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Everything posted by jewelbug

  1. jewelbug

    The Sportive Sun

    A preface: no idea what calamus smells like.... Bottle: It brings to mind an amber-ific Luperci. I don't know why, since there are virtually no notes in common--I guess becuase I smell a lot of wood in this (cedar, yes?)? There's a hint of something citrus, too, but it isn’t juicy, it’s a dry scent. Wet: Ah, I was so curious about almond flower, and there it is, floating over the top of this blend in the wet stage--almondy, but not the in-your-face of most almond blends (which is good since strong almond usually scares me off). Under the almond flower is a dry amber and a hefty dash of (also dry) cedar. This actually smells like something my husband would love, not that it’s masculine, really, but a sweet woodsy unisex (and that’s generally what he goes for). Dry: The almond flower doesn't last on my skin, and I'm left with a sweet golden resin (almost incense) scent, dry woods, and a slight but almost vanillic creaminess (heliotrope?). Overall: On me, this has great throw, I didn’t apply much, and I can smell it without getting close to my wrist at all. The scent is a lovely golden one, and I imagine it'll get even better with some age on it. I've only had this on for about 4 hrs, and from the smell of it, i'll probably get to a staying power of 6-8 which isn't bad at all. Try if you like: Greed, Luperci, Jacob’s Ladder.
  2. jewelbug

    Sleepytime BPAL

    I'm putting in another rec for TKO. I definitely helps me to fall asleep, but what I've found even more amazing is that I wake up earlier than usual the next morning feeling better rested than when I sleep without it (even though I've slept for less time). No grogginess, in fact, just the opposite!
  3. Awww, shucks, thanks, love. I usually choose the pics and then hubby uses his graphics wizardry to turn them into icons (cuz i'm a photoshop dummy). And so as to not completely hijack.... Not a GC, but I find Leo 07 very much like a non-pumpkin-y Pumpkin Queen, and VERY delicious.
  4. jewelbug

    Leo 2007

    Bottle: Oh, wow. Its almost foody! I'm getting a very sweet honeyed spiced amber sort of smell. Wet: I'm having a hard time containing myself...I know its weird to feel this worked up over perfume, but this scent makes me JOYOUS! Right now its reminds me strongly of Pumpkin Queen without the butter/pumpkin. And while I love Pumpkin Queen, the pumpkin was always the one thing that gives me doubts. This is exquisitely perfect, and something I've been wanting for a while!! Dry: Seriously beautiful. Sweet spiced egyptian amber. Hints of an almost apple-y chamomile, sweet and light. I don't really get walnut out of this (I was really curious about that note!), but at this point, who the hell cares!?! I am head over heels in love. Which I suppose isn't surprising--hubby's a leo, and I expected I'd love the scent that symbolizes him. Overall: SERIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL. I am floored by how perfect this is. I am always excited about bpal, but this one has me more excited than I've been for a while! I'm having trouble limiting the use of exclamation points in this review! I love Leo, and I want more bottles!!! Beth, thank you thank you thank you!!! Summed up in smileys: :D Okay, that was obnoxious (um, I had more emoticons, but the board limited them). Sorry, I really can't help myself. Hehe!
  5. Completely agree. Sugar Skull was too sugared and even a little boozy. CR was all delicious oozing red berries baked into a pie with buttery crust. Amazing what skin chem can do. Reading the CR reviews, there seem to be two camps. The SS camp, and the berry butter camp. I'm happy I'm in the SS camp (berries just don't do it for me).
  6. So, this isn't really a GC equivalent, but seems like the best place to put it.... I just finished reviewing crumpet rebellion, and I'm sure it has a lot to do with weird skin chemistry, but it reminded me strongly of sugar skull. Of course, sugar skull's an LE, too, but its definitely less rare than CR. To make it more like CR, i would layer Sugar Skull with just a dab of Herr Drosselmeyer, and maybe a bit of a winey scent. Um, that was convoluted. But there you have it.
  7. jewelbug

