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Posts posted by boxinghelena

  1. Damn you hinoki wood & massoia bark! :ack: Where's the aged patchouli or the clove??? Any of the other components??? I am so disappointed because I thought I was going to love this one.


    Nothing but bark & woods on me. I'm not a fan of wood scents as I try to avoid them. :cry2:

  2. I read a review that mentioned Hellion reminded them of Blood Countess. Hellion is one of my top five scents ever. I received a bottle of Blood Countess today and I immediately slathered myself in it BUT I did not get anything remotely close to Hellion. I couldn't even tell you what I smelled, just that it was sour which makes think it's the lilac and rose. I love the smell of rose but it hates me usually.


    It's been a few hours now and I do understand now why people compare the two. It's a very faint Hellion with berries. I do like it. :D


  3. As soon as I saw that Monarch had pumpkin in it, I had to get a bottle of it. I love all things pumpkin. I can't get enough of it.


    After initially trying it on, it was all about pumpkin on me with a tad mandarin. On drydown and several hours later, the pumpkin has all but disappeared :( I think I'm smelling the mango & sugar and a touch amber. Not bad but I really wanted the pumpkin to dominate. I'm glad the mandarin took a hike as well because I'm not a fan of citrus scents.


  4. After initial application, something smelled off, like fake plastic fruit. Crap!!! But I waited about ten minutes and ooh la la, PIE! I smell blackberry maybe? Whatever it is, I am in love!!! I LOVE berry scents. A definite second bottle will be ordered. :yum:


    Thank Goddess I did NOT get the mint some of the reviews are reporting. Not a fan of mint. Just yummy pie. :lol:



    The smell of smashed gourds and seventeen-thousand football-frenzied ghouls tanked up on Kadathian Spiced Black Tar Cacao Lager.

    Oh wow, RED HOTS + chocolate + ginger.

    First I have to say that my sister loves all things zombies/ghouls so I will have to hide my bottle from her.

    When I first dabbed this on my skin, I instantly thought of a chocolate harvest scent. The red hot candy scent is very dominate on my skin with a chocolate background. Thankfully, I don't get any lager. I was a little worried about that.

    I really like this. The shirt is cute btw. :wub2:

  6. Wow, I don't get any of what the other two reviews describe. On me, I'm getting a floral dryer sheet smell. It's nice but I don't want to smell like a dryer sheet except on my clothes, you know? I think this would be perfect to stick in a drawer & let the scent permeate......


    I went back and took a sniff of my sample & I do smell some type of buttery-note but after re-applying, I'm still getting that floral dryer sheet smell. Drat!


  7. I was almost scared to try this because Eat Me is by far my favorite GC scent ever! I have gone through quite a few bottles over the years. A very kind soul sent me a sniffie of Eat Me v6 & while it's nice, Thank Goddess it's not better than my precious GC scent. This version definitely smells like there is almond in it. On my skin, it's cakey with almond-likeness but on the plasticky side.



    For once I'm not cursing my skin chemistry that I don't have to try to find a bottle of this and I am so glad Beth went with the version that is available now. :joy:

  8. #83


    At first sniff, all I could smell was something citrus. I am not usually fond of anything citrus. I actually can't stand most citrus scents. I use this stuff at work called Flush Off-Orange Solvent and most citrus scents remind me of it, very chemical-orange-smelling that is just *shudders*.


    Once applied, Oh wow! It's quite interesting. Frankincense & orange. I slathered it on myself right before work & all day I was lifting my wrist to my nose. It's a fresh orange( I guess, I mean, I don't usually wear citrus scents) & combined with frankincense, it works. It's actually very nice on me for once and I can actually say I have a citrus scent I can wear. The scent lasted all day.



  9. I was going through a drawer filled with imps when I came across Horreur Sypathique. What a treat! I just read a review mentioning Hellion. It does resemble Hellion, which has me very excited!!! The throw isn't as strong unfortunately. In fact, I need to re-apply often. I must get a bottle of this asap! Besides Eat Me, I think Horreur Sypathique is going to be one of my top GC scents.

