskaSnows


    In the Bottle: A sharp, peppery spice, very woody. A hint of sweet amber behind. Mellows into a deep dark woody spice. It has a lot of richness and body, but it's too woody for me.
  3. AlaskaSnows


    In the Bottle: Winey honey candy!!! Dry: Well the winey honey candy mixes very badly with the clove on my skin, the clove is very pungent, and it's a very cold dry flat note, very bitter and like dried plant matter. Doesn't work.
  4. AlaskaSnows

    Phantom Queen

    In the Bottle: Fruity. Apple, with some bitter herbs. Dry: Light berry and cherry blossom, with a dry herb background, but it's very light with little throw if any. Too elusive for me, I guess.
  5. AlaskaSnows


    In the Bottle: Pine and sugar and some overripe berry. Dry: Vick's Vapo-Rub and some sugary berry way back there. Every so often it's a more subdued pine. I don't want to smell like this, unfortunately, nor do I want my man to, and it's a bit too Mentholatum to my nose. It has a nice feeling to it though, like Christmas tree shopping.
  6. AlaskaSnows


    In the Bottle: Sweet floral cherry blossom. Dry: Sweet floral cherry blossom backed by a hint of tea. Very delicate, this one. I would wear this on a sophisticated night out to a genteel restaurant. It's very grown up and subtle, restrained. It's gently sparkling, very wet. It's lovely!
  7. AlaskaSnows


    Must be my lucky day, a second Lab Frimp I love!!!!! In the Bottle: Scary! Booze candy. Yuk. Drydown: Yep, watermelon Jolly Ranchers... Dry: When done, get fresh melon with some musk in a bed of flowers. Fun, flirty, summery, cute and yes, a bit candy-like. I won't wear it often, but I will when I feel like a sassy summer fun scent. I like sniffing this one a lot. I just may wear it more often than I think.
  8. AlaskaSnows


    I now get to be the one happily saying this was a lab frimp I never would have bought but am SOOOO happy with (THANKS!!) In the Bottle: Flowery Lemon floor cleaner. Dry: the most light, delicious, happy scent! I didn't get lemon tea until I saw it in another review, and yep, lemon tea in a lovely cup next to a vase of assorted flowers, freshly cut. SO NICE! So fresh and clean without that dryer sheet smell, so bright and ready for the day. LOVE it.
  9. AlaskaSnows

    Queen Gertrude

    In the Bottle: Violet. Dry: A core of violet ringed by a scent of gentle lavender colored flowers that settle the violet wonderfully. VERY nice, and a big bottle buy!
  10. AlaskaSnows


    In the Bottle: Fruit overlaid by a spicy incense. Okay, a bit harsh. Dry: um, maybe best perfume EVER MADE??? The peach is in the background, all juicy and tempting, and the amber and patchouli mingle into this heavenly incense note. This is golden and full and round and juicy without being a fruit scent or a mere incensey scent. This is wearing something dead sexy in the summer sun and knowing all eyes are on you. It is sooooooooooo good! This is a DEFINITE big bottle buy.
  11. AlaskaSnows

    The Lady of Shalott

    In the bottle: Floral and something really bitter, myrrh? smells like bitter celery root in the dirt. Dry: there has to be myrrh in this, or maybe I am right and the White Musk reacts badly with my skin. I get flowers smashed by the scent I mentioned above, a bitter celery root covered in dirt. ETA: I see zankoku_zen said much the same thing - I totally agree with her review.
  12. AlaskaSnows


    In the Bottle: Tons of incense and spice, a bit of musk, a whiff of smoke, and some floral, a bit of citrus. This has everything but the kitchen sink, it seems! Except evil myrrh? Dry: This literally smells like burning incense. Not just incense on the air, this literally smells on fire. It's truly very damn cool!!! It's way too masculine for me, obviously (it was a frimp), but I am going to see what this does on the Man.
  13. AlaskaSnows


    In the Bottle: I smell ripe light juicy pear, and citrus. Hmmm. Is it supposed to smell this way? Drydown/Dry: I will have to come back to this one I think I have contamination. So I reapplied Ophelia... still smells the same as above. I am getting a sweeter, more subtle version of Thalia with this one. I get a sort of pear or apple fruitiness, a bit of champagne, and a light floral from the lotus and then the rose, and as the perfume gets drier the fruit disappears into an unusually juicy and fruity tea rose. Hmmm. It still could be interpreted as fruity but I am going with a juicy tea rose here. I personally don't find it to be an aquatic perfume, but it's got a lot of sap, these flowers are fresh. The lily in the background is very cool and gives this a firm bottom note. I really like this.
  14. AlaskaSnows

    Blood Countess

    In the Bottle: Flowers and something that to me smells like Blood ORange but I guess is plum. Juicy and smooth and full of life. Dry: This is SO juicy tart orange and plum, mellowed with a light floral. But it's so easy to say that and miss the whole feeling and smell of this perfume, it's tart, and full of juice and ripeness, it screams pouty, juicy, curvy womanhood. I get a lot more of the tart fruit which I am interpreting as Blood Orange than the sense of "plum"., and just a hint of floral. I love it.
  15. AlaskaSnows