    The Crumpet Rebellion

    I was lucky enough to swap for half a bottle of this precious!! Bottle: Smells like cake plus tobacco. And perhaps a hint of yule slushiness... Wet: I get a very tobacco/musk/slush out of this on top. Very masculine notes. Over cake and burnt (in a good way, like carmelized) sugar, which is all sweet and gooey. And a hint of cold citrus, I think? Dry: The sugar in this reminds me of sugar skull--strongly. If I had to describe this using scents I'm familiar with, I would say Sugar Skull (closer to 05 than 04 or 06) + Port (I like those fortified wines!!!) + Herr Drosselmeyer (seriously, I swear I smell tobacco!). I don't actually smell much in the way of butter/blackcurrants/cherries/red fruits like a lot of the previous reviewers, but I'm at least glad I'm not the only one comparing this to Sugar Skull. Overall: You know, I love sugar skull, and this is likewise scrumptious. I have all three incarnations of SS, and I'm tempted to keep this, too...but I wonder if any of them will get enough love? Then there is the fact that is so rare that I'd be too afraid to wear it anyway. I'm so glad I got to try it--its delish. Now I just need to decide whether to keep it or not!
  8. jewelbug

    Gourmand - Foody Scents - General Recommendations

    Have you tried Miskatonic University? Its described as "The scent of Irish coffee, dusty tomes and polished oakwood halls." On me, its coffee + caramel, and might really satisfy your coffee/foody needs. And if you wanted chocolate coffee, you could layer it with your Bliss. As for ultimate cakey type scents. Have you tried gluttony? Its "Dark chocolate, vanilla, buttercream, and hops with pralines, hazelnut, toffee and caramel." Might be just want you're looking for. Eat me and Drink Me are worth a shot, too. Both are very foody. I have to express my love for Wulric the Wolfman as a rich chocolate-y scent, too. It worked much better on me than Candy Butcher did, so its now my chocolate Carnaval Diabolique of choice.
  9. jewelbug

    Carnaval Diabolique recommendations

    And I'm adding Wulric to this list, cuz he's rich and chocolate-y with a dark vanilla scent. Really tasty.
  10. jewelbug

    Pink Phoenix

    Huh, I've had this since it was released. I dunno why I haven't reviewed it yet... Bottle: A very sweet fruity smell. Strawberry, yes, but also a bit of cherry. Actually, in the bottle this sometimes reminds me of cough syrup. Wet: Still very fruity, less cough syrup. The sweet pea definitely comes out more (but doesn't scream bathroom cleaner like usual). Most of all this is just SWEET and lollipop-y. As this dries, the sugar sometimes threatens to go synthetic/burnt on me, and the sweet pea sometimes wafts of bathroom cleaner, but typically it all ends in my favor (depends on my cycles). Drydown: The fruits come into a better balance and I get a vanilla/honey scent with a hint of non-lollipop berry. Its very nice in this stage, much less candy smelling, think "O" plus berry. Overall: I don't wear this often (very sweet for most of my moods), but I haven't been able to let it go--its like a sleepover and pillow-fight in a bottle (very girly!). I never smell the pear, which is a shame. This reminds me quite a bit of Pink Moon (the original, not 2007) minus all the florals, but I do actually prefer the more complex Pink Moon.
  11. Scherezade for a sexy spicy musk. Bengal for a lighter musk with honeyed chai tea type spices. Maybe Tanin'iver (I haven't tried that one yet, but its got blood musk and cassia). Bastet if you like almond/lotus...its got egyptian musk and cardamom. And since you like spice, I'd be silly if I didn't recommend shub niggurath.
  12. jewelbug

