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Posts posted by agirlnamedfury

  1. I'm not a floral fan, but this would be lovely for people who like those kinds of blends -- it's soft, light, and quite green.


    I also just have to comment on the color of the oil in the imp -- it is the most beautiful bright pink-red hue. Gorgeous-looking, wish I liked the smell more.

  2. My boyfriend was playing around with sniffing through my box of untested imps and he LOVED this one, so obviously I had to try it out.


    This is like buttered rum... it's sweet and creamy and almost like boozy candy. Whoever said butterscotch was dead on, but there's also an almost smoky element to it.


    This isn't as overwhelmingly boozy on me as I feared it might be, it's much more of a foody scent.

  3. This is actually a nice, fresh, juicy peach... not as "baked" as I would have expected from a pie scent. I don't really get any crust or spices, or even added sugar... it's just pure, ripe, delicious peach on me.


    This would be great to wear during the summer!

  4. Very clove-y, much more than I expected. Also pine. It's like a burning forest in here, not a pumpkin patch!


    This is a bit sweet and pie-like similar to the other pumpkin patch scents once it dries down, but it is VERY sharp and bitter in the wet stage.

  5. This is slightly spiced and creamy and very baked goods-like. It's sweet, but not overly so. I do get quite a bit of tea as well.


    The pumpkin isn't super prominent here, which is good since pumpkin spices aren't really my favorite. (Who know why I keep buying them?)

  6. This is very woody with a a slight sharpness that I can't place at the wet stage, but it mellows out beautifully about 10 minutes after application. It becomes this gorgeous slightly fruity vanilla. I can definitely smell the apricots, which make this much more interesting than more generic vanilla scents.


    I was nervous about the lily of the valley, as I tend to shy away from most florals, but I don't notice that note at all.


    There's something very unusual and appealing about this...

  7. This smells like cake to me! Boooooooozy cake. There might be some tobacco or smoke in here too, or that could just be a mental association with a gross drunk uncle (not mine personally, but you know)?


    The name makes this one sound like it would be disgusting, but I'm actually kind of a fan of this one.

  8. Annihilation. The ice, desolation and barrenness of nuclear devastation shot through by a beam of radioactive mints.


    This is nice! It's definitely mint, but not overpowering... more of a subtle, herbal spearmint. There's also something almost floral about it. It's definitely cool and refreshing and unlike anything I usually reach for. Might be nice to apply in the summer as a little pick-me-up?

  9. I don't actually like this one as much as I thought I would. The lab does foody, baked-good scents SO amazingly well that they've set the bar really high and this one doesn't quite live up to my expectations. The apples are definitely there, and there's a hint of spices, but it's lacking that buttery warmth that I'm looking for from a pie scent. This is almost too... fresh? Bright? I hate to say it, but it kind of reminds me of the Febreeze Air Effects spray I use in my bathroom, which is Apple & Cinnamon scent or something like that.



    This is fine and nice, but not what I expected. I may have to test this one again while trying to set aside any preconceived notions of what it SHOULD be.

  10. I was really hoping this would be a bright cranberry on me like it sounds like on other reviewers, but this is weird and musty and sour as soon as it hits my skin. I guess I'm getting more dry old xmas garland that's been mouldering on the banister than I am cranberry. Which is... unsuccessful for me.

  11. This is... bizarre. I too was expecting it to be like Bonfire single note, which I LOVE, but this is something else completely. There's a very sharp, acrid, pine scent, with just a little bit of smoke. The smoke is actually almost foody and BBQ-like though, not really like the cinders I'd associate with a fireplace.


    This is another of those BPAL scents that I can't quite decide if I like or not.

  12. I think this is my favorite of the pie scents; the others are all too sweet for me. This one is very nutty with a hint of spice and just enough sugar. There's a slight butteriness as well.


    I don't really know if this smells that much like pecan pie to me, it's more like some kind of cookie? But that doesn't matter much, it's still a sweet, nutty, slightly spicy baked good.

  13. This review is based on a 2015 decant. I haven't tried the original.


    I love this! Spicy, fruity, and sensual. Cinnamon isn't listed as one of the notes, but I'd swear it's in there... it has that warm spiciness, and maybe some of that is from the cardamom, but that's not the first thing I'd guess. The cherry and cassis aren't as strong as I expected after the wet stage. Mostly patchouli and spice.


    Are you sure this doesn't have cinnamon in it??? It smells just like it on me, which is a GOOD THING... I adore the smell of cinnamon but have sensitive skin and have developed reactions to cinnamon/cassia blends before. It's great that this seems to work for me and my skin.



    This has a fair amount of staying power, too -- I applied it before work this morning and can still smell a hint of it more than 12 hours later. This one may be full-bottle worthy.

  14. I haven't tried the original Mme Moriarty, so this is an unbiased review without context!


    I do get the medicinal notes that I saw some other reviewers mentioned, something like cherry cough syrup. It does mellow out and become fruiter over time, and it seems like there's even a hint of spice or nuttiness.



    I'm pretty curious to try the original version and see how it differs now.
