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Everything posted by AliBabble

  1. AliBabble

    Eat Me

    i didn't think this smelled so much like cake at first, more fruity candy..and almost floral...like the candied lemon drops of enraged bunny musk...if this is a cake, it would be lemon poppyseed cake, with orange icing. a very citrussy cake, or a currant cupcake with a lot of icing. really though, it reminds me of a lemon or orange icing. or the cake batter, before it is baked. i do really like it, and can see it becoming addicting.
  2. AliBabble

    Drink Me

    at first out of the imp, i get a bit of miskatonic u., and a bit of monsterbait closet - the fruity creaminess - but it has a distinct bitter almond/marischino cherry thing too. just heavenly. on my skin it's like marzipan meringue, baking in the oven. this is like a bitter liquid toffee, meets macadamia brittle. can you tell i like it, yet? it's dark and mellow, nutty, roasted and rich. there's a touch of hearth's nuttiness here, too. but more almond than chestnut. i love it.
  3. AliBabble

    Baobhan Sith

    out of the imp this is glorious! a clear, bright sparkling scent. i get the juicy grapefruit mixed with the freshest blossoms - it does smell like lilac or honeysuckle - sweet and delicate, but i see now that it is apple blossom. very lovely. on my skin, the grapefruit actually stings for a second (that's a first) - and it fades gradually, allowing the blossoms to come out more and more. oh, yeah and the ginger becomes very apparent - it's that same yummy, refeshing ginger tea i love in white rabbit. this is just a lovely, summery scent, and i can see wearing this one a lot.
  4. AliBabble

    Anne Bonny

    this was a nice frimp from the lab - i've always been curious about ole anne bonny.. anyhow, out of the vial it is dark and lusty - at first i think it's vetiver, but after reading the other reviews, i see it's probably the patchouli. i think it reminds me of saturnalia, although i haven't smelled that one in a while. anyhow, it's dark and dirty, but there are hints of sweeter things in the background. on my skin it sweetens and lightens almost immediately, and i smell a lot more sandalwood, and perhaps coconut, but hiding, really hiding back there. anyway - i like it ok, but it's more incense-y/woodsy than what i usually go for. it is much nicer on my skin than i originally thought from sniffing the imp though, and it does capture the anne bonny character very well.
  5. AliBabble

    Opium Poppy

    i'm unsure on this one. i'm not sure opium works on me - red lantern didn't work, and opium poppy is having the same problem---the headiness, the smokiness which on some level i like...it smells old-ladyish on me. it always gives me the image of an older rich lady in a fur coat, with too much perfume on. it's kind of a neat smell...reminds me of old-fashioned movie stars..but i'm not sure how pleasant it is on me. there's also something in opium poppy that reminds me of zinc oxide ointment. however, the opium in sleepy moon works wonderfully on me, so maybe i'm still getting used to this one... sometimes scents grow on me. i do like the incense-y quality of this. we shall see...
  6. AliBabble

    The Hesperides

    an always-appreciated frimp from the lab. out of imp and wet on skin: very sharp, tart, astringent apple. as it dries: softens and sweetens into a mellower apple sauce. dry: apple with something mellow or musky mixed in: apples in custard. as time wears on: less apple, more of a vague indistinct sweetness. outcome: this isn't one i would have gravitated to, but i do like it! it is juicy, fresh and pretty. doesn't last long, and the smell it turns into is a bit nondescript, when the apples wear off. still, i'll probably wear it now and again, when i'm in an apple mood.
  7. AliBabble


    oh man, i'm wild about this one. the oil is a dark reddish brown, thick and syrupy. out of the imp it reminds me slightly of hollywood babylon, one of my earliest bpal loves...richly, darkly fruity, with a luxurious smoky depth. shango is fruity and pinapple-y, but it's not a "tropical drink on the beach" type of fruitiness...it's much deeper, darker, with a smoky/spicy strength and power. sooo delicious. after a bit, the red apple comes out more...like candy apples...oh man. the sugar cane and the chili pepper have developed in this soft, smoky way. i love this alot. will need a bottle.
  8. AliBabble

    Destroying Angel

    being a lover of all things mushroom-y, i gave this a shot. not usually a fan of dirt smells, this one is alright - the initial fungal mushroom smell is what i like most. the paper-white perfumey notes eventually take over a bit too much on me, making it a little "generic perfume-y"/hairsprayish...but there's still a touch of the earthy mushroom scent. an unusual combo of freshness and earthiness - the mushroom scent itself is lovely, though fleeting.
  9. AliBabble