    The Unheavenly City

    This was an unexpected and spectacular gift from the ever-generous and dear-to-me Thursdae. Thank you, love! Imp: My first impression of of some thick, syrupy-sweet blooms. They're slightly bubblegummy and very sweet--if I had to guess florals (which i'm awful at, for the record), I'd probably say lotus and gardenia. In the background, there is something slightly woodsy/dirty/corrupted--unheavenly, even . Oh, and maybe a hint of cherry? Wet: The thick sweet florals predominate. There is almost a vanillic creaminess to them, and I still get a lotus/gardenia impression. Under the creamy florals is a layer of sharper scents--florals as well, I believe (rose? violet?). Now, those don't do too well on me, normally...but they seem to be an afterthought in this blend, and are working quite well. The whole blend is quite pretty. It reminds me of another one I've tried--Hell's Belle, perhaps? I don't have that anymore, so I can't compare... Dry: The thicker, sweeter florals start to tone down--they're still predominant, but the rest of the blend is more apparent now. Something resinous with a wood note comes through, and there is even something that smells a bit of wet soil (very faint). That sharper, bitter floral is more noticable now, and the more i sniff, the more I think it is rose (but not so noticable that it scares a floral-wary person such as myself--and not soapy/powdery as rose often goes). The scent becomes darker, richer, a hint dirty/smokey/boozy/musky. Its beautifully done. Overall: I like how this blend portrays its subject matter--sweet at the start to lure you in, but then you become acquainted with the unheavenly city's darker, more dangerous side (right about when you're falling through a trapdoor to the shanghai tunnels!). The overall scent experience is a very sweet floral, so creamy that it has an almost foody feel, but it gets even more comlex and interesting further in the drydown. Definitely feminine to my nose, and for some reason I could imagine myself a hellcat southern belle when I wear this...I'll definitely hold onto this--can't wait to smell it aged! Perfectly blended, Beth! (as always...)
  13. jewelbug


    Imp: Huh, I feel like I smell a twinge of evergreen, which is unexpected. Besides that there is a fruty almost bubblegum smell, and (oh-no!) something that smells like jasmine. The over all effect in the imp is a sharp, fruity bathroom cleaner. Lets hope this plays well on my skin... Wet: Sweet gummy fruits (cherry?) with an alcoholic perfumey sharpness. Unfortunately, it still smells of jasmine to me, and jasmine doesn't play nice with my skin chemistry (hullo cat pee). But then I'm also getting a bit of that "bathroom cleaner" smell, which usually means sweet pea. Drying: Okay, the sweet pea/bathroom cleaner smell lessens, and as it dries the jasmine-like note lessens, too. This is odd, but it has the "feel" of antonino the carny talker (except I like antonino much better). I feel like I start to smell a bit of smoke in the background, and even a hint of necco wafer/converstation hearts (which to me usually means gardenia). Late into the drydown the plum finally starts to dominate (what I was hoping for), and this reminds me of a floral version of Hellion (Hellion is more to my tastes, though). Oddly enough, it also resembles Montressor (which I also very much enjoy) with his dark fruits. Overall: The later drydown with the plum and distant florals is nice enough, but that beginning jasmine/sweet pea stage is too cruel to one with my skin chemistry (cat pee and bathroom cleaner...). For plum lovers with nicer chemistry than I, you should enjoy it. For me, I'll stick with my Montressor and Hellion since the drydowns are similar and I actually like the wet stages of those two...
  14. jewelbug


