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Posts posted by silver_springs

  1. I got to open my Valentine's luper from my fiance early and this is what he chose for me (I gave him a list of 4 scents I really wanted from this years lupes).


    In the bottle: Holy dark chocolate. The dark chocolate is definitely much stronger in this than in last year's Dark Chocolate and Cherry.


    Wet: There's the key lime. The chocolate settles down a lot and the key lime is very sharp wet.


    Drydown: Perfection. Both the dark chocolate and key lime mold together in just the right way so each is easily picked out but yet well blended at the same time, if that makes sense. This is one that sweetens considerably on the drydown for me, or well I guess I should say the key lime becomes more of a baked sweets note and less citrusy.


    This was just what I was hoping for, neither the dark chocolate or key lime dominated the other too much as I slightly feared might happen. The only drawback was the throw was more on the weak side which is pretty odd for me because usually chocolate scents have a great throw on me but regardless I will definitely keep the bottle and if I have to slather then slather I shall.

  2. This is such a cute scent! I bought a bottle and was a tad bit worried about the dirt and stems part but I'm happy to say neither reared their heads! This is very honey and milk, with a smidge of musk. Sweet, creamy and the drydown is a little more powdery than I'd like and the throw is so-so (but I usually expect that with the creamy blends, on me at least) ,overall this was a lovely blend. And I will agree to "clean baby" description.



    I think this will become a nice comforting and relaxing scent to use. I'm glad I went ahead and bought a bottle unsniffed, it worked out well.


    Edit to add: I think I'll need a back-up bottle! The more I wear this the more I'm loving it.

  3. Wow this is not a holiday scent at all to me. It's very tropicals and spring/summer, pink fruits and bright flowers image.


    I really loved this, in fact it was the standout yule for me from the ones I tried. It sounds weird but it smells like really great expensive potpourri but I mean that in the best way possible as it still wears very well on the skin too. Ultra-feminine mix of fruits and florals. All-around a lovely scent that I'll wear quite often I know.

  4. Whoever said it reminded them of Dorian was right. That's exactly what I thought, Dorian with lemon. I honestly didn't much of a powder smell at all from this. It was very strong and musky but in a good way. Vaguely masculine and a bit of a linen smell on drydown.


    I ended up liking it more than I thought I would. It's a keeper.

  5. I didn't read through all the other reviews so I don't know if anyone else got this but when wet Peach Moon was very fizzy and very much Peach wine cooler. It definitely reminded me of my teen years. The drydown is softer and more florals come out and it blends so amazingly well with the peach. This is a great combination of fruit and florals that ended up beautiful, I was lucky enough to get it in a swap and wasn't disappointed. It's fizzy peach with sweet flowers.


    The only drawback is the throw is pretty weak and doesn't last all that long, I agree it sticks to the skin. So it's not one of those you're going to wear when you want everyone near you to be drawn into your perfume. But all the same it turned into a recent favorite for me. :)

  6. Mmm... This is one of the best foody blends I've tried. In the bottle it smells straight up coconut rum with a dash of mint, seriously if you put this in a shot glass and handed it to someone who didn't know I don't think they would hesitate to drink. On wet it takes a weird plastic stage, for a couple of minutes I wondered if it would work on me. But dry is divine. It's still pretty much coconut rum (a smell I can't deny really, really liking) but sweetened even more. It's heavy and intoxicating. It is definitely the most "boozy" scent I've tried so far, no way would I ever wear it to work or somewhere formal. It's one of those going out all night to have fun scents. I was very, very pleased with how nice it smelled and even though it won't get as much wear as some others I am glad I bought a bottle and certainly wouldn't mind a back-up for years ahead.


    It reminds me of a a more boozy and sweeter Tokyo Stomp.

  7. I have fallen in love with Hod. I normally am not crazy about the smell of carnation but Hod is creamy, sweet and a little bit spicy carnation. It's incredibly feminine and girly and strikes me as quite innocent. It's an anywhere, any age scent across the board. It lasts a long time and has a good throw.


    I'm very glad I decided to buy both of the resurrected scents this year because both worked out so fabulous for me.

  8. This was a gift from my fiance. It was the one Yule I picked out if I could have any. I am a HUGE fan of Snow White, it's in my top 5 so I was eager to try this.


