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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by herdivineshadow

  1. In the bottle this is entirely fat juicy red apples - the smell you get when you bite into a really juicy apple and the juice sort of sprays everywhere. On my skin though the apple fades and is replaced by a more autumny smell like warm autumn air when you're out walking in the fields which I guess must be down to the wheat notes. It's a nice warm, dry scent.

  2. seraphim on me is... the sweet sweet smell of permanent marker. :D

    combined with the kind of incense smell i remember from visiting buddhist temples when i was a tinier me than in my avatar. it reminds me of being very young and everything being far bigger than me. i like this scent. :P

  3. Mostly, I get a sandlewood incense kind of vibe from this scent, though after the oil has a chance to dry a bit more I get a gentle hint of roses. This is a really nice, soft warm scent, which is just right for a really cold day like today.

  4. At first this is a very sweet, golden, honey scent whilst wet. After drying a bit it turns into a more dry, incense scent with a slightly clinical touch - it reminds me a bit of the hosptial my mum used to work at, which is kind of strange I guess. Ultimately, it's a bit too incensey for me.

  5. This starts off as a very cherry smelling scent, which I didn't like at all. After a while it then morphs into a more warm, dry amber scent with no cherry at all. I'm not too sure about this one on the whole, as the initial cherry note does put me off a bit.

  6. Somehow every oil I try this week turns into a single note with tiny mini hints of other things waving at me from very far away. Hellfire is all tobacco on my skin, soft, not too dry, springy tobacco like the kind my dad is not supposed to be smoking. There's a tiny undercurrent of leather, but nothing else. To the swap pile I think.

  7. I get mostly a clean lemony scent with a small hint of musk from this. It's a tad masculine, but not overpoweringly so, so I could still wear it happily though it would probably smell better on one of my housemates.