    Bottle: Sweet and fruity smelling? Huh, that wasn't what I expected... this reminds me a bit of what I remember Anabel Lee smelling like (though I sold my Anabel, so I can't compare directly...). I guess I'd say sweet florals and some cucumber/melon? Wet: It still smells of anabel to me, but there is a citrusy hint--something tart and pithy. Of course, the impression as a whole is a sweet floral acquatic. Its very fresh and clean smelling. Drying: Light florals, fresh sweet green-ness (grasses?), a hint of citrus and a cucumber (or melon?) aquatic. The citrus twinge is not as tart as it was when wet. Dry: About 30 minutes in, I get a more fumey, almost ozone note. The effect is a more powdery perfumey floral acquatic, and I don't like this part nearly as much as I liked the earlier stages--its almost hairsprayish on me. Late Dry: By 2 hrs in, the ozoney perfumey aquatic is joined (finally!) by honey, and by 4-5 hrs, its mostly a faint honey smell with only twinges of clean, powdery ozone, aquatics and florals. Overall: I wish I had Anabel to compare, because this really brings it to mind (in the early stages). This is a "cool" scent, I don't get out and out "chill" as in the description. Its sweet and pretty, quite feminine to my nose at the start, but unfortunately goes a bit weird later in the drydown. I'm going to hang on to this for a while longer to see how my skin chem changes it (its my special time of the month), and I'll see what to do from there. The beginning is quite pretty, though.
  15. jewelbug


    This isn't really my type of scent, so I'm really inexperienced at picking out these types of notes. Hence, a review of general impressions: This smells really fresh and clean. What I guess is a mix of ozone and acquatics. Ocasionally i feel like i'm smelling some sort of not-too-sweet fruit--like a citrus, maybe? It lasts for quite a while, has very good throw, and smells crisp and clean. I think this reminds me more of gentle fresh showers than full-on tempests, but it is a pretty scent. But since it strikes me as a bit "department store" and its not my favored genre, it has found its way into my swap pile.
  16. jewelbug

    Hunger Moon

    Bottle: Woodsy evergreenness. Wet: sweet evergreens, bit of citrus--grapefruit maybe? Drying: The citrus comes out the most, I think. And the woods are underneath. I like this. There’s sort of a burning sandalwood going on underneath. Dry: Glittery grapefruit and evergreen woods. I can definitely make out the oakmoss now (love oakmoss). Bit masculine for me, overall, though. Overall: Still there 8-9 hrs later, as a faintly sweet evergreen citrus smell. This scent pretty much stays true from the time I put it on to when it fades out. Its beautifully done, but I don’t think I’d wear it often (masculine feel), so its just as well that I don’t have a bottle…
  17. jewelbug

    Aries 2007

    I'm trying out a friend's aries to see if its worth hunting down. I love spicy, typically, but didn't have the money when this went up.... Wet: Wintergreen, spice, and cat food? Huh? Oh, I know what it is…pepper often goes to a weird savory petfood/salami on me. This isn’t promising… Drying: Red lollipops and spice. I figure the red lollipop smell is actually dragon’s blood resembling cherry. The effect smells like spicy jailbait (well, jailbait before it turned to pepperoni pizza on my weird skin chem., anyway) with a twinge of wintergreen. Dry: This alternates between spicy jailbait and pepto bismal, with occasional whiffs of salami. Overall: This is quite apparently not a good mix with my skin chemistry! I guess its a good thing that I didn't buy it for myself.
  18. jewelbug


    Bottle: Heady florals and an undercurrant of sexy spice. I'll preface this review by saying that I'm not huge on florals, and since I avoid them, I don't review them very well cuz I never get any better at identifying them....But I was drawn to this scent after reading all the reviews about spiciness, so I had to give it a try. Wet: I'm pretty certain this has rose in it. It has that rose twinge, but so far its not getting soapy on me (like rose often does). There's also another floral, and I'm guessing its carnation, since it sort of reminds me of alice. So, wet, this is strong rose and carnation with some spice underneath (nutmeg or cardamom if i had to guess). *eta* hehe, I got that without reading the description first. Go me! Drying: The rose threatens to take over, but never actually manages too. Huzzah, take that, rose! Dry: The florals become the undernotes on my skin chemistry--still rose and carnation, but so well balanced that a non-florally gal like me can adore them. In the middle, there a sweet creaminess, similar to the slight creamy/buttery foodiness I get from Shub Niggurath. (Neither blend is really foody to me at all, but that is the best way I know to describe it). And over the grounding florals and slight creaminess, I get a honeyed spicy incense sort of smell. Overall: The balance of the florals with the incense/honey/spice is superb, and I'm glad I risked the rose/florals. The effect is womanly, warm, rich, and just out and out sexy. To me this is an evening scent for a woman who can handle the attentions of many (which will no doubt be turning her way as she wafts past). For me, its an evening at home with my hubby scent.
  19. jewelbug

