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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Merlu

  1. Merlu

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    Mmm... I've never gotten a bottle with a reducer cap. I use these for my 5ml's: http://shop.essentialsupplies.com/cgi/disp...APP45&dept=Caps They're really great!
  2. Merlu

    Three Witches

    Resurrected In the bottle: Pure cinnamon, slightly peppery. Wet, on skin: Liquefied red hots! Whoa! Dry: Now the red hot, candy kind of cinammon turns into pure a pure cinnamon, with light pepper and clove. Smells good, but would be awesome for layering.
  3. Merlu

    Pink Phoenix

    In the bottle: Gorgeous, caramelized pear, with vanilla, honey and strawberry. I love that smell, it's pretty and happy, without being too young. Wet, on skin: Not as gorgeous, starts smelling like plastic. Dry: It smells exactly like the strawberry plastic doll I had as a kid. It came with some kind of perfume, and you had to pour it in a crown it had on its head, which made it smell like plastic and strawberry candy. It's not something I want to smell like. It's sad because it smelled so perfect in the bottle... Sadly, it goes wonky on my skin. I'll try to put it in a scent locket and see how that goes.
  4. Merlu

    Red Phoenix

    In the bottle: Smells like very bitter medicine. Wet, on skin: Cassia! I had never gotten the chance to smell such strong cassia. It's like cinnamon, but warmer and more comforting. Sharp, musky cassia. Dry: The benzoin and the plum appear, toning down the cassia a bit. Someone said it has a very dark red mood, and I agree completely. "As the end of its life approached, the phoenix would build a pyre nest of aromatic branches and spices such as myrrh, sets it on fire, and is consumed by its flames. After three days the birth -- or as some legends say the rebirth -- the phoenix rises from the ashes." - from mythicalrealm.com Red Phoenix captures that moment perfectly well. First, the moment before the fire. The phoenix is standing still, with a very grave look in its eyes, and you know something important will happen soon. Then the fire, intense, as the phoenix silently lets itself burn. And the rebirth, as the phoenix rises from its ashes, stronger, wiser than ever.
  5. Merlu


    In the imp: Smells like flower stems... or a greenhouse full of green, leafy plants. Wet, on skin: The smell of wet soil and plants starts to fade, as a darker and drier earthy scent shows through. Dry: Smells very strongly like black patchouli. It smells dark and mysterious, like a lush forest at night, in which you are lost. You don't know what could happen. There are shadows everywhere. You can't see them, but you know there are evil shadows everywhere around you. You're surrounded by strange sounds. You're heart's beating, your cheeks are flushed, you're starting to sweat... Very, very dark.
  6. Merlu

    Antique Lace

    In the imp: I can barely smell anything. Very, very faint soft vanilla. Wet, on skin: Still smells awfully faint. Same as in the imp. Dry: Whoa! Instead of fading as time passes, it becomes stronger and stronger. Soft vanilla, somehow melancholic.... Smells like a young lady from a vintage picture, in her boudoir. She is wearing a long, cream colored crinoline dress, with lace and ribbons. She is wearing a pearl necklace with matching earrings, and is carefully powdering her face. She is making herself beautiful and desirable, just in case she finally meets her prince charming... she does this every day, yet he never comes... she is slowly losing hope, but still does this every single day. Very evocative. I keep getting wafts of it, hours after putting a tiny tiny drop on one of my wrists. It overpowers the 5 other scents I'm trying on, but is still not strong somehow, and it's never cloying, or sickening. It's wonderful.
  7. Merlu


    A meditation upon death. Inspired by William Cullen Bryant’s poem. A deep, solemn earthen scent containing pine, juniper and musk. Got this as a frimp, thanks Lab! In the imp: I automatically thought "vinegar rootbeer". No idea why I thought this, as it doesn't really smell like rootbeer. But it smells acidic, as if something had turned. Wet, on skin: Vicks Vaporub! As it starts drying, wood comes through, and the Vaporub starts to vanish. Dry: Not as sharp as I thought it would be. Smells like musky wood. It's like an old chest you'd find in an attic, that hasn't been opened in decades. When you open it, you find clothes in it, and they still faintly smell like the person who used to wear them, and you get wafts of old perfume mixed with wood. Smells warm and resiny... I don't get the cool, sharp pine most people seem to get from this. It stays close to the skin and does not have much throw. I still like this, although it's nothing like what I'm usually drawn to. I think I like it for the same reason I love antique objects that have belonged to someone else before. It's mysterious and makes me wonder what secrets it holds... I don't see myself wearing this much, though.
  8. Merlu