    Beltane 2005-06

    i really love this!! especially out of the bottle, and wet on my skin, i get something really tangy and juicy - tart apple, quince, or even tangerine - i don't think those are beltane-y fruits, but that's what it smells like to me. bright and happy! juicy juicy! when the fruit wafts away, the florals present themselves - very natural, and not at all soapy, just sweet and airy. hoorah! reminds me of skipping through a field of daffodils and buttercups. very bright, yellow, sunny and childlike. happy and lovely. i will wear this a lot!
  10. AliBabble


    i agree, it's a bit like mi-go, and i get the same issues too; out of the much-appreciated frimp, i get: canned peaches, the barest hint of jasmine, and - like mi-go but not as strong - something a bit diaper-y, unfortunately. i sometimes wear mi-go anyway, and the initial diaper-thing seeems to go away, leaving a nice, summery, interesting fruit scent. so let's see how it goes with eris: yes, on the skin it is better. fresh melons and peaches, sprinkled with a little jasmine. it's nice, light and summery, but still a bit sickly sweet to wear it much.
  11. AliBabble


    this was a frimp from the lab, which i appreciate greatly, and it's one i was interested to try. not sure it's gonna work out on me though....i love currant, and berries in general, but the ozone's kinda messing things up for me; it's probably just too soapy overall. it sweetens, softens, and gets fruitier the longer i wear it - this is a good thing. but the ozone/lavendar combo still gives it a sharpish, slightly sneeze-inducing identity, and it doesn't seem to mesh with my chemistry that well.
  12. AliBabble


    ... Obatala’s ofrenda is soft, white and pure: milk, coconut meat, shea butter and cool, refreshing water. this scent feels very nurturing to me...warm and sweet...like coconut oil that's been warmed by the sun and smoothed luxuriously onto your body...it's actually not overly coconutty-sweet...i think it's the shea i smell more...it feels healthy, warm, and well, - nurturing is the word that keeps springing to mind. it's not very strong.. i have to keep reapplying, and it doesn't last long on me, but i like it a lot - it is calming, creamy, and beautiful. a bottle will probably be needed....
  13. AliBabble

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    Who doesn't want a monster in their pants? Sexy sugar-smeared saffron sandalwood over lickable vanilla cream with a splash of butter rum. very interesting scent. in the bottle it is caramel-y, with something brighter hiding in the background - a bit sharp and chemically, but not unpleasant. on my skin it is murky at first - that is, i can't really tell what i'm smelling other than a buttery, rummy caramel, but not overly sweet - sort of dark and rich, but subtle. there's something mixed in - that sharp smell - a little chemically/plasticky - but i'm still sniffing away, enjoying the smell, trying to decipher what's in there. eventually the scent blossoms - with the vanilla creaminess coming out more, a definite muskiness, and something a bit spicy hiding in the background...it just gets more and more delicious as it develops! it is indeed custardy! like a rich caramel creme. everyone's underpants should smell this good!
  14. AliBabble

    Enraged Bunny Musk

    hooray! i was really looking forward to this one... in the bottle, it's sweet and tart - sugared lemon drops are a good comparison. on my skin, more lemon comes out - zingy! - i get the lemon pledge thing, and this is worrisome. lemon joy, lemon pledge, it's not working so well. then, in about 5 minutes or so - poof! the lemon calms down, and the sugary loveliness starts to come out...soft, springy, musky and oh so feminine. the longer i wear it, the muskier it gets...fluffy, girlie, i guess one could say powdery, but not in a bad way. i guess there are soft florals in there - the cotton blossom, i don't really know what that smells like, or baby's breath - i do, however recognize the clover, and wow. this is just a sweet, sexy-soft scent, and i'm really enjoying it. (the label i find rather disturbing, though!)
  15. AliBabble