    At first I see the comparison, the scent is very similar but the dry-down to Pink Snowballs is much more powdery than Snow White, the rose really comes in. I've never tried Rose Red so I can't make that comparison. At first I was not crazy about the dry-down, it just smelled like expensive baby powder. But I was determined to have it work because I don't have the heart to swap anything someone else bought me. I was glad I stuck it through because give Pink Snowballs some time and it sweetens up a great deal and smells lovely, still a bit powdery but more notes come out. It has pretty decent lasting power too. I think Pink Snowballs is a more mature and womanly cousin of Snow White. Between the two I can't deny I would still prefer Snow White but Pink Snowballs turned out pretty nice and I'll wear it a lot in the winter time I think. It's a great go-to scent, you can wear it work, out to dinner, meeting someone new and I think it fits pefectly.

  9. This was my inquisition pick. I couldn't pass up based on the name alone (I had an insane fear of Chucky from the Childs Play movies as a child, seems lame now but...) plus strawberry is almost always a no-fail on me. It really is one of my best notes, it amps well, lasts long and smells fabulous (not that I'm bragging heh). So even though so many of the inquisition picks were oh-so-tempting I had to have this one.


    In Bottle: Strawberry hard candy. Yummies.

    Wet: Strawberry hard candy with a slight green note peeking in the background.

    Drydown: Fresh strawberries with sugar sprinkled on top. Oh my this is great. I swear I can smell the green leafy part. This is strawberry pure and simple. I couldn't stop smelling my wrists, my fiance really liked it too. It's fruity-sweet goodness.


    I was very happy with my selection, turned out better than I expected but then again this is my kind of scent. I'm big on fruity scents and cute scents so this was right down my alley. I could see how a lot wouldn't be that into it though. But bottomline if you're a strawberry lover it's worth hunting down.

  10. This is pretty much a floral so I knew it had a high fail chance on me but I wanted to try it anyway. And it went soap like I thought. It was a nice smelling soap but soap all the same. Florals do that on me a lot so not surprising. Ah well.

  11. I thought for sure I would like this one. And not to say I hated it. I just thought it was kind of a boring scent, at least on me it didn't blossom too much. Even my fiance's response when I asked him to smell my wrist was "Eh."


    Pretty much the entire time it smelled like powdered oranges on me. And I like orange notes, I do but I'm begining to realize I'm not too big on dominant orange scents. It's a little sweet and I did pick up the pink pepper about an hour later which added nicely but it wasn't really strong enough to change it too much. I was surprised. I usually do very well with amber but it just gave a powder background here.


    Ultimately I swapped this one. The irony is that I picked this one up with Tin Phoenix as well thinking that Copper would be the no-fail and Tin was most likely not to work but it was the exact opposite, I loved Tin Phoenix. But again this is the lovely bpal that works wonders and I'm surprised often by my nose.

  12. I've been wanting to try Eat Me for a while and I finally aquired an imp through a swap. My first thoughts when I put it on were buttered bisquits with grape jelly. It's definitely foody all around. After a couple of minutes once it dries it sweetens up more and becomes more of a berry musk and cream soda smell (my take anyway). It's quite nice actually. I don't think I would need a big bottle but the imp will get used and maybe I'll look for another when I run out, maybe not. It was definitely an interesting one to try. I think even if you don't like foody scents you have a chance to like this one because while it's sweet, it nevers gets too sweet.

  13. So I bought a bottle of this (along with Copper) because I thought the notes looked to interesting to pass up. I really figured this had a good shot of not working on me but I was wrong!


    In bottle: Super strong lemon. I love lemon scents but it was a bit much.

    Wet: Pretty much same as bottle.

    Drydown: Oh yeah the lemon calms down a lot and the ozone comes in. I never got any mint.



    I am always impressed by how accurate the labs description can be sometimes. This is exactly what I would imagine Tin Phoenix to smell like. Pale metals hits the mark. This is very light, it sticks to the skin pretty much. It was oh-so-lovely on me. I'm not disappointed at all. I will keep the bottle and use it often. Ultimately it stays mostly a lemon scent so I think if you do well with those you'll like this a lot.

  14. This one and Pink Snowballs were the only two out of the Yules batch I was eager to buy unsniffed. Honestly from the notes I would've really thought I would've liked this one without a doubt.


    Pet Magah Bird was nothing but orange on my skin for the most part. And not a bright orange citrusy scent but heavy and thick. I would imagine if IHop had an orange syrup to put on their pancakes, this is exactly what it would smell like. My skin amped blood orange to the extreme. Admittedly on the drydown I could make out some pear and coconut but it was still 85% blood orange.


    If it were a candle scent I think I'd enjoy it to no end but for my skin? Not for me. I might swap it or I might let sit a couple of months and try again. Not sure. But for right now the thick, gooey orange is too much for Christmas time.

  15. I think I'm beginning to notice the only time florals work on me and don't turn soapy is when they're paired with fruit notes. I love the labs fruity scents, they're some of my favorite. And this is an undeniably beautiful scent. It's musky fruit and flowers. It works so wonderful. I don't know yet if I want a big bottle as it didn't have much of a throw but it is definitely at least an imp keeper. :wub2:

  16. :huh?: Oh how I was so excited about this one, so, so excited. I need to just learn that incense scents don't like me, they always dominate and turn into powder


    Bottle: Oh yummy yummy chocolate. I can kind of smell the flowers in the background.

    Wet: Ok a little more floral than I thought but I can still whiff the chocolate.

    Dry: Yep just powder


    This is the second 13 I've tried. My first 13 was the original from '05 and it had an opposite effect in that it was too chocolate and I just smelled like tootsie rolls. This one didn't morph the chocolate on me at all.


    Edit: Forgive me I spoke too soon. Chocolate did come out about a half hour later and the mixed incense with chocolate is pretty. Still a little more powdery than what I hoped for but I might keep it after all.

  17. This was a nice and not too sugary coconut with a hint of rum. I was happy that it wasn't the sun tan oil scent that coconut sometimes takes in scents. I was pleased with this one. I don't think I would get a bottle but I'll keep the imp.


    There are few scents that are considered gender neutral that I actually think work on me and this was one that I sniffed and thought "Ooh wouldn't this smell nice on the fiance." and I indeed got him to try and sadly what was a decent throw on my skin was next to nothing on his, it was oh so faint. It's too bad, I would've loved to smell that all the time on him. Ah well, it was still nice on me.

  18. I was desperately looking forward to this one. I am a cherry fiend. I really thought out of all the weenie's (and I could only afford one at the time) this one would be for me. But alas I took a gamble and lost.


    Bottle: Boozy alright.

    Wet: Sweetarts, very tarty cherry.

    Dry: Same as wet, but doesn't last long.


    This certainly wasn't bad but it was not what I was hoping for. And maybe I was dreaming but I was hoping for something a little more dark and sweet, a heavy cherry. This was not what was here. It also had very little staying power. I could barely sniff it out two hours later. This will probably turn into a swap.

  19. Wow um yeah, pass a big bottle please. I'm in deep red heaven. This is a beautiful fruit scent with a light underlying floral. Which works out wonderful for me because florals are usually instant powder on my skin but here I can actually smell the flowers beneath the plum and berries. It's oh so heavy and kind of musky and sexy. If there were a scent that I'd color maroon, it would be Blood Countess. If that makes sense.


    On my big bottle list as of today.

  20. Wow this was exactly what I didn't know I wanted. Honestly this scent is so much a "me" scent.


    Bottle: Oh geez it smells like orange cleaner. Way sharp.

    Wet: Still a bit of that cleaner smell but it's getting softer, some creaminess comes out too.

    Dry: Lemony-orange sherbert with a bit of spice. Devine.


    This dried so lovely. I can even get a hint of the pepper. This reminds me of Lolita more than anything. I did a swap for this and it paid out. I will wear it so much and now begins the hunt for a back-up bottle. It's flirty, it's sweet, it's kind of sexy but in a really subtle way. I couldn't have asked for better. 10/10.

  21. Shoggoth (young coconut + lime), Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat (melon + lime), and Whitechapel (lilac + lime) are interesting takes on lime, although not vanilla. The only vanilla one I can think of is Mr. Nancy, which is very much lime sugar cookies.



    Oooh thanks! I've tried Whitechapel and its nice but not really me. I'll have to try and get some Shoggoth and Mr. Nancy which sounds especially yummy.
