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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by mel_k

  1. Initial: a blast of mint (like toothpaste).


    Dry: okay, the mint dies fairly quickly and it changes into a strong incense that is very familiar. It took me awhile to figure out where I knew that scent from: the incense the priest at the Ukrainian Catholic church I went to as a child used. Now I can't get past that association and so I can't use this anymore. It's amazing how scent ties to memory.

  2. Astrologically, this is my card (Virgo), so I was was eager to try it. For me it was a clean, herbal scent with a hint of carnation or spice (but I'm pretty sure it's carnation) that gets stronger as I wear it. It's really nice, like a clean woodsy hermit, not a crazy living under a bridge hermit.

  3. My first impression of this scent was Healing Gardens Green Tea. It smells exactly like that, and I really hate that scent (it makes me kind of nauseous). I decided to be brave and wear it anyway, and it did develop a lemonyness, but not enough to cover or change the HGGT. Too bad.

  4. Out of the bottle I can smell a little of the orange, but on me, nothing. A faint hint of vanilla, but mostly a powder-y, unknown floral-y something. Not terrible, just kind of meh, and so I don't think I'll keep it.
