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Posts posted by atcandela

  1. I recently purchased these oils as imps: NOCTURNE, DRAGONS MILK, OBATALIA


    The scents are quite strong and would like to test out these oils into (a tiny sample size) body butter/skin cream base.

    Are there any oils within these scents that are irritants for sensitive skin.

    I've tried all 3 with light dabs to the pulse points and had a slight skin reaction to them.


    Let me know what base would work well with these and other BPAL oil on sensitive skin.


    I like to experiment with new ways to use blends. I tend to lean more on light organic essential oils.


    Could anyone from BPAL or on the forum give me an idea as to what oils in these could cause a reaction.

    I posted this elsewhere and was referred to this particular post?


    any thoughts?

  2. I have 3 imps that I recently purchased: NOCTURNE, DRAGONS MILK, OBATALIA


    The scents are quite strong and would like to test out these oils into (a tiny sample size) body butter/skin cream base.

    Are there any oils within these scents that are irritants for sensitive skin.

    I've tried all 3 with light dabs to the pulse points and had a slight skin reaction to them.


    Let me know what base would work well with these and other BPAL oil on sensitive skin.


    I like to experiment with new ways to use blends. I tend to lean more on light organic essential oils.


    much appreciate the feedback :)