    this was a frimp from the lab, which i always appreciate, and which are always fun to try. however, crossroads is problematic on me. right out of the vial, it struck me as too intense - too sweet and heady. on my skin, it is more interesting and pleasant - the moist earth smell, and assorted mosses and flowers - is that really jasmine? i usually love jasmine, but this one feels kind of abrasive, or jagged somehow. maybe it's something else - magnolia?... the whole smell is odd: it's intriguing and evocative...a little spooky. but it threatens to make me sneeze, there's something in it that irritates my nose. almost a moldy, sickly sweet smell. that said, i'm enjoying the images crossroads is conjuring up, but i'm not sure how often i'll wear it, as it's really intense on me. maybe on a moonlit walk through a graveyard sometime? it's hard to say...
  16. AliBabble


    out of the imp, this reminds me of orange flower water. nice. on my skin, more of a "tang" comes out: the lavendar, the verbena, the rosemary, but not much frankincense. it is pleasant, fresh and clean - probably too clean and lemony for my taste, though - i like my scents a bit dreamier...this one isn't really inspiring me, although it is certainly pleasant.
  17. AliBabble


    oh, this is glorious. it's got a bit of holiday moon feeling - bright, citrus-y, and full of dappled sunlight. it's very golden yellow/sunshine-y but not overly sharp...i almost detect something like cucumbers or melons...fresh and summery, herbal, grassy, clean and sweet... i will be wearing this alot. it smells happy and exuberant.
  18. AliBabble

    Monster Bait: Underbed

    surprisingly, i prefer this one over the closet monster bait. i get a lot of the cassia and somehow this works...i don't always like so much cassia on me...but this reminds me of three witches mixed with beaver moon...cinnamony but sweet and spicy/cake-y. it's dry, yes, but also cozy and fun. very wearable - you don't end up smelling like a bakery (not that i would mind that, heh...) - it just strikes me as less overtly sugary sweet than i thought it would be. like it a lot.
  19. AliBabble

    Monster Bait: Closet

    i have to admit i was not as wild about this as i was expecting to be, but i do still like it. the first whiff i got contained the syrupy booziness everyone has been describing...almost rum-like, sweet, not so bourbony to me. and the fruit...the blackberry..i like it, but it's almost too sickly-sweet, or over-ripe or something, at first. it mellows out nicely though, and the longer i wear it, it grows on me, and the notes start working together, in a more cohesive way. now that i'm getting actual frosting, it begns to smell pretty yummy. i'd say, the longer i wear it, the creamier it gets, and the more it improves. i like all the foodie scents, and although this isn't my top favorite, it's still fun.
  20. AliBabble


    being a non-religious jew, i had never heard of this jewish underworld thing... but it's the weirdest thing, when i smell sheol, i get memories of old synagogues and jewish holidays like sukkoh with golden hanging fruits... i love this scent, although on me it is rather subtle. i get a shining, golden feeling from it, and can't place the notes very well, other than perhaps the heliotrope. i love heliotrope: it smells old fashioned, and powdery (in a good way). i wore this one to bed and slept great: it was soothing, and dreamy. i guess i do sense the labdanum and copal, but they are dreamy and subtle on me. this is well blended, complex yet understated, and an unusual scent with a golden sheen to it.
  21. AliBabble


    a lot like cathedral: mostly cedar-y on me too. woody, earthy, rooty...it does smell pretty much like mandrake root, i guess. not the most complex or mysterious oil i've smelled, although it's texture is thick and goopy, which is kind of intriguing. it has the feeling of dark forest earth and roots.
  22. AliBabble

    Strangler Fig

    i think i must really like fig...this is the third bpal figgy scent (the other being freak show and gomorrah) that i've loved. i'm not sure what else i'm smelling in here, but it's a rich, sensual fig..a bit intoxicating. smooth. round. a friend described it as almost "chocolate-y", and i would tend to agree. it is not overbearing, and settles after a few hours into a barely-there mellow, earthy sweetness. like this a lot.
  23. AliBabble

    Springtime scents

    snow white, duh love in the asylum black rose
  24. AliBabble

    Springtime scents

    for spring i'm feeling: white rabbit, perfumed garden, budding moon, midway, la fee verte
  25. AliBabble


    the main thing i get from cordelia is the cedar - some lemon too, but mostly the cedar. i like the woodsiness of it, but i only wear these woody scents occasionally. there's a trace of lilac - the wisteria must be very subtle too - on me everything is dwarfed by the cedar. i like it though - it has a quiet strength, and smells clean and "natural", but has a bit of mystery, probably due to the white musk. it's a bit plain perhaps, not a real sensual scent - but it has an understated prettiness.