  10. From the components listed I was this close in ordering a bottle right off the bat but decided at the last minute to go with a decant instead. Thnak Goddess I did because all I get is lemon???? :( I'm not a fan of lemon at all. Such a disappointment because I really love blackberry & gardenia. I get nothing of either of those. :cry2:

  11. From the notes listed, I usually stay away from rose scents since it turns to soap on me BUT from the reviews, people mentioned Snow White & Red Rose, two scents with rose that actually worked on me. I took a chance & that's exactly what I'm getting in Pink Snowballs, a mix of Snow White & Rose Red but a tad sweeter on me. It smells divine! :wub2:

  12. :eek:


    Gah! My skin chemistry is so weird. Initially, I smelled burnt pencil shavings( is this supposed to be the coffee scent people have mentioned?? maybe burnt butter, I don't know) and a slight aroma of caramel. Did not like at all. Luckily, the pencil shavings smell took a hike when the caramel decided to dominate. ~But~ it took awhile for this to happen.


    I'm still on the fence about this one though. The pencil shavings really threw me.

  13. From the components listed, this is one scent I would usually skip over. I'm glad I gave it a try. I'm not quite sure what I'm smelling exactly but it's a pretty floral scent on me. I think it may be the sage. I really like this one. :joy:

  14. Yowzer!! I really thought Scales of Deprivation would not work on me. I tend to stay away from scents with any type of lemon or lavender. I thought for sure I would hate this scent. I actually can't stop sniffing my wrist. It's the frankincense that is saving this scent because it's mostly all that I smell with a little bit of sage and just a touch of the sandalwood.


    Call me pleasantly surprised and happy. :D

  15. I wanted to love this one. Sadly, I have to realize that leather doesn't work with my skin chemistry. Woods either. My skin is soooo picky. It's not a horrible scent on me but it's something I don't want to smell because it kinda just all blends into something generic on me.




  16. Oh Wicked, how I hate you!


    The description says..... subtlest rose, NOT TRUE! Most rose scents amp horribly on me to generic soapy grossness. That is all I smell, soap. It's so overwhelming, I had to wash it off. *shudders* :ack:

  17. I give my boyfriend all the frimps I get in the mail. Last night he decided to try Baku. It's very astringent with a side of herbal minty medicine. It's not a bad scent but it's one I can never wear on myself. I smelled wisps of the scent all night. I know it's supposed to help with nightmares but I don't think I could stand smelling it every night.

  18. :rantrave: Pine!! OMG NOoooooooo! I'm guessing the pine represents the scorched baseball fields? It was so overwhelming, it was almost to the point of making me nauseous. I thought I was going to have to wash it off. I hate the smell of pine on my skin.


    But, I took a chance and luckily, the pine faded into the background. For a time it kinda reminded me of Gingerbread Poppet 2005? My years are starting to blur. I didn't get much of the coffee but incense & the pancake residue came shining through & it smells amazing! Thank Goddess! I thought this one was going to be a wash on me. :D

    A treat sure to please even the most finicky cultist! Tubular pastries oozing with spijs, glazed with apricot jam, and dotted with glace cherries.

    I do believe I'm getting mostly spijs in this mixed with a touch of cherry. I had no idea what spijs was and looking it up, I'm guessing it has something to do with almond paste( most of the websites were in Dutch)? Almond in general is iffy on me. I'm not sure I like it. It smells a bit odd on me. My skin chemistry is so wonky sometimes.

    I'm really bummed because I was hoping to smell apricot. Pastry & apricot. Darn it! I will try this again another day. icon_confused.gif

  20. I don't know what to make of this scent. It's an interesting scent although I was hoping for a yummy foodie scent but that's not what I get. Not really. Maybe it's red current I smell but it's definitely mixed with something. I need to set this a side and try again later.

  21. Mournful and Never-ending Remembrance: shining, moonlit ebony musk with benzoin, myrrh, smoky vanilla, patchouli, nutmeg, and dried red chili.

    I took a risk with Raven Moon. Any type of black/dark/ebony musk usually does horrible things on my skin. It smells great in the bottle but when I first put it on, I could only smell the musk( possibly the benzoin as well) and it wasn't looking good for me. It did dry down to a scent that I can tolerate. This must be the patchouli, which loves me and the myrrh. I'm not getting any nutmeg and I think the dried red chili component is making the scent a little wonky on me but I'm hoping over time it will morph into something I will love. :D

  22. The name itself put me off from wanting to try this initially but since I was curious I had to give it a fair shot.


    I definitely got the murky water part right away which made me think of a moldy basement. Ew! But it dried down to a watery silt?? It's hard to describe. I usually stay away from aquatic scents. I actually love dirt scents but the silt was definitely tied in with something else. Maybe the rotting leaves?


    This actually wasn't a bad scent, just different for me anyway. My decant will last a really long time.