    Snow White

    2005 In the bottle: Pineapple, white flowers, herbs and snow... a little coconut. It's round and creamy and cold... but warm and comforting at the same time. Like a blanket of snow. Wet, on skin: Crap! Powder and baby wipes! I never thought I'd say this... And it has a lot of throw... It didn't completely morph into baby wipes, though. It's like a fight between the powder and the wonderful blend I could smell in the bottle... And the yummy creaminess can't keep up. Dry: The baby wipe smell is much more tame, but it's still there. Amazing staying power, I could still smell it after washing and scrubbing my wrists. Sigh... There's still hope, though. Maybe if I leave it alone for a few months, the good smell will have the time to kick the bad smell's butt. ETA: Still the same. I have never tried another blend with this much throw. And this scent, even on someone else, makes my eyes water although it smells good .
  9. Merlu


    In the imp: Oh! Smelling the imp actually made me giggle. It smells young, sweet and happy. A little girl carelessly running in a field of flowers. Wet, on skin: White roses and fruit punch. Dry: Smells sweet, like flowers, fruit, milk and honey, with a spicy kick. I keep picturing a lovely little vintage house, bright and sunny. There are flowers all around the house. A little girl lives there, good mannered and polite, wearing a flowy dress and a pink ribbon in her hair. Her mother is baking cookies in the kitchen, while the curious little girl is exploring the house, looking for hidden secret passages. This really is Alice.
  10. Merlu

    Jacob's Ladder

    In the bottle: Very soft, herbal amber, I can barely smell it. It smells a little earthy... Jacob outside, at night, laying down, slowly falling asleep. Wet, on skin: Beautiful Egyptian amber. Sweetness comes out, probably the benzoin and tonka. Yummy... Dry: This is really gorgeous. Sweet amber, but not sickenly sweet, with a little spicyness to it. It's warm, luminous and inviting, reminiscent of the Lion. The Lion is the savannah under a harsh sun, while Jacob's Ladder is glowing, ethereal light, that surrounds you without blinding you, warm but never too hot. Good staying power, and just the perfect amount of throw. It's a halo of golden light. Wonderful.
  11. Merlu

    Snow Bunny

    In the bottle: Sweet and happy girly perfume, with a cold kick, and a little pine. A young lady walking through the forest, with a pink flush to her cheeks. Wet, on skin: Sharp pine. Scares me a little. Dry: Juniper berries come out and tones down the pine. On me, the "sweet perfume" seems to disappear on my skin, leaving a very sharp, but slightly sweet pine scent. The scent stays the same, even after a few hours. Gives me a slight headache. Doesn't seem to work with my skin chemistry, but my mother loves it dearly. That's what I get for trying on her oils before she even gets the chance to!
  12. Merlu

    OP Juice

    My mother wears Ocean Pacific Juice (for women) ALL the time. So, of course, I decided I would try to find its BPAL equivalent (that would smell better) Notes listed in OP juice: "An innocent bouquet of freesia, jasmine, apple blossom, lily-of-the-valley and wild cyclamen resting on a medley of summer melons, drenched with cool morning dew. The fragrance is further enhanced by a final abundance of velvety amber and precious woods, entwined with transparent musk." I thought Moscow... but having never smelled it, I don't really know. Any recommendations?
  13. Merlu


    I hate rose. I've always hated rose. And every rose scent I've ever tried has strenghtened this opinion. And then came Beatrice. Love at first sniff. Wet on my skin, I could smell fresh, dewy roses. Not unpleasant, but roses still. Then as it dried, warm, light spices appeared, along with soft, berry-like sweetness and a hint of vanilla. Gorgeous. At first, it was faint and I thought it would disappear very quickly. But it stayed for a whole day, never overpowering, but still very present... it's as if I was surrounded by a cloud. I can't say anything that would describe Beatrice better than the story "Rappaccini's Daughter" itself. This is exactly what Beatrice would smell like. Innocent, feminine, intoxicating and poisonous, with a soft breath that smells so delicious you could die... Wow. I need a bottle.
  14. Merlu

    What Scent Is This?