    Who do I email with questions? BPAL/BPTP contact info

    Just an update--after a second email, my hotmail made it through, and the lab replaced the damaged goods with their usual stellar customer service. Yay! Thanks, guys!
  20. jewelbug

    Who do I email with questions? BPAL/BPTP contact info

    Question-- I emailed customer service on April 25 about a problem with my bottled of Pinched with Four Aces (used my work account). I never got a reply, so i figured it was probably getting spam blocked or something and tried again on May 9th using my hotmail account. I have a yahoo account, too...should i try with that one? And if none of my emails seem to be getting through, what do I do then?
  21. jewelbug

    Scent for Halloween?

    On Christmas Eve I wore Talvikuu, and on Christmas day I wore gingerbread poppet. ETA: Now...what to wear on New Years? I might actually wear the White Light TAL to try to get my year off to a good start.
  22. jewelbug

    Milk Moon 2005

    This was a generous gift from Thursdae. Imp: Sweet milk. Almost like the powdered dry stuff I've been using in my facials lately. Wet: Warm liquid milky coziness. Its sweeter than cows milk, and yes, it really does make me think of breastmilk. There is a hint of distant mild florals very deep under this scent. And maybe hints of almond/coconut? But really....breastmilk. Dry: This stays true the warm milky sweetness. Its a mother's hug. Overall: I can't lie--the first time I tried this the overwhelming impression of "boob" made me a wee bit uncomfy. But I've worn it quite a few times since, and I really am amazed at how incredibly accurate and comforting it is. As far as I know no one makes essential oil de breast (I know many a lady who wouldn't enjoy that process), so Beth's ability to capture the essence so well is testament to her genious. I love this scent for a night at home, curled up reading a book. But I don't think I'd be comfortable wearing it in public. I am curious to layer it with things, since so many people here talk about that. And now that its grown on me, I'm hoping that Milk Moon 2007 captures the same feel.
  23. jewelbug

    Sweet dried grasses scents

    I don't know if you like spice, but silk road to me is spice and golden grasses.
  24. If you like Antique Lace, you'd like Wylde Ivy's White Cashmere scent.
  25. jewelbug

    Knecht Ruprecht

    Imp: I can’t explain it, but this smells JUST like my grandma’s Christmas party punch, which I think is a combo of pineapple juice, ginger ale, rum, sherbet and possibly fruit punch, and maybe some secret ingredients? No, those don’t sound like the notes in the blend, but when I sniffed this, I had a very vivid scent memory. Wet: On, this still smells “fizzy” like the punch. Very fruity like cherries and pineapple. Cherry is probably my interpretation of the almond, since I find those can be close to me. Pineapple I can’t really explain. On deeper sniff, this has a cold evergreen quality about it, and even a hint of eucalyptus depending on where it is on my skin (wrist gets it, arm doesn’t). Drying: The eucalyptus comes out more and more like cough drops, but subsides to a support note after 15-20 min. The result is a cold (still eucy) forest with fruit. At this point the sweet apple is discernable, but I can't pick out an almond. Its fun to have the fruity with the chilly woods. This is subtle, but has decent throw, because I keep getting nice wafts of it.... Overall: This lasts 7+ hrs, and wafts a cold fruitiness that I enjoy. I really wish it had kept smelling like my Grandma’s Christmas punch, but it went more cold and woodsy once I had it on. Though I enjoy it, I don’t see this working its way into my rotation. But I definitely want to keep the imp and huff it there for reminders of Christmas at Gma’s….