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Posts posted by agirlnamedfury

  1. Wet: Leather. But not old, worn, dry leather -- it's soft and supple, a pair of new kidskin gloves as opposed to an old motorcycle jacket. This is actually a very subtle, earthy, skin-like scent. Doesn't seem to have much throw, either.


    Dry: This stops smelling so much like leather gloves and starts smelling a little like latex gloves. Not sure what that's about.


    I think this one isn't for me.

  2. Wet: This is certainly incense-y, but sickly sweet. It has an almost medicinal, herbal quality -- it actually smells almost exactly like some varieties of cough drops.


    Dry: This has suddenly turned to lemon-scented furniture polish on me, with a strong incense backdrop. Plus it's starting to give me a headache. Pass.

  3. Wet: Mmmm, marzipan! This is mostly sweet almonds first off. I get a little hint of cinnamon but only if I'm really looking for it.


    Dry: Still getting the marzipan-y scent, but it mellows out and gets more creamy over time. Finally getting some of the vanilla, too.


    Love this, as I love most sweet foodie scents. Possibly a big bottle?

  4. Wet: It's difficult to describe exactly what this smells like on me. Something about it is very fresh and aquatic, and there's also a green herbal quality, but it's really hard for me to pick out individual notes. I can definitely smell cassia, but it's definitely the woodsier type as opposed to a spicy cinnamon.


    Dry: It loses some of the aquatic quality and seems much woodsier, and is still mostly cassia. Still not getting the tea or much else I can identify, but I like it.



    This isn't one that I had an overwhelming reaction to, but it's pleasant. I might have to wear it a few more times before fully making up my mind.

  5. The dry woodsy-ness of this reminds me a little of Tombstone, but this is warmer and sweeter. It's almost a foody scent here -- something smells like baked goods, which is basically always my favorite thing to smell like. But it's spicy and incense-y and musky too.


    Total SEX. I will probably need a 5ml of this.

  6. Mmm, maraschino cherries. Delicious, but this didn't have much throw or staying power on me. It's incredibly sweet and could end up being too much if it was stronger, so that may be a good thing. I still love it as a fruity, fun scent though!


    Edited to add: This review refers to the 2014 version.

  7. I've only tried the 2014 version. This is definitely fruity apple for me, with a bit of spice. There's quite a bit of patchouli in it as well, and after it's dried it comes dangerously close to powder territory on me, but I still get enough whiffs of fruit for me to like it, but not completely love it (though I loved the scent in the bottle).


    Might have to try this one a few more times to be sure...

  8. My first Single Note!


    Just got this in the mail today, immediately dabbed some on a wrist, and omfg -- I'm in love. Definitely true to the name, but it's also very complex and... "foresty" for lack of a better word, not just smoky. Curious to layer this with other scents, though I'm not sure what yet.


    In any case, I can't stop sniffing this one.

  9. Wow, they really did succeed in bottling a martini. This smells just like gin. There's a pretty strong citrus note in there too, maybe a twist of lime?


    This isn't something I would wear every day, but it's fresh and bright and fun for those occasions that you can smell like booze. I don't know that I'll buy a whole bottle, but I'll be keeping the imp.

  10. In vial: Sweet and woodsy, but quite mellow. Yum.

    Once applied, though, it's much sharper. There's actually something a little medicinal about it -- I get that cooling sensation in my nostrils when I sniff the drying oil on my inner elbow, similar to menthol or eucalyptus. I wonder if that's the sassafras or balsam or something else entirely? I'm not very good at identifying notes (yet!) so I'm not sure.

    This really isn't anything like what I expected from the name or description, but I like it anyway. It's very fresh and soothing.

  11. Sexy. I don't really get any orange, it's almost pure patchouli on me, but that's okay. It gets fairly powdery on me as many scents do, but I find it less offensive here than usual.


    I actually really like this one. It sounds terrible rereading my reaction above, but whenever I wear it I feel super sultry and can't stop smelling myself, so...

  12. It took forever for me to decide whether I liked this one or not. Now I've decided I do, but I have to be in the right mood for it as with many things.


    It's very green and fresh-smelling on me, almost a laundry detergent type scent. Just a bit of citrus and not as overtly fruity as I expected it to be.

  13. This is such a simple, delicious, casual scent! I love fruity & citrus smells, so I was all set to like it, but this surpassed my expectations. It's not a very sharp citrus - more light and fruity than anything. And nowhere near cleaning supply scent like citruses can sometimes be! I suppose the fig helps to temper it a little, and make it a bit more sophisticated. I really like this one, but like other reviewers have noted it tends to fade quickly. I guess I will just have to get a 5ml and slather myself in it.

  14. I was all set to love this, based on the notes (I love honey and vanilla and gourmand scents are my favorites, and I THINK I like amber, but I'm a perfume newbie). Unfortunately, when it dries down it turns into straight baby powder on me, and I am not a fan of smelling like babies' bottoms. I've had this happen with a number of other scents but I'm still trying to nail down if it's a specific note that reacts badly on me.


    I wish this just stayed in the wet stage forever because it's sweet, delicious, and absolutely beautiful like that! But alas, it is fleeting, and then the baby-powder lasts forever and has serious throw. I'm considering going to wash my wrists off.

  15. Wow, I love this one. It's mostly molasses with a woodsy background. It's definitely sweet, but not in an innocent, teeny-bopper way - it's dark and almost boozy, like bourbon or something, and a little bit dirty. I'll be needing a 5ml of this for sure!

  16. … This oil contains the innocence of the Garden, coupled with the Truth and Erudition found in the fruit of the Tree of Evil: fig leaf, fig fruit, honeyed almond milk, toasted coconut and sandalwood.

    I got this as a frimp in my order and I am SO pleased. I was a bit hesitant about it at first, thinking it might be too green or floral (that's what I think of when I think of the garden of Eden, after all!) But this is amazingly delicious. I get mostly coconut and almond on the skin. A bit like a light, sophisticated suntan lotion with some fresh fig thrown in. It's definitely much lighter than my usual scents, so I'm astonished that I love it so much. I think I need to get a 5ml before spring comes so I can wear this every day!

  17. I got this as a frimp and was super excited to try it cause the description sounded great. It didn't really work out. This is strangely menthol-y on me, almost medicinal. I don't get apricot at all, unfortunately. Not a fan.

  18. Love this. In the bottle and wet on my skin it's all chocolate and smoky/salty bacon. One it dries, the cassia takes the forefront, mingling with the sweet milk chocolate. Unfortunately the bacon all but disappears, which is disappointing. There is still a hint of smokiness, but I would never guess it was bacon if I didn't know. If the bacon were more apparent I think this would be my perfect, unbeatable fragrance, but as it stands I still think it's pretty awesome.

  19. I just received my very first BPAL order, and decided to try Red Lantern first. In the bottle, all I smelled was delicious, sweet caramel. On my skin it's very different - barely any caramel and overwhelmed by spice. It smells almost exactly like curry powder on me, with just a hint of coconut in the background. Very unusual. I wasn't sure if I liked it at first, but it mellowed out after 5 or 10 minutes and now I love it.
