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BPAL Madness!

Velvet Lilly

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Posts posted by Velvet Lilly

  1. Mad Kate is dear to me. I went hunting for BPAL in Silver Lake before I ever visited the Lab and I can remember that day with crystal clarity.
    Smelling all those beautiful bottles..... I *Am Kate..... an untamed Kate.... and I came away with her.

    She's a mystery and a morpher. She's beguiling. She starts off angry and clangy.....sharp and undefinable, and then she softens and blends.....and florals start coming out....and it gets a but fruity and lovely.
    And then as she dries down she changes again. Even more beautiful and my nose keeps chasing it.....like loving something more even after it's gone.

    Ahh, Kate. Mad Kate. Come and kiss me.

  2. Dearest SMUT,
    I love you. I love you most dearly and ardently. You have stolen my heart and I give it gladly.....
    Not a day goes by that I don't think of you fondly.......remembering your boozy, smutty, juicy musk.....
    I am quite beside myself with want of you....
    Let the world laugh at me, curse me, revile me......but I shout to the Heavens... You. Are. Sublime!
    Our love will burn until the stars grow cold......
    I wait... until I am in your, red musk, boozy, sugared arms again.....
    Forever yours,

  3. I adore this stuff and can't get enough of it.


    It smells like the most intoxicatingly delicious brownies, and it works better than any scrub I've ever tried.


    Exfoliates well, moisturizes well and, best of all, rises clean off my skin and the tub (!!!!! no oil slick!!! yay!) yet still leaves it soft and smooth.


    I'm in love with this. It throws beautifully in the shower, but doesn't linger in my skin, which I prefer, actually, so I can dry off and use my BPAL oils without carry over.




  4. Zomg……this is incredible. It smells just like my full wooden box of all my BPAL oils…..

    I've heard several people sigh wistfully, "I wish there was a scent that smelled like my BPAL cabinet"

    Well….this is it! <3

    My body PH amps cinnamon on a nuclear level, so I can't wear it on skin…..but I'm so glad i have an imp!





  5. Plum musk, ambergris accord, matcha tea, oakmoss, patchouli, violet leaf, and cypress.[/bpal]


    I LOVE this scent for many reasons. Not only that it smells enigmatic, and feminine and evocative, but I also really love that I can't detect any specific notes in it to name.


    It's partly my lack of note knowledge, I'm sure but also, it's such an interesting combination and does such interesting things.


    It smells comforting for some reason, resin or incense-ish…..but also the plum and violet leaf makes it juicy and lush……there's even an animalistic warm furry feeling to it that I adore.


    I love that this smells so unique and lures me back to sniff again and again as it morphs just a wee bit on my skin.


    This is an Intelligent woman of a Victorian or Edwardian era……beautiful and driven to learn as well as be social.





  6. OH….MY…GOSH…… juicy red musk and leather…… i'm swooning.


    This reminds me a lot of SMUT 2013, but without the booze and sugar, but still sweet and naughtily luscious, in a "hungry trouble" sort of way…..


    It's got a dark woodsy, dusty smell on top , just in the bottle……it's those wooden switches!


    But on my skin (thank Krampus) it warms up and gets all beckoning red musky.


    I love this! I must have more bottles.

  7. I found this candle tonight and I can't stop huffing it!


    Such a gorgeous blend…. I get the wonderful sweet wine of the sugar plum first…..then immediately get the cold wind carrying the lingering scent of flowers, as if they're outside in the cold, and the breeze has carried just their chilled fragrance indoors…..


    This is a truly special scent and I'm so thrilled to have stumbled upon it today at the shop…… <3


    HUGE Love to the Candle Goblin <3