    . I just got an imp of Dorian today from the lab, and it certainly does not smell like apple cider at all.
  15. Merlu


    O seems to glow on my skin. I get amber and honey, and it's sweet withought being sickening. It's sweet, warm, golden, soft... and sexy in a sweet, innocent way. It's comforting, like cuddling under a warm and soft blanket with the person you love, on a sunny, lazy day. It's a second skin scent, it's like my skin just naturally smells amazing. It lasts forever, 12 hours later I still get wafts of it. And I get more hugs than usual when I wear it. I adore O, it's simply wonderful.
  16. Merlu


    In the imp It's a sweet, aquatic scent, calm, wise and peaceful. It's like a comforting smile in a bottle. I recognize white rose. Wet, on skin Hmm... smells familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. I can still smell the white rose, and... Oh! Lychees! To me, Kurukulla exactly smells like the lychees on the rocks. And like the sweet lychee bubble tea I drink whenever I'm in Chinatown...But I guess it's just the lotus that my nose identifies to lychees. Dry: I keep picturing a pond while wearing this. It's a calm, sunny day, and tiny frogs are jumping on lily pads. It stays true to itself, has average throw, and has good staying power.
  17. Merlu

    Dia de los Muertos

    The first time I tried it, all I could smell was jasmine. In the bottle, jasmine. Wet on my skin, jasmine. Dry, jasmine. Then, much much later, I could faintly smell something else... but the jasmine was still overpowering. Then, after forgetting it in the sun for a few days ... It smelled so freaking good! In the bottle and wet on my skin, the jasmine was much more tame, and blended in with gorgeous other florals. Then, on the drydown, I got sweet tobacco, chocolate and candy, and soft flowers on a warm, sunny, beautiful autumn day. Just beautiful.
  18. Merlu


    I'm not good at picking up notes, and when I'm asked to describe a scent, it amazes me how the name of the scent does the job perfectly. Morocco simply smells like Morocco. I've never been the, but this smells exactly like the mental image I have of Morocco (okay, it's somewhat cliche, but still) : harsh sun and unbearable heat, the wind blowing dust and sand on your feet, the music of a snake charmers' flute in the background, huge bags of spices and dusty persian rugs everywhere. On my skin, all I get from Morocco is dry, dusty spices, no sweetness at all. It has a lot of throw, and its smell stays on my fingers forever every time I open my imp. Amazing, gorgeous scent, but far too dry for me.
  19. Merlu

    Scent for Halloween?

    Will go to class as the medusa tomorrow, will be wearing Kali.
  20. Merlu

    A scent like CK obsession night

    Thanks! I think I'll try those!
  21. My mother really likes Obsession night, but it makes me incredibly dizzy whenever she wears it. And being the enabler that I am, I'd like her to try a BPAL version of it. Any recs?
  22. Chelsea garden's description and list of ingredients doesn't even mention violets. Maybe my nose is funky. I can't help, really.
  23. My nose isn't developed enough to tell! But Chelsea Garden and GV have the same scent, if that can be of any help.
  24. Merlu


    Got this as a frimp. The first thing I thought when I smelled Wolfsbane is that it smelled like death. It smells exactly like what I remember my great-aunt's smelled like before she died, when I was a kid. A heavy rose scent that had been lingering around for so long that the furniture and the wallpaper smelled like it, and the scent itself seemed to have withered away. On me it's all dead roses, and it turns into baby powder after 4-5 hours. Unfortunately I hate roses with a passion. Along with baby powder.
  25. I got Coyote as a frimp and it's so cozy and comforting, I immediately reach to it when I feel sad.