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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by emisi

  1. On the wand: Pine. Like walking in a pine forest on a hot day. Very piney. Not like Pine-Sol though, a good pine. Seems awfully masculine for me, though. Dunno why I smell pine... I just do.


    On me, wet: Still piney, but I can get a hint of the vanilla. I smell like I've been hugged by a man wearing cologne, a good looking man, probably dark and elegant. It actually smells better on me than I thought it would, but it's still a bit masculine. If I had a guy, I'd give it to him. Then he'd smell hot.


    Dry-down: Musky now, with a sweetness that offsets it, but I'm not sure I like it. It's perhaps a tad too sweet for my taste, but it's nice otherwise.

  2. On the wand: spicy florals, I think I smell frangipani and jasmine, but a pretty smell, like a woman getting primped for her lover.


    On me, wet: Jasmine and rose. I love jasmine, not so sure about the rose though. I like roses on the rosebush, but not so much on me, I usually think I smell like old lady.


    Dry-down: Ew, soapy old lady. Ew. ROSE! I don't like it. I had to actually wash it off, the smell was so bad. I smelled like an old lady in a nursing home. This is the first time I've ever had to wash a perfume off, BPAL or otherwise, because the smell was so bad on me. Swap pile! :P

  3. On the wand: Mmmm, smells yummy. Delicately of lily of the valley, the sweetness of the opium (good thing I'm not a druggie, the two I've really liked so far have had opium in them), a hint of sandalwoof.


    On me, wet: A little spicy, a little sandalwood, the lily has been submerged, but I have hope that it'll come back out. I can smell the mandarin very faintly, in the back of my throat. This is a gorgeous scent on me, so far.


    Drydown: I love this scent. I wouldn't have thought I'd like sandalwood, since it usually makes my eyes water, but this is gorgeous. I want a big bottle of it. :P Something about it just smells so GOOD. What a lovely blend. Also, it seems to make me hungry, which is weird.

  4. On the wand: citrusy, with a faint hint of ozone, possibly lemon. Fresh like a spring breeze, but not the laundry-sheet kind, the real kind.


    Wet, on me: Lightning. How she bottled lightning, I don't know. I feel like a storm goddess. I also get that hint of lemon again, maybe a whiff of mint. Very fresh and clean.


    Dry-down: It's amazing how much this smells like a nice spring rainstorm, where you've maybe just cut the grass and everything is all clean and cool. I really like this scent, it's a good summer scent. I feel surprisingly empowered, I wasn't even scared when I called for that job interview earlier! :P This one might be a big-bottle scent for me.
