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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by boxinghelena

  1. I love gardenia. Probably one of my all time favorite floral scents. Mad Kate is luscious gardenia & a tad bit of honey & red currant on me.


    I dabbed this on my wrist before I went to work this morning & have been sniffing myself all day! :lol: It's been about nine hours now.


    Need to get my hands on another bottle, for sure!

  2. I wanted to try Kinnabari because of the clay reviews. I work in the asphalt industry in a lab & am quite familiar with what clay smells like. I was excited to have a clay "dirt" scent in my possession.


    Unfortunately, it didn't work one me at all. It was very weird on me actually. Almost metallic & plastic clay-like. I can't describe it correctly but it was all wrong on me. Very wrong!!



  3. I was desperate to try Blue Phoenix. There are so few blueberry scents. Why oh why is this so?


    I was able to get a hold of a decant & was initially cursing the Goddesses that I did not have a bottle of this because it was all luscious blueberries on me. But it turned into sweet tarts. Noooooooo!


    Luckily or not so luckily, it turned back into the luscious blueberry I love. I was able to find a bottle from a very generous soul.


    Need more blueberry scents!!!!

  4. I live in NJ. I had to order a bottle regardless of what it smelled like. :whisper:..... I think I've seen the Jersey Devil too!!!


    I'm not a fan of pine. In fact, I kind of hate pine BUT this works on me luckily. I think because of the cranberry. Cranberry & pine blended together nicely.


    Good combo.

  5. Harlot was a huge slap in the face for me. Made me realize that most rose scents turn soapy on me. :cry2:


    I bought a 10ml of it too without trying it first & accidentally broke the bottle one night. It made the room smell like old grandma perfume for quite a while.



  6. Black lily was devastatingly horrible on me! :cry2:


    I poured over the reviews & since most lily scents work on me, I thought I couldn't go wrong. I was So wrong on this one. This was a decaying lily that wasn't pleasant.


    So far, this is the only lily that didn't work. Sad. I really wanted to love it.



  7. You had me at rich red grave loam!!


    Penny Dreadful was the first dirt scent I fell in love with. A pretty floral dirt scent. Long lasting staying power on me but it could just be my skin chemistry. It tends to hold onto scents that last for hours.


    And I love the name!!!



  8. Eat Me is by far, out of the GC that I wear the most! I think I'm on my third bottle. I even bought a 10 ml before they disappeared. I wish I had bought more than one bottle.


    Pure yummy cake on me. Love love love it!!! I carry a bottle on me wherever I go. I can't get enough of it. I must say, it's a tad embarrassing when someone asks me what I'm wearing. :blush: I always have to add,"From Alice in Wonderland."


    More please!!! :D

  9. I bought a bottle of Blade of Grass for my boyfriend because he's a landscaper & thought he'd get a kick out of smelling like grass.


    It does smell like grass but a tad bit soapy sometimes that is too overpowering on both of us. :ack:


    I won't wear it but my boyfriend does on occasion. The name is enough to hold onto the bottle.

  10. I love Halloween. What could go wrong with smelling like candy corn?


    It is just that, candy corn on me. I love eating candy corn, so why not smell like it too!!! I bought several bottles before even trying it first. I knew it would be instant love on me.


    Great job!!! :kiss:

  11. When I saw the components listed for The Shattered Pumpkin, I was over the moon. I have wanted a pumpkin & dirt scent for the longest time. I was a little worried about the pine pitch but figured it wouldn't get in the way of my first two loves.


    Boy was I wrong. It completely took over & turned it into a scorched dirty(not dirt) pumpkin & I'm stretching the pumpkin part. :cry2:


    I'm not giving up though. Maybe over time with aging, it will turn into what I imagine would smell wonderful on me.

  12. Oh Hellion My Hellion, How I love thee!!!


    Applied on my skin, it is a gorgeous patchouli. That head shop kind of smell that I love. I can't get enough of this scent. It is by far, in the top three of my favorite scents ever. This scent lasts & lasts on me. :wub:

  13. I tend to avoid all lemon/lime/citrus scents. I was a little apprehensive to try June Gloom 2009 but I took a chance after reading the reviews.


    Thank Goddess I did!!! I love love gardenia scents & this is what I smell when applied. That & wildflowers. It's gorgeous on me! This is what I imagine walking through a field of wildflowers smells like.


    Scents tend to linger on my skin. I dabbed a bit on my wrist last night right before I went to bed & I can still smell it on my skin eight hours later.


    This is a keeper for sure! :wub2:

  14. From the components listed for St. John's Eve, I really thought this was a definite fit for me. Unfortunately, I think smoke/bonfire scents go wonky on my skin. Something was quite off. :cry2:


    Scents tend to linger on my skin for some reason. About four hours later, it finally smelled nice enough that it was tolerable. I don't know if I want to wait that long to smell good. :thud:

