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Everything posted by AnyseLawsBray

  1. AnyseLawsBray

    Red Lace

    Red musk, tobacco, red sandalwood, dried pomegranate, patchouli, dusty frankincense, and raspberry clotted over blackened sugar-spun vanilla cream cotton. In bottle: Deep, sweet frankincense with a touch of sandalwood & berries. Wet: Almost syrupy, but not overtly sugary. It's more substantial than your run-of-the-mill dry sugar. Luxurious raspberry vanilla bedsheets, shadowy, rumpled and warm. Dry: The pom & patch give tart red depth, while the musk/tobacco/frankincense add an air of dusky romance. The end result hours later is a deep, dark & dirty cotton. Mmm. Verdict: Such romance and deliciousness. It makes me feel like a character in an Agatha Christie murder mystery when I wear it- elegant, mysterious, & irresistable. I don't go for fruity scents very often, but the smoky raspberry and pomegranate are barely brushed with sweetness, so the creamy cotton balances it quite well. It's almost like a nocturnal version of White Rabbit at moments. Plus it gets better every time I wear it- her best years are yet to come.
  2. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: Resins & prickly florals. Wet: The frankincense and myrrh go powdery at once, but I like it with the rose amber. It does seem churchy, an illumination of warmth and understanding. Dry: The florals stay pretty understated, except for the champaca which comes off as incense- never very intense, but present. Verdict: Even though it goes to powder, it's in a very good way. Rosy, incensed and glowing. It may be disappointing for some, but the thing to remember is that these are meant to be layered- I have a feeling that cleric will be even more fantastic with the right race + alignment pairing!
  3. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: Courgette = zucchini. It does smell like a just ripe zucchini squash, still on the vine. Deep green, lush & almost creamy. Wet: I can't describe it any better than the lab's description of roughly cured leather! Literally my arm smells like tanned hide with the garden plantiness keeping it from being too heavy. Dry: The leather has smoothed out, like a supple cut of thick suede. The courgette finally ditched the zucchini power for its musky side. The greenness hasn't lessened, just gotten darker- I suspect the vetiver, though I can't pick it out. It must be much cleaner and smoother than I have experienced in other blends- I could learn to love a vetiver like this. Unfortunately later on it settles into a new car smell. Verdict: Dark but not dirty, not earthy exactly but well grounded nonetheless. It's natural, simple and no-nonsense, like it's namesake. Fun to try, if you like leathery garden scents. Or new car scents! Personally, I have no desire to smell like an auto interior so I'll pass. + re: previous comment- now I have images of Larry the Cucumber from VeggieTales in a studly leather bomber dancing around in my head
  4. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: Honestly, it smells like pop-tarts. I looked up kuikui nuts and found out that it's a species of tropical walnut! That could explain the fruity component I'm getting. Wet: Getting some spice and porridge now, oatmeal cookies is certainly an apt description. Cozy hobbit-houses with round doors must smell like this! Dry: Unfortunately it goes to potpourri after a bit. Nice in its own way, but not as nice as the cookies. Verdict: The imagery of a homebody hobbit enjoying his 'second breakfast' is delightful, and while it smells good in the imp & drying, after that it just lost its savor on my skin. I'm not giving up on the Shire just yet, so I may be back to edit after more testing.
  5. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: Crisp sandalwood. Wet: Oud, lightly spiced. A tingle of white tea leaf, perhaps a satchet of leaves tied with waxed string. Dry: The white tea leaf is still strong and very aromatic, almost herbaceous. The musk has started to creep in like smog, soft & cloudy. The sandalwood is still very much present, and seems almost bleached- very brittle and bone-white. It fades to a second-skin scent pretty quickly, a pleasant woody tea musk. Verdict: I wouldn't consider myself a fan of sandalwood- but Half-Elf is not bad, I must say. The light, dry spiciness calls to mind mystical trade routes & trailing caravans across exotic lands, from the smallest encampments to the largest cities. I imagine that this might be the sort of life that would appeal to someone in between two races, who didn't feel like they really belonged- much like a Half-Elf, I suppose! It didn't have a lot of staying power on me, but even if it did, I tend to prefer less sharp scents- this was a little too dry for my taste.
  6. AnyseLawsBray

    Black Pearl

    Evocative of the sea's unplumbed mysteries. Gentle and lovely, but menacing and profound. Coconut, Florentine iris, hazelnut and opalescent white musk. In vial: Cool coconut. Wet: Similar to Blood Pearl, but much cooler. Lusher, more silky. Dry: There is almost a nutty woodiness coming out, & a bit of etheral mist. It's not a super complex scent, but simplicity can be beautiful when it's done so well. Verdict: This reminds me of a sandy tropical beach, sweet driftwood from coconut trees washed ashore, with luminous rays of ghostly moonlight layered on the horizon. It's mysterious & gentle, very lovely. I think I prefer Black Pearl over Blood Pearl's warm muskiness, but it's a tough call!
  7. AnyseLawsBray

    Blood Pearl

    In vial: Warm coconut. Wet: Similar to Black Pearl, but much warmer. Softer, more velvety. Dry: There is almost a spicy muskiness coming out, dry, like the coconut has been sun-baked. It's not a super complex scent, but simplicity can be beautiful when it's done so well. Verdict: This reminds me of a rocky island shore, wild coconut trees all around, with deep rays of red sunset layered on the horizon. It's dusky & romantic, very lovely. I think I prefer Black Pearl's misty coolness, but it's a tough call!
  8. AnyseLawsBray

    Kubla Khan

    In vial: Faintly smoky & minty, with some vanilla. Wet: I'm not sure where the mint is coming from- perhaps that's the ice? Or the basalm/mandarin combo maybe. It smells cool & fresh, and I am getting a twinge of jasmine with it. Dry: Vanilla emanantes through the smokiness, much sweeter than I expected. Now that the mint has burned off it reminds me of Defututa- & looking at the descriptions, they share a lot of notes: smoky vanilla, jasmine, sandalwood, champaca. After a short time, the leather, tea leaf and ginger in Kubla Khan spice it up, adding an air of exotic intrigue and mystery. The balsam and mandarin are now recognizable as themselves, sharply resinous & tangy, a stunning counterpoint to the hazy sweetness of the smoky woods & vanilla. Verdict: I was confused at first with all the morphing going on, I had no idea what to expect! In the end it reminded me of a deeper, cooler, more complex and slightly masculine version of Defututa, which I have a bottle of already. If I didn't, Kubla Khan would be an immediate purchase! (Gotta have some semblance of self-control) I've ultimately decided this blend reminds me on of my favorite movies; Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow- aviator leather-clad retro steampunk adventures in the exotic Orient. Maybe I need it after all...
  9. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: Shimmering violet & sparkling musk with a tuft of light mossiness. These notes along with the greenery do give it a citrusy feeling, but not bitter- I like the comparison to an early evenings' mist, sweetened by sunset's rays. Wet: Leafy, dreamily shifting aspens, with the occasional floral amber firefly winking through the boughs. Dry: Wild berries, maybe not quite ripe, among delicate, waxy honeycombs. Verdict: This is actually a berry that works for me! It's foresty and not syrupy sweet, it's actually what I hoped Bewitched would be like on my skin. Very light, natural & lovely. I think I like the leafy wet stage best, I wish it would stick around longer- not to say that the end result of wildberry honeycombs isn't delicious! It lends a graceful, effortless aura of youth. I think I feel my ears getting a little pointy just wearing it. Not sure it warrants a full bottle, but I will have to try layering it with the classes & alignments for kicks.
  10. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: Tangy & heavy. Not earthy per se, but has definite heft. Wet: The hops come out, smelling vaguely bitter & grainlike. Getting the bite of iron now, metallic and stoic. Dry: It settles into a dry cologne, with faint hints of leather & stone. It smells very clean to me- polished marble halls come to mind. Verdict: The dry stage is best on me, when the iron & hops have smoothed out. I think it would be divine on a man, as it seems quite masculine to me. Not that it's unwearable for a woman- it just seems to have that traditional cologne sense about it. All in all, a surprise to say the least, and not the dirty, sharp scent I was expecting upon first sniff.
  11. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: Oily kerosene, strange but not bad. Resinous wood, not like any other blends I've smelled before. Wet: Thin black leather which fades pretty quickly. I get a bit of mustiness as well, rather strong. Dry: The initial strong musty kerosene is rather intriguing, much more appealing than you'd think. It fades into dark velvet with almost a polished or waxed wooden undertone. Verdict: I wanted to try Erik only because I love the story. I really did not expect to like it or find it wearable- I am glad to be wrong! There is a sweetness in the end result that is refined & dark. Images of velvet drapes swaying softly from a ghostly passerby, hidden in the shadows just outside the warm glow of an oil lamp. Lonely yet oddly magnetic, drawing you in with passionate fervence. Also, Erik layers well with Christine- I am in love! Christine's light vintage florals illuminate Erik's unique & solitary genius, bringing heavenly beauty to the madness. What a pair.
  12. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: A wave of white blooms. I'm not familiar with the Swedish florals, but I can detect the orchid. Very feminine & light. Wet: Very well blended, pretty, but nothing specifically jumping out from the mix. Dry: By this time the frankincense sweetens and deepens the florals and the vanilla shows up after a while. Sweet in a musky way almost, not foody or sugary. Verdict: Evocative of Christine, to a t. Lovely onstage in a swelling wave of song, innocent under the bright glow of the lights, dazzling in a pearlescent gown. Ultimately, this blend is a beauty of a traditional, vintage style perfume. Also, it works well layered with Erik, which delights me! The resin & dusty black velvet of Erik adds a haunting & grounded aspect to Christine's limelighted sopranocy.
  13. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: Molasses, for sure. Heavy, syrupy & sweet. Wet: The molasses tang seems quite lemony at this point. Very sugary & not foody exactly, but unmistakeably sweet. A little goes a long way. Dry: The lemonish bit is much lighter, leaving the sense of an antique oaken bartop, worn smooth & slick from constant use, with aged casks of rum stacked nearby. It's definitely more wearable than I thought from the listed notes! It's not as heavy as it seemed in the vial & wet stage either- it's like a sticky dusting of dark brown sugar & lemon across my skin. Verdict: In the wet stage especially, to my nose this could be our beloved Dorian's elder brother who went off to sea a sailor, but returned a pirate. He's mysterious, brooding, & dark but just as enigmatic. This actually spurred me to test them side by side- the similarities and differences are quite striking! Dorian is lighter, more gentleman like, suave, passionate, all well-tended herb gardens & afternoon trysts with ladies during tea. Kill-Devil is darker, free from societal pressures, haunted by the things he's seen whilst standing on the weathered oaken deck of a pirate ship, seeking to forget them during sweltering nights spent with a different woman in every port. For everyday wear, I much prefer Dorian, & I couldn't really justify having a bottle of both. But I think I will keep an imp of Kill-Devil around for when Dorian needs to loosen up a bit. I thought Dorian would KO Kill-Devil no contest, but K-D held his own, & I may even have a little crush
  14. AnyseLawsBray

    Lawn Gnome

    In vial: Patchouli & currant. Earthy, sweet. Wet: The currant really kicks it up a notch, & the bitter tang of molasses cuts through the punchy sweetness. Dry: Vanilla cream swirls over the sticky fruit, sugary and fluffy. I'm actually getting a lot more vanilla than I expected- must be since this has aged a couple years. It verges on being plasticky, but not quite across the line. The mossy base is very present as well, velvety & rich. After a bit, the morphing settles softly, an aura of earthy, creamy, fruity goodness. Verdict: This is playful & quirky without being childish like most sugary, fruity blends end up seeming on me. There is something about the red currant + molasses mix that is just so good. The patch/moss combo is delightfully grounding. All in all, just lovely & exactly what lawn gnomes should smell like.
  15. AnyseLawsBray

