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Posts posted by faerywolfe

  1. I wanted so very much to love this one. :D


    The reviews sound so yummy but the imp I got smells like moldy cheese. :D

    I even made my brother try it on to see if it was just my skin, which has been known to do strange things to scents. He said it didn't smell like moldy cheese to him but it was such a sickly cloying sweet musk on him that it made him nauseous. My mother said it smelled like an unwashed body that had tried to cover it up with too much vanilla. I've tried it several times now to make sure (I keep hoping!) but alas, no luck. Surely there's something wrong with the imp for all three of us to be so utterly repulsed by poor O. I may try ordering a new imp sometime just to see.


    I go cry now. :P

  2. In the bottle: Sweet and heady. The vanilla, benzoin, and amber are the first notes I notice, with the rest forming a dark unfathomable background. There's something slinky hiding in there that I can't place.


    Wet: Deep and sweet and decidedly wicked. Reminds me of cotton candy and blood with a hint of leather. (Don't take that too literally! I meant it in imagery, not scent. :P ) The labdanum and plum combine to form a dark venomous scent. There is only the slightest tinge of the coconut, thank goodness, but it really does add a beautiful touch to the scent. I'm generally not a fan of coconut, but this isn't so bad. There's more leather now - the snake is making her appearance. I didn't read leather in the description, but it's definitely there on me. Now it's more mellow and content with the slightest little touch of spice, the musk is making more of an entrance. This really is divine and smooth in this stage. I haven't tried Snake Oil yet, but, if it smells similar to this, I may need to soon.


    Drydown: Creamy and rich with a darker edge slithering beneath. The drydown is just as beautiful and exotic as the rest rest of Snake Charmer.


    Final thought: Mmmm, yummy. This is such a wild and complex and sexy scent. I can't get enough of it! I begin to think I should have gotten two bottles. This is a very strong oil, a drop or two will be more than enough. It also has a tremendous throw - my mom can smell when I've put it on from the other end of the house! It lasts for hours upon hours.

  3. In the bottle: Scary as hell! My first thought was 'this smells like a ghost'. Smells of dust and dead roses and has a hollow echoing note that I can't place. Very sweet.


    Wet: Strong dry roses, slightly herby and powdery, smells bleak and gray, a very morose scent.

    Warming up now - it smells like an ancient wedding dress stored in a cedar chest.

    Deeper now and smelling slightly of clover and withering mums. (My mom says it smells like a funeral arrangement.) Smells of regret and old sorrow.

    Getting even sweeter and more powdery - the roses are taking over the castle, and boy do they ever hate me!

    An interesting note: on my wrist this smells like it should, but the drop I spilt on my fingers smells identical to fingernail polish remover.


    Drydown: Haunting and barely woodsy with those ever-present dying roses. Reminds me of a very stern grandmother.


    Final thought: Too damn scary to wear comfortably! I don't actively dislike Seance, but it's not for me. I'll probably give this imp to my mom - it smells benign and beautiful on her. Also, this stuff is strong! A drop or two will last stongly for hours.

  4. In the bottle: A beautiful wild earthy green. Very bright and lively.


    Wet: Very very green. It smells like fresh yarrow to me. Herby and woodsy, warm and spicy sweet. I smell like a forest nymph!

    After it's been on a few minutes it loses some of that initial bright forest smell and takes on a deeper tone, more mysterious. The forest is shadowed. This phase reminds me of an October night for some reason. I can't place all the individual woods and notes as they meld so beautifully.

    About 10 minutes later, it's become rich and mellow and spicy and just a bit smoky - it smells like the embers of a warm fire in late autumn.


    Drydown: This has settled into a softly sweet, smooth, almost creamy scent like the soft breath of a sylvan goddess. If I could pry my poor mesmerized nose from my wrist I could probably write a more helpful review! I am thoroughly in love with this oil though. This lasts for several hours and casts a decent aura.


    Final thought: This delicious oil has far exceeded my hopes - I want to roll in this scent! I adore it and will definitely be getting a big bottle and soon. Every stage of Yggdrasil's transformation is a joy. I think it would smell oh so sexy on a man, but it's divine on the ladies too.
