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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by holborne

  1. Just FYI: I love anchovies on my pizza. My sistah in anchovy-loving!

  2. 1 of 5 stars to The Gathering by Anne Enright http://t.co/ukOohBt1io

  3. So were a lot of people complaining that iOS 6 just didn't look flat enough? #Ios7

  4. Johnny Depp is 50 today

  5. I'm beginning to think the Irish are the only ones who can write fiction properly (and I count Irish-American).

  6. Today's subway asshole. Why no one is making this schmuck move his bag is a complete mystery to me. http://t.co/0JpIZWpfRp

  7. Hi! I went over and read some of your fanfic. I don't know the Mass Effect fandom at all, but I liked your story -- very well written.

  8. Could someone please remind me not to shop at H&M again, ever?

  9. Lovely to wake up in the middle of the night to @WQXR playing "Die Schöne Müllerin." I wish they would do that during the day occasionally.

  10. My underwear just flew across the room like a slingshot. Fuck this day -- I'm getting back into bed and staying there.

  11. Ok, officially sick to death of Grumpy Cat. The joke got old around five minutes after it went viral.

  12. Still not getting ch. 161 on one of my @TWC_Help boxes, getting it on the other. Bizarre.

  13. Why in the hell doesn't Campbell Scott get more attention?

  14. Every channel on my TV is fine, except for the one I want to watch. And that channel is fine in the other room. What the hell, @TWC_Help?

  15. What's better than a Law and Order: Criminal Intent marathon? Nothing, that's what. Except maybe a Golden Girls marathon. Maybe.

  16. My Citibikes adventure may not end well, since I'm kind of a klutz. If you think you see Chummy riding down Broadway, that's me!

  17. 4 of 5 stars to Dope by Sara Gran http://t.co/6t7Xdpo9PV

  18. Perfect weather in the City today: cool and overcast. Love.


  20. Oh, @Powells, please tell me that someone picked Tim O'Brien's "Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong." Restore my faith in humanity.

  21. Everyone can skip this except for@RonHogan, who'd better look: Chew on this, if you want to live (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/EHWr1t2Zr3

  22. Just realized it's been many years since I last saw "The Creeping Terror." Feeling a void in my life now.

  23. My god, is the pollen EVER GOING TO GO AWAY?!?

  24. Well, my French is poor and I'm way too old for him, but I'm still holding out hope that Christophe Dumaux might marry me.

  25. Goats, dudes! Goats at the airport! Meet O’Hare Airport’s New Tenants: A Herd of Goats (VIDEO) http://t.co/EZY3IpXANH