    In the Bottle: I can really smell the pear, it's very light and juicy and not too sweet at all. The pear is more like a pear champagne or something, a pear schnapps. It smells like a fancy alcoholic drink, it actually smells like a peach bellini with some pear brandy or something. I get a hint of plumeria behind it. Dry: Pretty much the same, a peach bellini with some pear brandy. A tiny touch of flowers. I really like it! It's fun, and juicy, and really original for a perfume. This will be fun for dinner out.
  16. AlaskaSnows


    In the Bottle: Ooh very nice! Light spices, a whiff of vanilla and orange. Dry: Much the same, but some honey comes out, making it a lot like the rest of the honey-foody scents like Vice? There is more spice in Hunger though, and it rises to the top. It's kind of like a peice of spice cake. It's sweet and gentle. Nice.
  17. AlaskaSnows


    In the Bottle: Light jasmine and soap. Drydown: getting the jasmine still and strangely, whiffs of violet and some herb. Dry: okay I KNOW I put on perfume oil... Now I am getting just the faintest breath of a cool airy fragrance I can't even smell enough to describe. Hmmm. Oh well. It's cool and sometimes I smell the Ylang Ylang. ETA: WOW the naming on this... another idea encapsulated in scent. It truly is like a breath... amazing. I can't wear it as a perfume but the execution of the idea is impressive.
  18. AlaskaSnows

    Water of Notre Dame

    In the Bottle: Water, herbs, violet? and something SOOO familiar I can't put my finger on... and fresh lemon juice. Drydown: This smells to me like being on the bottom of the shallows of a lake among all the green shoots, with the sun streaming in. There is freshly cut lemon all over this scent. Dry: There is saltwater, and lots of fresh green aquatic shoots of plants. This smells SO much more like the true, real ocean than any "ocean" scent offered anywhere. This is like standing on the beach with a glass of lemonade with not enough sugar in it. Now here comes a cucumber walking down my beach. I am loving the hell out of this, folks. It's like sitting on the beach in a jar. That says a lot from a native Los Angeleno who grew up at the beach. This smells like my unwashed boogie board, but not in a bad way. Every now and then a lady wearing a flower lei walks by that cucumber on my beach. As time goes by the lady starts inching closer to me. Go away lady! Going to have to see what happens after a few hours. This 5 ml is going nowhere until then.
  19. AlaskaSnows

    Santa Eularia Des Riu

    In the Bottle: Floral, herbal bite, citrus and lavender. Dry: Citrus is at the forefront now, along with the lavender. The lavender in this is working alot like the lavender in Pain did on me - there's a whiff of armpit. The herbs and the citrus do help balance it... but all in all it's an, well, aggressive scent and kind of sharp. I'd be worried about wearing this in case others smelled the lavender as body odor like I do. I might try this mixed with another citrus to see if that helps. This seems to be mellowing a lot, and the lavender becoming more of a floral and the citrus becoming a bottom note. Could work after all!
  20. AlaskaSnows

    Leanan Sidhe

    In the Bottle: Mmmm sweet light citrus tinged flowers, a lot like Muse. I smell a lot of floral, possibly Jasmine. It is a green floral rather than just white, it has stem in there not just flower. Dry: Floral and jasmine, with the barest breath of herbs. I like it, but it isn't standout, IMO, I like Muse better on my skin.
  21. AlaskaSnows

    Black Rose

    In the Bottle: PICKLED roses. Really. I can TASTE them!! Somewhere between a dill and a sweet. This is so weird. Dry: Dry pickling spice next to a dried rose... this just does not go well with my or my nose, sadly.
  22. AlaskaSnows

    Pink Moon 2005

    In the Bottle: Bubblegum (I get that a lot in the bottle with Lunacies), hints of amorphous fruit, maybe strawberry, and some alcohol. Dry: Something soft and pink, with something sharp and aromatic on top... Sage?? It's a pink herbal, if there can be such a thing. There is floral and herb and on my skin they are a bit uneasily mingling. It may mellow. It's kinda pretty, I will be giving this another chance.
  23. AlaskaSnows


    In the Bottle: Whoooo!!! Eucalyptus, mint, aromatic! Something stinky back there too, like an unwashed armpit? Dry: Someone took one fresh crushed mint leaf and one fresh crushed sage leaf and dabbed them on the armpit of someone who hadn't bathed in a few weeks. Pain is well named, it's what I get smelling this. 1 to 10: 0 Buy Again: No.
  24. AlaskaSnows


    In the Bottle: Mmmmm lots of lovely jasmine. Light, soft, sweet and makes me roll my eyes up in my head with enjoyment. Also bright soft sweet lime, a very ripe lime, smelled whole, not a tang of lime slice. Dry: mellow sweet soft powdery jasmine with a tinge of lime behind it to make it light, bright. Very feminine, soft and pretty. For me very floral and delightful! I bought a 5 ml.
  25. AlaskaSnows

    Fruit Moon

    In the Bottle: Juicy Fruit Bubblegum and alcohol. Undaunted, I put this on. Dry: Tangy, juicy, ripe, tart, fruit. Lots of pomegranate. Mellow citrus, not lemony. All very fresh very real and very delicious. More tart, not too sweet. You won't have to worry about smelling like Jello IMO, I don't find this in the least artificial or candy-like. I like it! Summer here I come!