    Maud Ruthyn

    In bottle: The tang of juicy yellow nectarines! Oh yum. Wet: Nectarine is most prominent, a little straggling bloom of rose joining it. As it dries, the rose bursts forth most delightfully. Dry: After a couple of hours of rosiness which gradually fades, the honeycomb sidles over, warm & silky. I am thinking now that I have been smelling the fresh wheat all along, but it's golden dryness wasn't apparent underneath the rose/nectarine aura. There is still a drop of nectarine, & it blends so well with the velvety roses & sweet honeycomb that unless I smell very closely to the skin, I would forget about the myrrh. Usually myrrh doesn't agree with me, but in this case it gives a softly smoldering, late summer afternoon sort of feel, without being inordinately spicy or overwhelming in the least. Verdict: Maud Ruthyn is summer, bottled. The last weekend of a holiday at a country manor where lazily dry afternoons are spent wandering the gardens, passing trellised roses in bloom, searching for hives containing combs full of wild honey. A juicily ripe nectarine stains your chin as you bite into it, walking through the older rosebushes who've scattered their hips like rubies about your feet. The sun shines lowly through the resin-jewelled branches of an old tree, as a hot breeze blows the scent of ripe wheatfields awash in a touch of golden spice by. I took a chance & got a bottle unsniffed, and I am glad now that I did. I am partial to roses, so the stage when they were prominent didn't put me off. It is definitely worth waiting out, because the later honeycomb/wheat/myrrh stage is so beautiful. I am looking forward to wearing this in hot weather- it is sweet without being heavy or syrupy, and it has a warm feeling that is tempered by the thin tartness of the nectarine & rose hips. Simply divine.
  16. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: Tart peach, tangy & bright. Wet: I'm thinking this is white peach, firm and juicy, verging on being a bit too green to eat just yet. Still hanging on the tree, among the mossy boughs of a long-forgotten tree in an abandoned orchard. Dry: The tanginess of the bergamot/heliotrope has gone a bit ozone-like, but the white musk is producing a glowing quality that I really like. The peach is fainter now, but sweetening up. Warmed by my skin, no doubt. Verdict: I have been looking for a good summer scent that's light & refreshing but without citrus notes, which tend to go bitter on me, and without aquatics which are soapy on me at times. This could be it! More testing will reveal if I need a bottle- I am really liking this airy yet earthy & musky peach!
  17. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: Sweet greenery, a touch of spruce. Wet: Smooth creamy forest. Very unusual, but not bad. A fresh burst of herby soapiness- it actually reminds me of what The Aurora Spaceship Takes a Dive does on me. Dry: The shea goes a little wonky at first, reminiscent of melon (agree with the honeydew comparisons). The spruce comes out more- not sharp evergreen, the same soft creaminess from before. I have never smelled anything like this! It's very fresh, airy even, but not insubstantial. Verdict: I am really fascinated by this! A very green, clean forest scent that is somehow rich and almost even sheer, if that makes sense. I will have to give it another try before making my mind up completely, but I can say this: The shea goes a little strange in the middle, just... not right. Aside from that, it is so unique & different that I really want to like it. At the moment I am on the fence, but it's not looking bottleworthy for me. Definitely worth testing though!
  18. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: Pear, dull green & dusky-skinned. Wet: Resinous, dry herbs and more pear. Sweet & sticky. Dry: The hyssop and poppy leave a powdery dusting over the whole scent, and the spices (coriander, sage etc) spring for a little warmth. The pear is very present still, a sugary sweet base. Verdict: I love the Aztec imagery! Carved stone, Mexican deserts & scrub, prickly pears growing with abandon... This is a great scent. Very unique, though at times I would catch a stray whiff & think "Christmas?!" The warming spices must have reminded me of cider. This would be a good go-to winter scent, on cold gray days you can imagine yourself exploring ancient ruins
  19. AnyseLawsBray

    Santa Muerte

    In vial: Vetiver! Dank, dirty & deep. Wet: Still vetiver, maybe a bit of mum. The dirtiness sticks around for a while. Dry: This is when the rose & cactus flowers really blossomed on me. Sweet, lush but still seeming dry at the same time. I think that must be the vetiver grounding the blend. The combination is very lovely, still reminiscent of death. Very intriguing. Verdict: The final stage really is dazzling- I get the impression of orange & scarlet, succulent blooms amidst a desert island. I didn't expect to enjoy Santa Muerte so much! I could go without the scary vetiver at the start- but I suppose that is part of the scent's "story" & it wouldn't be as resonant without it! Overall I am really glad I gave it a chance.
  20. AnyseLawsBray

    Green Tree Viper

    In bottle: (Note: this is a newly mixed bottle, super fresh from the lab, so I will update when it has had a chance to age as well) Minty, touch of sweet citrus (bergamot). Wet: Creamy, soft mint. Mmmm. An impression of definitely cold-blooded but verdant green. Dry: I start to detect the warm vanilla of the Snake Oil base, smooth & warm. Much less aggressive than straight up SO. The green tea is peeking out underneath the mint, and joy of joys- the bergamot is bursting forth in all it's glory. I love bergamot so I am thrilled that it comes out in GTV for me! Verdict: I adore this blend. It reminds me very much of Alice, but where Alice has a warm, glowing feeling, Green Tree Viper is the cool & shady side. The mint doesn't stick around for too long, but I love the drydown so much that I don't mind! This is Snake Oil for people who didn't like Snake Oil.
  21. AnyseLawsBray

    Milk Moon 2005

    I had the EXACT same experience!! I have loved all the other milky blends I've tried, so I was really excited to try this one. In vial: Sweet, milky floral. A little tang of something? Wet on skin: The sweetness immediately gives way to horrifyingly curdled milk. I didn't think the representation of mother & child would be quite so literal- baby spit-up! Eurgh. Dry: I had to excercise a great deal of self-control to allow it to dry for a few minutes. My gag reflex was jumping, let me tell you... No improvement though. A sour, fruity smell joined in with the yellow, milky smell. I had to scrub my wrists & liberally apply Snake Oil to eradicate the lingering sourness. Verdict: Sad. I had hopes! This might have even dethroned milk from my favorite notes list.
  22. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: Sharp bite of peppery jasmine, hint of tea rose. Wet on skin: A burst of jasmine which fades into a lovely pink rose. Dry: Gorgeous rose. Throw is almost exclusively rose, though close-up I can still detect jasmine. No more pepper or any patchouli to be found! Sometimes I think I can smell the bourbon vanilla smoothing out the base, but only when I'm not paying attention. Verdict: Very feminine, pink, pink floral. Definitely one for rose-lovers! I like the twist the jasmine gives, and the little spike of bourbon vanilla at the end is nice.
  23. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: A salty expanse of ocean waves comes to mind. Straight up aquatic. Wet: This smells very very clean- I can definitely understand the soapy vibes. It's a ringer for Irish Spring! Dry: The detergent phase lasts awhile before the tangy murkiness emerges. It almost always pays to be patient! It is very interesting- it has turned dark & unsettling. I am still getting a bit of Irish Spring- but when I sniff closer I get the slithery, slimy horror or Cthulhu. Verdict: Glad I got to try it, but I don't think this is me. If ONLY I could convince my hubs to wear it! I will prevail one of these days...
  24. AnyseLawsBray


    In vial: Citrus, something green & maybe a bit of leather. I like it, but citrus tends to not like my skin so we shall see. Wet on skin: Sort of herby, I am still getting grapefruit, rather bitter but not offensively so. Dry: The grapefruit subsides a little, making room for barely minted white tea, possibly with a lemon peel. I don't get much else of leather, amber, or the other notes. Verdict: It does indeed smell very sophisticated, high-end & whatnot. It wasn't what I expected, and the citrus actually wasn't so bad on me in this blend. Even so, it's too in-your-face, intimitadingly brazen for me to wear.
  25. AnyseLawsBray

    Bijoux Y'ha-nthlei

    In vial: Rather faint, misty brightness. Wet on skin: Soft, citrus-like & dry- definitely neroli & ginger. Hawaiian ginger must be a different beast than the lab's usual ginger note, which makes me sneeze sometimes. Decidedly less tingly, but still zesty. I think I can detect a bitty curl of lime peel on the drydown. Dry: This is where the magic happens. Smoldering white musk lends an opulent air, flourishing a perfect yellow rose for your inspection. The beeswax, heliotrope & tarragon combination starts to shine, and the smooth freshness swirls over delicate oud & the remaining base notes, coating them in a sweet & silky alloy of celestial shimmer. Verdict: Going with the description, I can totally envision an alien diadem wrought from otherworldly precious metals. This smells like sci-fi luxury, in one.